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Certain things spring to mind when you think about prison...
Barbed wire, tiny jail cells, bars everywhere.
Well, not in Norway.
This is Halden prison, and it's the second-largest maximum security prison in Norway.
こちらはハルデン刑務所、ノルウェーで 2 番目に大きい凶悪犯罪者を収容した刑務所です。
And it looks more like a resort than anything else.
But at 20%, Norway's recidivism rate is the lowest in Scandinavia, and one of the lowest in the world.
ノルウェーの累犯率は 20% と、スカンディナビアで最も低く、世界で最も低い国の一つです。
This is how Norway changed how we think about incarceration.
While Norway's two year recidivism rate is the lowest in the world, America's is one of the highest.
ノルウェーの 2 年の累犯率は世界で最も低い一方で、アメリカは最も高いです。
A 2014 study found 67 percent of American prisoners released in 30 states were re-arrested for a crime within three years, and 75 percent were re-arrested within five years.
2014 年の研究によると、アメリカの 30 州で釈放された犯罪者の 67% は 3 年以内に犯罪で再逮捕され、75 % は 5 年以内に再逮捕されていました。
While it is tough to make direct comparisons, Norway is doing something right when it comes to incarceration.
And it may come down to a fundamental difference in philosophy of what a prison should be.
Norway banned capital punishment in 1905.
ノルウェーは死刑を 1905 年に廃止しました。
80 years later, they did away with life sentences.
80 年後、終身刑を廃止しました。
And in 2007, a shift in thought: a focus on "restorative justice," emphasizing rehabilitation and normality over punishment.
そして 2007 年に考え方の変化が起こり、「修復的司法」に焦点を当て、刑罰より社会復帰に強調をするようになりました。
What that means is when a prisoner is sentenced in Norway, the only thing they lose is their freedom, which is symbolized by these large prison walls.
Norway has two of what have been called "The Most Humane Prisons In The World."
ノルウェーは「世界で最も人間性のある刑務所」と呼ばれる刑務所が 2 つあります。
One of them is Halden Prison, where prisoners can garden, learn to cook, and tend to animals.
その 1 つはハルデン刑務所、そこでは囚人は園芸をしたり、料理を学んだり、動物を世話したりできます。
They can also take vocational classes and prepare themselves for the outside world after they are released.
Halden holds 251 of its worst criminals, which includes rapists, murderers, and pedophiles.
ハルデン刑務所内の 251 人の凶悪犯は強姦犯、殺人犯、小児性愛者を含みます。
In America, these criminals would be punished severely, kept in a small cell for most of the day with minimal time outdoors with all of their rights stripped.
The phrase "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time" applies here.
Retribution must be swift and sure for those who decide to make a career of preying on the innocent.
America's decades-long war on crime has resulted in 159,000 people currently serving life prison sentences.
アメリカの数十年に及ぶ犯罪との闘いは結果的に現在 159,000 人の終身刑を服役している状態をもたらしました。
But in Norway, almost all prisoners are released.
The maximum sentence is 21 years.
最大刑期は 21 年です。
At the end of the term, 5 year increments can be added indefinitely if it's assessed that the prisoner has not been rehabilitated.
刑期を終える頃、囚人が更生されていないと評価されたら、さらに 5 年の刑期を無期限で追加することができます。
Even the worst offenders, like Anders Brievik, who murdered 77 people in one of the worst massacres in history, is currently serving a 21 year sentence.
史上最悪の大虐殺の一つで 77 人の人を殺害したアンネシュ・ブレイビクのような凶悪犯でさえ、今現在 21 年の刑期を服役しています。
Norway also supports prisoners after they are released: they're provided housing, employment, health care, and addiction treatment.
All of this does not come cheap.
Halden prison spends more than $93,000 per inmate per year, compared with just $31,000 on average for prisoners in the United States.
ハルデン刑務所は毎年囚人一人につき 93,000 ドルの費用を費やす一方で、アメリカの刑務所は平均でたった 31,000 ドルだけです。
But Norway incarcerates far fewer of their population.
As of 2014, just 0.08% of Norway's population was behind bars.
2014 年現在、ノルウェーの人口のわずか 0.08% しか投獄されていません。
That's 75 per 100,000 people.
それは 100,000 人のうち 75 人の計算です。
In the U.S., it's 707 for every 100,000 people or 0.7 percent.
アメリカでは 100,000 人のうち 707 人、つまり人口の 0.7% が投獄されています。
And if the United States had the same rate of incarceration as Norway, it could spend as much as Norway does per inmate and still save more than $45 billion a year.
アメリカがノルウェーと同じ投獄率であれば、ノルウェーと同じだけの費用を各囚人に費やすことができ、それでも 450 億ドル残ります。
That's the budget for the entire Department of Homeland Security.
No matter how many numbers are crunched on comparing recidivism rates, or thoughts on punishment versus rehabilitation, it comes down to how society views its prisoners.
Nelson Mandela said "It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails."
"A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but by its lowest ones."
If that's the case, Norway should be applauded for its humanity.