字幕表 動画を再生する
(Scar) * I know that your powers of retention *
* Are as wet as a warthog's backside *
* ♪ イボイノシシの背中のように濡れている ♪
* But thick as you are, pay attention *
* ♪ But thick as you are, pay attention ♪
* My words are a matter of pride *
* ♪ 私の言葉は誇りの問題だ ♪
* It's clear from your vacant expressions *
* ♪ あなたの空虚な表情を見れば、それは明らかです。
* The lights are not all on upstairs *
* ♪ 2階の照明が全部点いているわけではありません。
* But we're talking kings and successions *
* ♪ But we're talking king and succession ♪
* Even you can't be caught unawares *
* ♪ あなたも気づかないうちに捕まってしまうことはありません。
* So prepare for the chance of a lifetime *
* ♪一生に一度のチャンスに備えて♪
* Be prepared for sensational news *
* センセーショナルなニュースに備えて
* A shiny new era is tiptoeing nearer *
* ♪ 輝く新時代が近づいてきている♪
(Shenzi) And where do we feature?
(Scar) * Just listen to teacher *
* I know it sounds sordid *
* ♪ I know it sounds sordid ♪
* But you'll be rewarded *
* ♪ But you'll be rewarded ♪
* When at last I am given my dues *
* ♪ 最後に私は私の義務を与えられた時 ♪
* And injustice deliciously squared *
* ♪ And injustice deliciously squared ♪
* Be prepared *
* ♪ 用意しておいて
(Banzai) Yeah, be prepared. We'll be prepared. For what?
(Scar) For the death of the king.
(Banzai) Why, is he sick? (Scar) No, fool, we're going to kill him.
- And Simba, too. (Shenzi) Great idea. Who needs a king?
- シンバもね。(シェンジ)いい考えだ。誰が王を必要とする?
(Shenzi,Banzai) No king, no king * lalalalalalaaa *
(シェンジ、バンザイ)王様がいない、王様がいない * ラララララララララララララララララララララララララララララララララララララララララ
(Scar) Idiots! There will be a king! (Banzai) But you said...
(Scar) I will be king!
Stick with me,
and you'll never go hungry again.
(Shenzi,Banzai) Yeah! All right! (Hyena) Long live the king!
(シェンジ、バンザイ)うん!(シェンジ,バンザイ) よーし!ハイエナ)王様万歳!
Long live the king!
(Hyena chorus) * It's great that we'll soon be connected *
(ハイエナの合唱) * It's great that we'll be connected soon *.
* With a king who'll be all-time adored *
* ♪ 憧れの王様と一緒に♪
(Scar) * Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected *
(スカー) * もちろん、見返りは、あなたが期待されています*。
* To take certain duties on board *
* ♪ 船上で一定の任務を遂行するために
* The future is littered with prizes *
* ♪ 未来は賞品で溢れている ♪
* And though I'm the main addressee *
* ♪ そして、私が主な住所ですが ♪
* The point that I must emphasise is *
* 私が強調しなければならない点は、*です。
* You won't get a sniff without me! *
* 私がいないと嗅げないわよ!*
* So prepare for the coup of the century *
* "世紀のクーデターに備えよう
* Be prepared for the murkiest scam *
* ♪ 濁った詐欺に備えよう♪
* Meticulous planning *
* 綿密な計画
* Tenacity spanning *
* 粘り強さのスパンニング
* Decades of denial *
* 何十年にもわたって否定されてきた
* Is simply why I'll be king undisputed *
* Is simply why I'll be king unisputed * 議論の余地のない王になる理由は単純です。
* Respected, saluted *
* Respected, saluted *
* And seen for the wonder I am *
* ♪ And seen for the wonder I am ♪
* Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared *
* ♪ Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared ♪
* Be prepared *
* ♪ 用意しておいて
(Hyena chorus) * Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared *
♪ Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared ♪ ♪
* Be prepared *
* ♪ 用意しておいて