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Fun at the fair
today Peppa and her family are at the funfair
snort, slidy slidy, giggles George
George wants to go on helter skeltor, says daddy pig
Daddy Pig and George head off to the helter skeltor
Okay, see you later see you later
roll up! roll up! cries Miss Rabbit
hook a duck and win a giant teddy
I'll try to win one for you peppa, says Mummy Pig
but I don't think it's that easy
it's impossible, laughs Miss Rabbit
We'll see about that, cries Mummy Pig
Roll up, Roll up hook a duck and win a giant teddy
Mummy can we have a go? okay
Mummy Pig has hooked a duck
Hooray!! cheers Peppa
That's amazing, cries Miss Rabbit
Here's your giant teddy
Wouldn't you like a little teddy instead peppa?
No way, giggles Peppa happily
Hooray!!! That's amazing! Here's your giant teddy
George and Daddy Pig are at the helter skeltor
Hmmm It's a bit high George
Are you sure you want to have a go?
asks Daddy Pig
George giggles and runs up the stairs to the top
It's a bit too high
and George starts to cry
Don't worry George, I'll come up with you says Daddy Pig
one pound please!! one pound??? It's all for a good cause
Heehee Weeeee, cries George
sliding all the way down the helter skeltor
now George is having too much fun to be scared
it is a bit high, says Daddy Pig nervously
Daddy Pig is more scared than George
Oops!! Daddy Pig slips down the slide
Women are useless at this
What did you say?
says Mummy Pig crossly
She picks up the bow and arrow and aims
roll up roll up!! hit the target and win a giant teddy
you can do that easily Mummy
Whoosh!! the arrow hits the target right in the middle
Mummy Pig wins again
cries Mister Labrador
here's your teddy
Hooray!! cheers Peppa
Now she has two giant teddies
Daddy Pig and George are riding on the big wheel
George loves it
but Daddy Pig is a little bit scared
this wheelie is high, says Daddy Pig
is the big wheel go round and round
heehee!! snorts and giggles George
Daddy Pig and George find Peppa and Mummy Pig
hit this button with a hammer, says Mr.Bull
if the bell rings, you win a prize
I'll have a go, says Daddy Pig
stand back
I think you're abit wobbly from the big wheel, says Mummy Pig
Do be careful Daddy Pig, you're not that fit
I'm strong, I'll have a go
HO HO!! laughs Mr.Bull
Daddy Pig is looking a bit shaking
What? says Mummy Pig crossly give me that hammer
Mummy Pig hits the button as hard as she can
the bell rings loudly
ding ding ding
goodness me
I've never seen anything like it
Everyone is very impressed
Mummy Pig wins all the giant teddies at the fair
Hooray!! cheers Peppa
and she gives all her friends one giant teddy bear each
Hooray!!! everyone cheers
we love funfairs