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  • On the Friday following Thanksgiving, millions of people rush out in hopes of finding good bargains and the best deals.


  • It is a yearly tradition that has become known as Black Friday.


  • Where did this tradition come from?


  • Why does it have such an unusual name?


  • Christmas shopping was big business for most of the 20th Century, but it's only been rather recently that the phenomenon of Black Friday has existed.

    クリスマスショッピングというのは 20 世紀を通して大きな行事でしたが、ブラックフライデーに関してはここ最近になって一般に知られるようになってきました。

  • The trend of launching the Christmas shopping season the day after Thanksgiving was probably started by the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

    感謝祭の翌日からクリスマスショッピングの季節が始まるという流れは、おそらく Macy's の感謝祭パレードがきっかけになったものと思われます。

  • Macy's is a large department store in New York City, and they used their yearly Thanksgiving Day Parade as a way of jump-starting the Christmas gift buying season.

    Macy's はニューヨークにある巨大デパートで、クリスマス商戦を開始するために感謝祭パレードを開催していました。

  • Other stores caught on to the trend, and thus, Thanksgiving Day became the day that the Christmas shopping season officially began.


  • Over time, it became an unwritten rule that stores would never start Christmas promotions before the day after Thanksgiving as most stores were closed on Thanksgiving Day.


  • However, recent years have seen major retail chains kicking off their Black Friday sales as early as 6 PM on Thanksgiving Day!

    しかしながら、近年に入り主要小売チェーン店の中には感謝祭の日の午後 6 時にブラックフライデーのセールを開始するところも出てきました。

  • There are multiple stories as to where the phrase "Black Friday" came from.


  • The most widely circulated belief is that this is the day when most stores begin to turn a profit.


  • This comes from an expression that has existed for years.


  • A business that is showing a profit is known as "operating in the black."


  • Whereas, a business that is in debt, or has not yet made more than it has spent, is referred to as "operating in the red."


  • The terms "blackand "redreferred to the color of ink used to indicate either profit or debt.


  • While this is a clever explanation of the term "Black Friday," there is little evidence to support the claim.


  • The true origin of the phrase probably comes from Philadelphia in the early 1960s.

    したがって、本当の起源は 1960 年代のフィラデルフィアにまでさかのぼるものと思われます。

  • The local police began to use the phrase to describe the horrific traffic and overcrowded sidewalks of the downtown shopping area on the day after Thanksgiving.


  • The term began to grow in popularity throughout the 1970s and eventually grew to be used worldwide.

    そしてこの言い方が 1970 年代に人気を博していき、次第に世界中で使われるまでに至った、というわけです。

  • It has become well known that Black Friday is "the busiest shopping day of the year."

    今では、ブラックフライデーは「1 年で最も忙しい買い物の日」として知られるようになっています。

  • However, this has not always been the case.


  • In fact, in the 1990s, the day after Thanksgiving would frequently rank from 5th to 10th on the list of busiest shopping days.

    実際のところ、1990 年代には、感謝祭翌日はショッピングに関する忙しさランキングでは常に 5 位から 10 位の間を行き来していた程度でした。

  • However, since 2004, Black Friday has assumed the top spot and will probably not relinquish it any time soon.

    それでも、2004 年以降ブラックフライデーは 1 位の座に君臨しており、この状況はここしばらくは続きそうです。

  • It is estimated that over 225 million shoppers take to the stores each Black Friday and spend over $52 billion.

    ブラックフライデーには、およそ 2 億 2500 万人もの買い物客が総額 520 億ドルもの買い物をするという統計が出ています。

  • This averages out to nearly $400 per shopper, just on this one day!

    平均すると、たった1 日で買い物客1人当たり 400 ドル使う計算になるのです!

On the Friday following Thanksgiving, millions of people rush out in hopes of finding good bargains and the best deals.


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