字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Both: This is a Japanese airport! これが日本の空港です [Rock Music] 今回は羽田空港からブログをして欲しいと So, Haneda airport invited us over to vlog and show what they have here. お誘いを受けたのですが Uh huh... And we were like "What?" 最初は正直、戸惑いました What is there to see in an airport? 何を紹介すればいいの? Okay you got... here is the security checkpoint... 「これが身体検査です」 Here's where you check in your luggage and stuff! 「手荷物はこちらです」とか? But, uh, no! Turns out 実は見所が沢山あるそうです there's a lot more to this airport than that. ここは国際線旅客ターミナルで This is the international passenger terminal. 3階へ来たらエスカレーターで上へ行ってみてください Jun: Right. この上に見所が沢山あるんです Rachel: If you're on the third floor... and you're getting ready to leave on a flight 行こうか make sure you go past that and go up the escalators because that's where all the cool stuff starts. 先ずはサーキットからです Jun: Let´s go! 今から遊びます Believe it or not there is a racetrack here, which we're going to go try right now. すげえ Jun: Whoa look at this! 大きいな Jun: This is legit! 「おじいちゃん、もっとスピード出ないの?」 Rachel: Crazy! 「安全運転が第1じゃ」 Rachel: Alright grandma, is this as fast as you're gonna go? 責任を持って運転をだな… Jun: You know what? I'm a very safe driver. 日本の交通ルールにのっとって… [Rachel laughs] サーキットでスピード出さなくてどうするのよ? Rachel: Jeez, Jun! 私の車は… Jun: I am a responsible man. 空気抵抗が少ないのはどっちだろう… Rachel: Why are you even doing this? ガチ過ぎでしょう Jun: This is how we drive in Japan alright? 黒くて見にくいけど、勝つ為よ! Rachel: Why are you even here if you're not going to take it seriously? もうクラッシュした… Rachel: Which one should I get? 記録ボードはどこ? These are the fast cars. 真剣にやってる大人はレイチェルだけっぽいね Jun: Those are the fastest. どうして同じスピードなのに、 Rachel: Which one's more aerodynamic? 私だけクラッシュするの? Jun: Damn woman, you're so serious. 納得いかないわ Rachel: This black one? It's going to be hard to see for the camera で? [demonic voice] BUT I HAVE TO WIN 納得いかないわ Alright. これはフライト・シミュレーターです Okay, I already crashed... [laughs] すごいね This is very serious. 操縦体験ができるそうです Where is the scoreboard?! 初級・中級・上級があるそうで Dang it! もちろん上級をプレイします Jun: You're the only adult here who is being savage. 墜ちないようにね No one else's car is crashing while going around the corners at the same speed that I am going at. スクリーンが多いわ Something fishy going on here. [Jun laughs] 上級だけみたい Jun: How is it? グッドラック This isn't over! 扉を閉めて下さい So here we have a flight simulator. 閉めるって Jun: That's so cool! 先に説明を読むべきだったかな Rachel: So you can get on a plane. You can fly it yourself... 「皆様、こんにちは。機長のレイチェルです」 It looks like there's easy, normal and hard mode. なんか脱線してない? Jun: Uh huh. してるっぽいね And apparently we're starting off with hard mode. 曲がれない [Jun laughs] あ、離陸しちゃった Jun: Try not to crash. Alright. Rachel: Let's do this! 行くわよ Rachel: Dude! I have extra screens! 操縦桿を… [Jun laughs] ちょ、機体の角度ヤバくない? None of -- the others don't even have all of these screens! 私はやれる Jun: Good luck! 墜ちないでね Rachel: Okay. 静かに! Jun: Rachel, shut the door! プレッシャーで墜ちるわ I'm going! これ、どういう意味?? Jun: Shut the door. 着陸するみたい I´m going... いきなりね Ah maybe I should have... read the instructions first. 皆さん、 Good afternoon passengers. 当機は無事ワームホールを通過 I am your pilot. My name is Rachel and today... 間もなくLAに到着します Jun: Captain Rachel! なお、着陸経験はありません //PREPARE FOR TAKEOFF// 死にたく人はベルトを締めな! Am I, am I going off to the side?! それが空港? Jun: I think you are. お客様、今すぐコックピットから出て I can't turn! 席に戻ってください。 Jun: Rachel, you're... [laughs] セキュリティ! Jun: AUGH! どうよ、見た!? Oh we are going up now. マジかよ [Jun laughs] 信じられん I can do this! Pull it up. Oh my god you're ... では、次 Rachel: Omg, what is it doing?! Jun: Whoaaa... no!! クールゾーン I can do this. 床が綺麗だね Jun: You're going to kill all the passengers. 光ってる。 Rachel: SHHHH!! 流石クールゾーン。 QUIET! I don't need any pressure on me right now! UFO? What do these mean? スターリーカフェに到着 Oh. I'm landing. Jun、すごいよ That was a quick flight. もう、リラックスしてきた ALL RIGHT PASSENGERS. 注文時にはライトで確認できるみたいです I BELIEVE WE WENT THROUGH SOME SORT OF TIME WARP. ショーのスケジュールが載ってる BUT WE ARE NOW LANDING IN SAN FRANCISCO. 終日やってるじゃない I'VE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE. 全部見たかったら、一日中ここに居なきゃ YOU MAY WANT TO BUCKLE YOUR SEAT BELTS. 飲み物が来ました Jun: So I guess that's the airport you're landing on. ライト、ありがとう You need to get out of the cockpit and go back to your seat, please. どう? I'm trying to land a plane. ベリーベリー(Very berry.) Jun: I can't help it, I'm- Rachel: SECURITY! 本当よ、ストレートにベリーの味 Jun: Okay... landing! 美味しいわ Rachel: I'm... 2時間位のショーを2回上映してるのかな //ONE HUNDRED// 乗り継ぎで時間が余ってる人なんかはゆっくり堪能できそう //40, 30, 20, 10// 今見た中で一番好きだったのは Check that landing! 旅するぬいぐるみかな Jun: You actually landed safely? 迷子になったぬいぐるみの話で Look at that. とても可愛かったです Jun: No way! Engrishもあったけど Duh! では次 [Jun laughs] 日本を出る前に、可愛いものを買い逃した人は Jun: Alright, let's go.. ホットゾーンがおススメです Jun: Cool zone. アザラシ、大好きなんですけど Jun: This floor is cool. 何これ、超可愛い Rachel: Look at the floors! They are lighting up. This is actually really cool. 自宅には今スペースがないけど、 Jun: Yeah. いつか買い揃えるわ Jun: Is that a UFO? しろたんいっぱい Jun: Starry Cafe. Wooh! どれか使い道ないかしら?欲しい Jun! This is so cool! パンダと合体してる Jun: Wow. ミツバチもある Rachel: What? それが一番好きかも Jun: This is really pretty. ビーシロタン I feel so relaxed right now. ここは色々なキャラクターのグッズを扱っています We have a light [laughs] so that we can see the menu. HAIKARAです Jun: Cool. ポケモン、ドラえもん、 They've a list of their shows. ジブリもあるね Jun: Oh, nice! あ、ジジがいる Rachel: There are so many different shows. この花瓶、欲しい Jun: Yeah. 可愛いね You have to stay here all day to watch them all. 橋の上にダースベイダーがいる Jun: You got your drink! 藤も描いてある Rachel: Yeeeaaah! Thanks for lighting it up with the flashlight. 日本の橋に立ってるね Jun: How is it? 見て、この侍ヨーダ Very berry. 侍マスターヨーダ No, it's actually- 絵馬の自販機なんて初めて見た As you would expect of Japan, it's just actual berry flavor. ホントだ It's good. 絵馬は、こんな感じの木の板で [Music] 神社なんかで祈願する時に奉納します Okay, so they actually have, like, two-ish hours of shows. つまり So if you're here you can sit down for a while and watch a bunch of different things. 見たければ、他人の祈願も見れます それはマナー違反だから(笑) Um, My favorite so far was the . . . ここのはフライトチケットみたいで [tabisuru nuigurumi] 安全な旅を祈って、 Rachel: There's a stuffed animal who got lost. Separated from his owner. It is really cute. 旅程を書くこともできるみたいです Jun: Yeah. 今から、早速やります Rachel: And there's surprise Engrish at the end. [laughs] そういえば、絵馬を奉納するのは初めてかも Jun: It's cute. 初めて? Let´s go.. あなた、本当に日本人なの? If you weren't able to get all of the, like, cute Japanese stuff you wanted to buy 神頼みはしない人間ですが、 before you left, 羽田は頼りにしています this is where you should come... because look at this... look, look ... 変なの Jun: Hot Zone. 絵馬はどこ? They have a whole store for this seal! I love this seal. HE'S SO CUTE. こっち側? Jun: Shirotan. 何てスマートなの、私達 Rachel: Oh my god this is so cute! ドアが開くみたいです We don't have enough room in our apartment for a giant seal アメリカでは願いを他人に見せると叶わないので、 but in the future... オフレコで [Jun laughs] どうしても見たい方は羽田空港までお越しください Jun: Whoooa, so many Shirotans... 盗み見たい方は、羽田まで Rachel: Oh my god it's so cute... 分かりやすく、Junが猫の絵を描きました What do you think we could use? 見つけられるか、挑戦です Look at the panda-seal. 絵馬の隣は、日本橋です [Jun laughs] 江戸時代から交通の要所だった日本橋ですが Rachel: This is like too much. Oh my God. IT'S A BEE-SEAL! ここ羽田空港の日本橋は世界の旅へ向かう日本の起点という意味が込められているそうです Oh my god! さあ、旅へ行こう(出国カウンターへ) Jun: I like that one the best. 下の受付フロアからも橋が見えるね Look he's a bee. 何で今まで気付かなかったんだろう For like every other anime or whatever 江戸図屏風も壁に描かれています there's this general character shop, Haikara. 日本版ウォーリーを探せみたい So they got pokemon, they got Doraemon. 夕焼けが綺麗だね Over there's Ghibli stuff... 今なら富士山見えるかな? Jun: Oh, yeah. Oh, I see Jiji! 天気が良いと見えるそうです Jun: Rachel... 今日は曇天なので見えなかったですが Rachel: Yeah? どこだろう? Jun: I want this flower vase so bad. あの辺のどこか Rachel: Isn't it really cute? ここにも桜がある Jun: It is cute. ライトアップされてる Rachel: Dude! Look! It's Darth Vader and a Japanese bridge. ここは橋の下です Jun: [voice cracks] What? 本物の花見もできます Rachel: With wisteria. あ、桜の香りがする Jun: Oh! 本当だ、良い香り Jun: It really is. 空港で花見ってのも乙だね Jun: Amazing. 5階の散策が終わったので、次は4階の江戸小路です Jun: Wait, he's standing on the "Nihonbashi" isn't he? でも、その前に Rachel: Look at yoda. He's like a samurai. 浴衣に着替えます Jun: He makes a great samurai, I'm sure. ここが江戸小路です Jun: This is the first time I've ever seen ema vending machine. 文字通り、江戸がテーマの通りです Rachel: An ema vending machine! 春なので、桜がそこら中にあります Jun: So, ema are like these "wooden plates" like these... 綺麗 Jun: You normally see these at the shrine and then you write your wishes and then... 提灯もある Jun: wish for them to come true. 空港には見えないね Rachel: Yeah! So if you want to be a creeper you can totally come up here... これ、しゃぶしゃぶ? Jun: Hey! Don't do that! うん、しゃぶしゃぶ Rachel: ...and read other people's wishes. 空港でしゃぶしゃぶ食べられるの? Rachel: And they're really cute! うん Rachel: They look like airport boarding passes ... ガイドによると羽田空港には豪華な食事ができるレストランもあり Jun: Uh huh? 帰国前に食べ忘れた日本食も食べられます。 Rachel: ...and apparently you can write your itinerary on these 吉野家もありますが、国会議事堂店で限定の牛重も羽田空港店にはあると聞きました Rachel: so that you can wish for having a safe flight. とにかく、美味しい食事も堪能できるみたいです Jun: And a fun trip. Yeah. しゃぶしゃぶもありますしね Rachel: We're going to do this now!. 空港でしゃぶしゃぶって何? Jun: TA!! さっき見た桜だね Jun: Oh, hey, actually this is the first time for me to buy ema. 空港で花見なんていかがですか? Rachel: Ever? あそこで寝転がってもいいかな? Yeah, ever! 実際、この奥に入る許可も得てるけどね Rachel: What kind of Japanese person are you? What are you even saying? 荷物は桜の後ろにあります I didn't... I'm an atheist 撮影班の特権ね But I trust in Haneda. ピザもある Rachel: Okay, okay, what? You weirdo. もちろん Jun: How does it work? え、これ焼肉? Rachel: Yeah... where did it go? 焼肉です Jun: They don't come? 顔、顔 Rachel: Where is it? Does it come over here? Cause we have to sign it? No. 恵比寿チャンピオン Rachel: Where is it? 空港で焼肉って Jun: Oh, wait! A-5?すごくない? Jun: Ohhh! ここは人気有名店のラーメン屋です Rachel: Omg it opens. Ok well. We're very smart, you guys. 一度行ってみたかったんだよね [Jun laughs] 昼時に来たら長蛇の列で Rachel: There was a door that opens. 空港のお店で1時間待ちって何なの? Rachel: So, I'm going to write my wish on this. 今回はこんな感じです Rachel: In America you're not allowed to tell other people what your wish is or it won't come true. 空港外へ行く方は Rachel: So ... [serious voice] you guys don't get to know. Ha ha! 電車・バスが出ていますのでアクセスも楽です If you come to Haneda airport. 羽田空港は大田区にあります You can look for the Rachel and Jun ema... 明日、周辺の見所を撮影しに行くので [Jun laughs] よければセカンドチャンネルをご覧ください ...and read what it was. ご視聴、ありがとうございました Jun: Yeah, please come to Haneda airport to just peek on our wishes! Okay, this is our ema. Rachel and Jun, and Jun drew a little kitty on it. Come and find it if you can! [creepily] Ha ha ha ha ha.... Next to the ema is "Nihonbashi"... The original "Nihonbashi" was a bridge in Tokyo during the Edo period that everyone would have to cross to really travel anywhere else in Japan so it was, like, the starting point of a journey, hence why they have "Nihonbashi" here in the airport as the starting point of your journey. Jun: All right. Let's go places! Rachel: So, I guess you can see the bridge from all of the check-in counters ... Jun: Cool! Rachel: ... down there. Jun: Yeah! Rachel: I don't know why I never thought to look up. Jun: These are the pictures from edo period. Rachel: Edo period pictures? Jun: Yeah. Rachel: These look like the Japanese version of "Where's Waldo?" Jun: The sunset is beautiful. Rachel: Do you think we can finally see Mount Fuji? Apparently you can see Mount Fuji... ...from over here. Somewhere. Jun: I don't know. Yeah. Rachel: But it was raining today, so it's kind of cloudy. Rachel: And I don't know where it's supposed to be. Jun: Somewhere over there. [singsong] More cherry blossoms! Jun: Well, these are also lit up too! Rachel: And here's the underside of this bridge, and you can, like, sit here and just chill. Jun: Whoa! I can smell the sakura. Rachel: It does smell really nice. Jun: Yeah, it smells real nice. You can actually sit there and enjoy. So we just finished exploring the fifth floor and now we're down on the fourth floor to explore the Edo koji street but before that We have to change into yukata! [soft music] Here we are, this is Edo Koji and the Kanji says "Edo" means "Edo period" and "Koji" is street. Jun: So it's literally "Edo-street". Rachel: And right now because it's spring they have cherry blossoms everywhere! Jun: It's literally all over the airport. Rachel: It's beautiful! Yeah! They have lamps everywhere, it's so cute. Jun: It doesn't look like the airport at all. Rachel: Is this ... is this shabu shabu? Jun: Yeah, it is shabu shabu. Rachel: No! So you can get shabu shabu in the airport? Jun: Yeah. Rachel: Okay, so one of the things they told us is that they actually have a lot of really high quality restaurants here. So if you forget to try all of the japanese food that you wanted to try during your visit in Japan you can come look here. Jun: Mm-hmm. Even Yoshinoya which is like a fast food chain. Jun: Beef bowl, yeah. Beef bowl ... They have a really special menu here that they only have here or in like the other nicest Yoshinoya that's specifically for politicians to use and stuff like that... Jun: Right. It's like the fancy one. So you can get the really fancy stuff here And they even have shabu shabu which is crazy. Shabu shabu in an airport! [laughter] Jun: That's the cherry trees we saw just earlier. Rachel: Yes. Jun: Don't you just wanna do hanami at the airport? Rachel: I just want to, like, crawl up in between them and lay down and have a picnic. Doesn't that seem nice? Jun: We actually got a permission to go inside this. Rachel: That's where all of our stuff is. Our stuff is on the inside. Ha ha! We're special! A pizza? Jun: Of course. Rachel: Japanese pizza. Dude wait is this yakiniku? Jun: This is yakiniku. [Jun laughs] Jun: Your face! Jun: It's called "Ebisu Champion". Rachel: They have yakiniku at the airport! Dude! It's like super high quality. Jun: And that is the ramen store that's really popular and famous. Jun: This is the ramen store I really wanted to go so bad. We wanted to come here for lunch... ...but the line was already an hour long. Jun: It was insanely long. There's an hour long wait at a restaurant in the airport. So that's it for Haneda today. If you have any extra time while you're here and you want to leave to the airport... There are trains and buses that connect here so you can easily get pretty much anywhere in Tokyo. Haneda airport itself is Ota ward, which we're going to be exploring tomorrow. Right. So we'll be uploading a vlog video on that on our vlogging channel if you want to see what kind of places they have near the airport. Anyway, thank you guys for watching and we'll see you later. BYE!
B1 中級 日本語 米 江戸 日本 見所 ベリー ゾーン ヨーダ 日本の空港です。 (This is a Japanese airport) 73 3 Erina Hagi に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語