字幕表 動画を再生する
"Learn something interesting about the town you are in from a local."
Local: Ahh, hi!
Chris: Good morning!
Local: Good morning!
Chris: How are you?
[Fog horn blares in distance]
My favourite thing in Japan ever.
Grilled meat on a skewer.
皆さんおはようございます 再び「日本縦断の旅〜終わりのない自転車旅行〜」 のお時間です
[Groovy intro music]
Good morning guys, and welcome back to Journey Across Japan: Never Ending Cycle of Despair
なんと ここ
Look at this bridge!
Oh my God. This.
I cycled over this yesterday.
昨日はホント凄まじい日でした 瀬戸内海に架かるしまなみ海道のサイクリング
4,050 metres of glory.
Yesterday was one hell of a day, I cycled the Shimanami Kaido straight across the Inland Sea of Japan.
理由は一つ 道中の美しい景色です
It was probably my favourite day of the trip so far,
前の動画をぜひチェックしてください 日本一 美しい地を見たい方は是非
just because of the scenic views along the way.
I highly recommend you go back and check it out, if you wanna see the most beautiful place in all of Japan.
その名は 日本一有名な温泉に加え
So today, we're cycling to Mastuyama City.
山に堂々 築かれたお城が
A city famous for having the best known onsen in all of Japan,
街の中心部にあることで知られています ですからきっと素晴らしい
as well as a castle majestically placed on a mountain
さて 今日のデイリー・チャレンジの時間です
in the centre of the city, and thus it must be very good.
皆さんからの挑戦状が アンパンマンの頭に詰められていて
Okay, it's time for today's daily challenge.
These are challenges sent in by you guys, and stuffed in to Anpanman's head.
Today's challenge is...
ripped in to pieces!
いいね 多分簡単だよ
Learn something interesting about the town you are in from a local.
松山に着いたら 地元の人を見つけるだけ
Cool, that's an easy one I think.
ああ マジで
Just gotta try and track down a local when we get in to Matsuyama
足がホント硬い 昨日の異様に長いサイクリングのせいで
Arrrrgh, God.
今朝起きた時 立ち上がろうとしたら うつ伏せで落ちたよ
My legs are so stiff from yesterday's incredibly long cycle.
離れたくないな 皆さんも目の前にいい景色が
When I got out of bed this morning, I sort of stood up, and just fell over on my face.
広がってたらね これ程のね
I really don't wanna go. Do y'know when you have a view before you
一日 そこで立ってたいと思うはず
that looks well, looks as good as this.
You just wanna stand there all day.
I've already been here 30-40 minutes,
でも行かなきゃ これは「日本縦断の旅」 立ち尽くしてるなんて贅沢はダメ
and I just don't wanna move.
But we've gotta go, this is Journey Across Japan, there's no time for such luxuries as standing around.
We've got a cycle to finish. [Bike bell rings]
日本で大きさ4番目の島 四国に到着後
To Matsuyama!
ここでは 僕の滞在は短くて
Having arrived in Shikoku, Japan's fourth largest island,
my time here is somewhat short lived.
島の最大の街 松山を探索したら
I'm here for just one day.
夕方には フェリーで内海を戻り 広島の街へ帰ります それで
To explore the island's largest city of Mastuyama.
大事なことは最初に ここで イケてない英国男子と 夕方まで 松山を回ってくれる人を見つけなきゃ
Before my journey by ferry this evening takes me back over the Inland Sea, and in to the city of Hiroshima.
おお… ほら
But first thing's first. I need to find a local willing to drag a dishevelled British guy around Matsuyama for the rest of the day.
今 僕はビーチ全体を独り占めしてる 誰一人いない
Oh wow. Look at that.
ああ 二人と犬を除いて… あそこの…
So I've got an entire beach to myself, there's not a single person on it.
Ahh, except for two people and a dog... over there...
ここ数年 沖縄には行ってませんが だいたいこんな感じ
It feels like I'm in Okinawa again.
じゃあ 松山市を案内してくれる人 誰か見つけなきゃ
I haven't been to Okinawa in 2 or 3 years, but this is kinda what it looked like.
So guys, I've gotta try and find someone to show me around Matsuyama city.
日本では 物事は勝手には起こりません みんな事前に何かしら計画を立ててる
Uhh, a local... that's gonna be difficult.
でも確かなのは 僕の日本人の親友 亮太郎が
In Japan, things don't happen spontaneously. They always require some kind of element of forward planning.
彼が最近まで松山にいて ここにたくさん知人がいるらしい
But what I do know, it my good Japanese friend Ryotaro.
だから彼に電話して 彼の同僚なり友達なり誰か 僕の 案内を引き受けてくれそうな人が いるか聞いてみます
He was recently in Matsuyama, and I know for a fact that he knows lots of people 'round it.
うん よし かけるよ
So I'm gonna give him a call and see if he knows a colleague, or a friend, or anybody around there who might be willing to show my around for the day.
Uhhhh, okay here we go.
「ああ…ああ まだ生きてる」
Good morning, Ryotaro! How are you?
「いきなりだけど 今日松山市を案内してくれる人 探してるんだ それがデイリー・チャレンジでさ」
Yeah... yeah, I am still alive.
「松山でガイドしてくれそうな人知らない? 偉大で立派なユーチューバーを?」
I'll cut to the chase. I'm looking for somebody to show me around Matsuyama city today, it came up as one of the daily challenges.
「え ああ 僕が偉大で立派なユーチューバー」
Do you know anybody in Matsuyama who might be interested to show around a great and respected YouTuber?
Y-yeah, I am the great and respected YouTuber, yes.
When do I want them to show me around?
「違う 真面目に」
No, I'm not joking.
マツヤマは「松の山」という意味 50万もの人々が暮らしています
それでも 日本にあるバカでかいメガシティに 比べれば ずっとゆったりした雰囲気
Mastuyama meaning Pine Mountain, is home to half a million people.
典型的なのが路面電車 通りをくねくね進みます
But compared to Japan's ridiculous never ending mega-cities, it's got a far more laid back atmosphere.
Epitomised by the street cars calmly snaking their way through the streets.
街へ繰り出すと まず お祭りの最中で
It's the back drop of the traditional architecture.
地元グルメを売る人たちで 通りは賑わいを見せています
As I roll in to town, I not only find the city has a festival going on,
さらに 驚いたことに 亮太郎が折り返し電話をくれ
with the streets bustling with vendors selling regional dishes,
松山で 僕と会って一日案内してくれる人を 手配してくれていました
but also to my amazement, Ryotaro get's back to me
信じられないほど 実に思いがけない幸運です
having arranged for someone to meet me in Matsuyama and show me around for the day.
そして私は その人と勝山(城山)の頂上にある 松山城で会う約束をしました
It's an incredible and admittedly rare stroke of good luck
皆さんどうも 「リフトで海外生活(Abroad on a Chairlift)」です
and I arranged to meet my contact at Matsuyama Castle, on the summit of Mount Katsuyama, in the heart of the city.
ええ いま僕らは松山城に向かっています 五 六百年前にも行われたであろう伝統的方法でね
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to Abroad on A Chairlift.
当然 江戸時代にも これが山をのぼる唯一の方法だったわけ
Uhh, we're currently going up to Matsuyama Castle in the traditional way they would have done 500 - 600 years ago.
それで今から 山頂で 亮太郎の 学生時代の友人 かずに会いに行きます
Of course, this was the only way to ascend mountains back in the Edo era.
So we're meeting Ryotaro's ex-school friend, Kazu, at the top of the mountain.
松山城周辺 道後温泉 有名な温泉ね で どっかでランチ
She's gonna give us a tour for the rest of the day,
なので ほぼ全て彼女次第
around Matsuyama Castle, Dōgo Onsen the famous onsen, and somewhere for lunch.
ついに来ました 松山城
So, it's all very much in her hands.
市街地から132 mの高さ
There we have it, Matsuyama Castle.
132 m above the city.
かずがみかんを食べて待ってるってことだけ わかってる 松山の地元グルメね
Feel like I'm in a spy film.
「コードワードは?」 「ミカン」
The only way we know how to meet, is that she's eating oranges, 'cause it's the local dish of Matsuyama.
「かず?」 「あ!どうも!」
What's the code word? Oranges.
「おはようございます! 」 「おはよう!」
Chris: Kazu? Kazu: Ah! Hi!
Chris: Good morning! Kazu: Good morning!
「あら⁉︎どうもです! 宜しく!」
Chris: How are you?
Kazu: I-I'm okay?! Hi!
「ええ いくつか欲しい?」
Chris: Enjoying some oranges?
Kazu: Yeah, do you want some?
「はじめましてですね」 「ええ はじめまして」
Chris: I'd love an orange.
こちらがかず 亮太郎の友人です! 同じ学校に通ってたんですね
Chris: Nice to meet you though. Kazu: Yeah, nice meeting you.
Both: Hajimete mashite! Yoroshiku onegai shimasu! (Nice to meet you for the first time!)
Chris: This is Kazu, she's a friend of Ryotaro! They went to school together.
「いい先輩ね 最後に亮太郎にあったのはいつ?」
What do you think of Ryotaro?
Kazu: He's a nice senpai.
「3年前か…僕は5日前に会いました ああ すごく楽しかった」
Chris: He's a nice senpai. When was the last time you saw Ryotaro?
「それで 今日は来てくれて感謝です 松山の短いツアーしてくれるってことで 広島行くまでね あまり時間ありませんが」
Kazu: Maybe 3 years ago?
Chris: 3 years ago. I saw him 5 days ago. Ahh, it was fun that was.
「実は週一で 運動のために来てるわ」
Anyway, thanks for meeting us today, thanks for giving us a little tour of Matsuyama before we head to Hiroshima. We don't have much time.
How often do you come up here to Matsuyama Castle?
Kazu: I actually come here once in a week, for exercise.
Chris: Once a week?!
「ええ ちょっと歩くだけ 丘の上をね」
Kazu: Yeah, once a week! Why not?
Chris: You come all the way up here?
「リフトに乗って来るだけで大変でした リフトに座ってるだけで疲れるのに 132mの山のお城まで歩くなんて」
Kazu: Yeah, it's only a little walk, walk up the hill.
「どう?」 「すごく美味しい すごくジューシーで」
Chris: 132 metres of walk.
Chris: Right, I had trouble getting up the chairlift. I was tired sitting on the lift let alone walking up 132 metre mountain to a castle really.
「今 その夢が叶いました」
Kazu: How is it? Chris: It's really good. Very juicy.
先に言っておくと 僕はそこまで 城とか そもそも日本史のことは知りません
It's always been my dream to sit out front of Matsuyama Castle eating an orange,
それでも いつもお城を観るようにしているのは
and now that dream has come true
Now I'll be the first to admit, I'm not really in to castles, or Japanese history in general.
松山城は 四百年の間 勝山に立っていました
Yet I always make an effort to visit them due to the fact that castles
are often placed in stunning parts of natural environments.
For 400 years, Matsuyama Castle stood on Mount Katsuyama.
街の最高点にあり 難攻不落の城として 敵からは守られたようですが
Although like all good Japanese castles,
雷の格好の的となり 1784年の元日に落雷を受けました
Although like all good Japanese castles, it got burned down.
幸いにも 1800年代に再建され
Being the highest point in the city may have kept the impregnable fortress safe from enemy troops,
今日では 全国の城の中でも有数の 息を呑む光景が目下に広がります
but it also made it an easy target for lightening. Which struck on New Year's Day 1784.
「眺めがいい!」 「眺めがいい!」
Fortunately though, they rebuilt in the 1800's.
Today, it commands one of the most breathtaking views of any castle in all of Japan.
ええ 360°の景色 街も あっちは山も
Kazu: View is nice! Chris: View is nice!
そして海 瀬戸内海が向こうの方に
Kazu: The ocean view.
だから 街のスケール感がよく分かります
Chris: Yeah you've got the 360° view. You can see the city and thee mountains that side,
and the sea, the Inland Sea, in that direction.
「そう そこを超えちゃダメ」
So, gives you a real sense of scale of the city.
Kazu: Entry is strictly prohibited.
「もし そこを超えると...
Chris: Yeah, you're not allowed to go past that point.
いい事はない 確実に」
Kazu: Yeah...
「ホント - 本当に心地いい 本当に平和的」
Chris: If you do go past that point...
「城壁でリラックスねぇ」 「うん 落ち着く 禅の気分」
it wouldn't end well that's for sure.
Kazu: So - so comfortable. So peaceful here.
ええ…上からの眺めは 禅かもしれませんが
Chris:Relaxing in the castle walls. Kazu:Yeah relaxing, feeling zen.
垂直な木製はしごを踏み外すのは 全然違います
Chris: Zen. [Both laugh]
おいおい 本気で怖い
Yeeahhh, while the view from the top may be zen.
最高に馬鹿げてる この階段 あと それを撮ろうとしてる事実
Falling down the vertical wooden ladders on your way down, certainly isn't.
皆さん このお城に来るなら 実質 はしごの 上り下りが必要だと 知っておいて
Oh my God, these are so scary.
「クリスは何で死んだの?」 「松山城の階段で撮影中に...」 愚か者だ
I don't know what's more ridiculous. These stairs, or the fact I'm attempting to film it.
松山の周辺一帯は 国内最大級のみかんの出荷地
If you come to the castle guys, bear in mind you will have to go up and down basically a ladder.
それは まるでこの地に取り憑いたよう
"How did Chris die?" On the stairs of Mastuyama Castle whilst filming it... idiot.
お城前の蛇口を見れば それが誇張じゃないとわかります
The region around Matsuyama is one of the largest exporters of oranges in the country.
With the fruit becoming something of a local obsession,
これ みかんジュースの蛇口
and the tap out the front of the castle would suggest that is not an exaggeration.
松山では 蛇口から出てくるのは 水ではなく みかんジュース
'Mandarin orange juice from a faucet!"
「かず 会ってから40分くらいだね」 「ええ?」
So it's an orange juice tap.
「印象を言うと 本当にみかんが好きじゃない?」 「ええ みかん大好きよ」
In Matsuyama it's not water that comes out of the taps, it's orange juice.
「会った時からみかん食べていて 今はみかんジュース… まあ…カンパイ!」
So Kazu, I'm known you 'bout 40 minutes. Kazu: Mhmm?
「何がきっかけで… なぜ - なぜ…みかんジュースが?」
Chris: I get the impression you really like oranges. Kazu: Yeah, I love oranges.
「蛇口から?」 「うん」
Chris: Because I met you and you were eating oranges, and now we've got orange juice, so... Both: Kampai! (Cheers!)
「愛媛県民は水よりみかんジュース飲むって 実際思われてて」
Chris:What's the story of... why - why... why orange juice?
「かずもそうなの?」 「そうね...」 「本当!?」
Kazu: From the tap? Chris: Yeah.
「実は ずっと前に オレンジジュースを飲むのを やめてたんだ 歯に悪いと思ってね」
Kazu: So, people believe here people drink orange juice more than water.
「だって 酸性だし…」
Kazu: So, people believe here people drink orange juice more than water. Chris: Wow
「でも 今日は例外」 「うん」
Chris: Do you drink more orange juice than water? Kazu: Yeah... Chris: Really?!
「じゃ このおいしいみかんジュースを 飲み終えたら昼食かな」 「うん!」
Chris: I actually stopped drinking orange juice a long time ago, 'cause I was worried about my teeth being destroyed.
「では お勧めは?」 「お祭りやっているし屋台飯でも...
'cause it's so like... acidic...
あとオレンジジュースを追加で!」 「あと またオレンジジュースを追加! これだけじゃ足りない!」
But, I'll make an exception today. Kazu: Mhmm?
朝 祭りを通る時 出ていたものを見ましたが
Chris: So we're gonna finish this delicious orange juice then maybe get some lunch. Kazu: Yup!
Chris: So what do you recommend? Kazu: There's a main festival going on, so we can have some street food...
「すごい賑わいじゃない?」 「ホント」
and get orange juice again! Chris: And more - get orange juice again!' cause this isn't enough!!
「焼き鳥 どのくらいよく食べる?」
Having passed through the festival earlier, and seen what was on offer,
there's only one dish I've had on my mind all morning.
「あと 僕ほどでもない! 毎週一回は食べてます」
Chris: It's so busy isn't it? Kazu: Yeah, it is!
焼き鳥の素晴らしさは 料理のシンプルさにあります
Chris: How often do you eat yakitori?
ジューシーな鶏肉のカットが 炭火でじっくり華麗に焼かれ
Kazu: Not as much as I go to Matsuyama Castle.
熱々の肉の香りが 通り中を漂い 人々を魅了します
Chris: And not as much as I do! Which is every week at least.
The key to yakitori's brilliance is the simplicity of the dish.
それは塩で味付けするか 甘いタレにあえるか
Cuts of juicy chicken grilled slowly and elegantly over a charcoal grill
with the scent of the sizzling meat drifting across the street to entice you over.
There's only one decision you need to make.
If you want it seasoned with salt, or marinated with sweet tare sauce.
ああクソ 入れてやる
My own preference being salt,
「よし 焼き鳥 いただきます!」 「うん」
as I'm already sweet enough.
Can't put that in.
一番シンプルなものと言ってもいい 串焼きの肉を塩で味付け
Ahh, fuck it, I'll put it in.
Chris: Alright, yakitori. In we go! Kazu:Yaayyy, yakitori!
「すごいジューシー 6本しかない 足りないかも」
Chris: My favourite thing in Japan ever.
It's basically the simplest of things. Grilled meat on a skewer flavoured with salt.
Kazu: Itadakimasu! (Thank you for the meal!)
「食べるの速すぎ!」 「そんな? 空腹でさ 今日あまり食べてないんだ」
Chris: So juicy. We only got 6. I fear it's not enough.
「午前が長かった… サイクリングに お城の登り… 鶏が必要な訳ですよ」
Kazu: It's enough.
Chris: Hah, for you maybe.
焼き鳥を食べるときの唯一のアドバイスは 串を食べたらお店から即離れろってこと
Kazu: You east so fast! Chris: I eat so fast? I'm hungry. I haven't eaten much today.
じゃないと すぐまた食べたくなって 大事なダイエットを放り出す羽目に
Chris: It's been a long morning... Cycling, climbed up a castle, I need my chicken.
Ahh, it's so good!
My only advice when eating yakitori is to get the hell away from the stand once you've eaten your skewers.
Otherwise, it won't be long before you're back for more, throwing you precious diet out the window.
三千年の歴史があります 建物自体は1893年に建てられました
Kazu: Ta-da! Dōgo Onsen!
不名誉にも 名声を得たのは 宮崎駿の映画 『千と千尋の神隠し』の後
Spirited Away!
女の子が温泉に浸っているシーン それはこの場所 ここからインスピレーションを得たんです
Chris: So Dōgo Onsen is actually one of the oldest hot springs in all of Japan.
It's 3,000 years old. Although the building itself was built in 1893.
それと素晴らしい建築 ほら
Infamously immortalised in the film Spirited Away, by Hayao Miyazaki.
道後温泉が 宮崎駿のような芸術家に影響を与えた訳は
There's a scene where the girl's soaking in a hot spring. It's this place, inspired by here.
中に入って仲間の入浴者と 廊下の迷路で迷子になれば 難なくわかります
That's kind of why it's so popular.
たった410円で 有名な神の湯に 1時間ほど浸かることができます
That and the incredible architecture, I mean, look at it.
It's not hard to see why Dōgo Onsen has inspired artists such as Hayao Miyazaki
背景には おしゃれな伝統的石造り
when you step inside and get lost in the labyrinth of corridors, alongside fellow bathers.
入浴後には スパにある多くの部屋の どこかに入り 抹茶でリラックスできます
For just ¥410 visitors can soak for up to an hour in the famous Kaminoyu Bathhouse.
かずと僕は そのうちの一つへ
The tranquil sound of the continuously flowing alkaline spring.
ここは 日本で特別有名な20世紀作家が インスピレーションを求め定期的に訪れた場所
Against the backdrop of the stylish traditional stonework.
「僕たちが今いるこの部屋 ある日本の有名作家がここに来て
Afterwards, bathers can slip in to one of the spa's many rooms, to relax with a cup of matcha green tea.
坊ちゃんという本を書いた 日本人全員が 知っている本です 彼の名はナツミ・ソウセキ…?」
Kazu and I find ourselves in one such room,
where one of Japan's most famous 20th century authors used to regularly visit in search of inspiration.
「夏目漱石 早口言葉みたい」
So this room we're in now, a famous Japanese writer used to come here,
and write a book called Botchan, which all Japanese people know. His name is Natsumi Sōseki.
「夏目漱石 夏目漱石 夏目漱石」
Kazu: Natsume Sōseki
Chris: Natsume Sōseki. A bit of a tongue twister that name, isn't it.
この部屋に来るなら やって欲しい ここに立ったら
Can you say Natsume Sōseki three times quickly?
ここ道後温泉に来たら 早口言葉を済ませてから飲みに行ってね
Kuza: Natsume Sōseki. Natsume Sōseki. Natsume Sōseki.
今日のうちに知っておくべきこと もう一つ オレンジベースの飲み物があって
Chris: Subarashii.(Excellent.)
「これはなに?」 「伊予柑ハイボール」
When you come to this room, that's what you've gotta do. When you stand upon this point guys,
「伊予柑ハイボール オレンジ風味の ウイスキーです イケるかダメか」 「カンパイ!」
if you come here, Dōgo Onsen, do the tongue twister and then go and get a drink.
「悪くない!かなりイイけど すごく強い」 「うーん」
Should have known before the day was over, we'd have one more orange based drink.
「あは 猫がゆっくり歩いてきてる ほら来たよ」
Chris: What's this? Kazu: Iyokan Highball.
「しっぽがない! ほら!」
Chris: Iyokan Highball, it's orange juice flavoured whiskey, yayy. It will either work, or not work. Kazu: Kampai!
Chris: It's pretty good! It's pretty good, but very strong. Kazu: Mhmm.
Chris: Heh, there's a cat slowly walking towards us. Here he comes.
「ああきっとこれを嗅ぎつけたな じゃこカツ」
He's got no tail! Look at this!
揚げたカニカマを想像して それと 基本同じです
That's not a tail!
カニカマっていうと ロクな魚肉とは思わないじゃん
yeah maybe he smelled this. Jako-Katsu.
正直言うと カマボコとかそんな 好きじゃないけど 揚げたのは美味い!
Imagine a crab stick that's been deep fried, and that's essentially what this is.
食べ物の奇跡だ 何でも揚げると二割旨くなる
But better quality than crab sticks.
「今日のYouTube動画出演はいかがでした かず?」
'cause when you think crab sticks you think crap quality fish.
「…大変だけど 同時に 楽しかった」
I must admit I've never been a fan of fish cake, fish sticks, but deep fried it works!
The miracle of food, deep fry anything it tastes 20
How's it felt being on a YouTube video today, Kazu?
「話すこと考えとかなきゃ とか…」
Kazu: It was... tough and fun, at the same time.
そこがこのチャンネルのすごさ 僕は先に言うこと考えてるから
Chris: Tough and fun!
だから チャンネル登録してない人は絶対するべき
Chris: Which bit was tough?
Kazu: You have to like, kind of think about what to talk about, and stuff.
「ええ もちろん...」
Chris: That's why this channel's good. 'Cause I think about what I'm gonna say before I say it.
And that's why you should definitely subscribe if you haven't already.
Have you subscribed to my channel?
Kazu: Yeeah, of course...
「動画見てくれてないね! 見たことないでしょ」
Chris: What's your favourite video on my channel?
「いやいや - 見た 見たわ 後でお話します!」
Kazu: Hmm... that's a tough question...
「僕の動画 見てくれてると思ったのに!」 「見たってば‼︎」
Chris: Yeah.
「何より 今日はガイドしてくれてありがとう すごく楽しかった」 「愛媛に来てくれて嬉しいわ」
[Crickets chirping]
「ホント良かった! もっと時間があればいいんだけど」
Cris: You definitely haven't watched any videos! You haven't watched any videos.
かずはイギリスにも住んでたから イギリス英語っぽい感じじゃない?
Kazu: No - I - I watched it... I'll tell you later!
Chris: I thought you watched my videos! Kazu: I watched it, I watched it!!
Chris: Anyway, thanks for showing us around today though. It's been a lot of fun. Kazu: Thanks for coming to Ehime.
「ロンドンとスイス 華やか!すごく華やか!」
Chris:Yeah, it's been really good! I wish we could have more time.
Kazu actually lived in the UK, so you can just about hear her British accent.
Where have you lived? America -
「両方!私は両方好きよ」 「一番の答えだな」
Kazu: I lived in London, and Switzerland.
「普段は こういう動画でお別れする時
Chris: London and Switzerland, glamorous! Very glamorous!
みんなのSNSを共有してる InstagramとかYouTubeとか」
Kazu: No!
Chris: Which was better? London or Switzerland?
Kazu: Both! I like both. Chris: That's a great answer.
「私はリアルよ...」 「リアル・ボーイ…ガールか」
Normally when I say good bye to someone on these videos,
「とにかく乾杯! 」 「カンパーイ!」
I shout out their social media. Their instagram, their YouTube...
これ飲み干したら 我々は帰りのフェリーを待ちます!
But you're a real person!
皆さん 我々は瀬戸内海から広島へ向かっています
With no social media!
Kazu: Yeah, I'm a real one... Chris: Real boy... real girl.
これは多分 一日の終わりに本当に良い場所
Chris: But yeah, cheers! Kazu: Yaaay, cheers!
この夕日には 息を呑みます
Chris: Gonna finish this up, and then we've got a ferry to catch!
残念ながら 本州に戻る方法としては にはフェリーの他には
Well guys, we are heading across the Inland Sea of Japan to Hiroshima.
しまなみ海道を自転車で戻るしかなく でも来た道だし それはしたくなかったんでね
It takes about 3-4 hours on the ferry.
ほんとに良かった ガイドにかずがいて
I feel like this is a really good place to end the day.
The sunset is absolutely stunning.
明日は広島市 たくさん粋なことができそう
Unfortunately there was no other way back to Honshu other than ferry or
でも今日は 松山と四国の旅に 加わってくれてありがとう
by cycling all the way back over the Shimanami Kaido, but I've already done that so didn't really wanna do it again.
And it was really awesome just having Kazu show us around
and give us every orange based product there is known to man.
Tomorrow, we are in Hiroshima city, so lot's of cool things to do there.
But for now guys, thanks for joining us on a trip around Matsuyama and Shikoku today,
6年かけて 日本全国津々浦々 旅してきましたが ついにこの瞬間が来た…
and we'll see you right back here tomorrow.
To do it all over again.
Have a good one.
To come to Hiroshima and miss this place out would be a crime.
6 years I've travelled Japan far and wide and it's all been building up to this moment...
pizza vending machine.
I've always wanted to do this.
You know where this is going.
見てくれてる人には 実はチャンネル登録せず いつも僕の動画に来る人が多いらしい
This is harder work than the bloody cycle!
YouTubeの検索ボックスに 「Abroad in Japan」って打ってるみたい
It better be worth it when it's done.
見てる方に 押し付けがましく高評価だの チャンネル登録だの共有だの 僕は言ったりしません
I did it!
結構ウザいからね 皆さんもユーチューバーが言う度にそう思うでしょ
That was hard work.
でも今日は私は努力をした 例外を作りました
Apparently most of my viewers aren't actually subscribers. They're people who just come and look for my videos every single time.
これでチャンネル登録してもらえないなら 何しても無理です
They just sort of look for it on YouTube in the search box Abroad in Japan.
I'm the sort of person who doesn't push viewers to like, or subscribe, or share their videos because I just find it
quite annoying. As I'm sure you do when YouTubers always do that.
ほら 死ぬほどデカイ! ばかみたいに巨大でしょ!
But today, I've made an effort, I've made an exception.
なんで これにこれほど時間を費やした!
If this doesn't get you subscribed to the channel, nothing will.
マジで 疲れた
Look how fucking big it is! It's ridiculously massive!
[字幕訳:Who Knows]
I don't know why I'm spent so much time on this!
Oh my god, so tired.
Still gotta cycle 20km
Captions by kuit.exe