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  • - Now what starts with the letter C?

  • Cookie starts with C.

  • Let's think of other things that start with C.

  • Ah, who cares about the other things?

  • ♪ C is for cookie that's good enough for me

  • ♪ C is for cookie that's good enough for me

  • ♪ C is for cookie that's good enough for me

  • Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C ♪

  • Oh, C is for cookie that's good enough for me

  • ♪ C is for cookie that's good enough for me

  • ♪ C is for cookie that's good enough for me

  • Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C ♪

  • Hey, you know what?

  • A round cookie with one bite out of it looks like a C.

  • A round donut with one bite out of it

  • also looks like a C, but it is not as good as a cookie.

  • Oh, and the moon sometimes looks like a C,

  • but you can't eat that, so.

  • ♪ C is for cookie that's good enough for me, yeah

  • ♪ C is for cookie that's good enough for me

  • ♪ C is for cookie that's good enough for me

  • Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C ♪

  • Yeah!

  • Cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C ♪

  • Oh, boy!

  • Cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C ♪

  • (Cookie Monster growls)

  • ♪ C is for cookie that's good enough for me

  • ♪ C is for cookie that's good enough for me

  • ♪ C is for cookie that's good enough for me

  • Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C ♪

- Now what starts with the letter C?


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B1 中級

セサミストリート。C is for Cookie Side by Side|#Sesame50 (Sesame Street: C is for Cookie Side by Side | #Sesame50)

  • 34 3
    Courtney Shih に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日