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Hey Guys, my name is Tucker Bowe, staff writer at Gear Patrol, talking AirPods, AirPods Pro, just announced yesterday.
どうも、皆さん。Gear Patrol でライターをしています、タッカー・ボウです。今回は昨日発表されたばかりの AirPods Pro と AirPod を比較しながら見ていきたいと思います。
Here are five cool things you need to know.
題して、知っておきたい 5 つの最新機能、です。
No, not me.
This isn't a new phone.
So first things you need to know about the AirPods Pro: they came out today, they cost $249.
さて、何はさておき、この AirPods Pro は今日発表されて、値段は $249 です。
They're essentially the upgraded version of the AirPods, and yeah, you can pre-order right now.
基本的には AirPod をアップグレードしたもので、はい、予約販売も開始しています。
And they'll expecting to ship October 30th.
発送開始は 10 月 30 日を予定しているそうです。
So second thing: when I say upgraded versions of these guys, they're upgraded for a couple different ways.
First off, they have new modes that are active noise-canceling earbuds, same as like Sony's WF-1000-XM-Three's.
まず最初に、ソニーの WF-1000-XM3 と同じアクティブ・ノイズキャンセリング機能が搭載されています。
So these have active noise-cancellation and transparency modes.
And what you do is you just go in the Control Center, just like you would with your normal AirPods, but there's new mode. You can turn Active Noise-Canceling on or off.
具体的には、普通の AirPod 同様に Control Center にアクセスして、この新機能であるアクティブ・ノイズキャンセリングのオン・オフを切り替えます。
And, or you can switch to transparency mode.
So, number three: these are actually water, splash, sweat resistant.
さて、3 番目は防水・防汗仕様だという点です。
So you can actually run with them.
ですから、装着したままジョギングも OK です。
And they actually have the same sweat and water resistance rating as the Powerbeats Pro, which are you know, the Apple and Beats wireless running headphones.
Apple と Beats ワイヤレスジョギング用ヘッドフォンがコラボした、Powerbeats Pro と同等クラスの防水・防汗機能を実現しています。
Normal AirPods, although you know a ton of people run in these things, Apple has never released, you know specs or ratings within terms of like water and sweat resistance.
AirPod を装着してジョギングしている人はたくさんいますけど、実は Apple はこの商品の防水・防汗機能に関する強度レーティングは発表してはいないんです。
So you probably shouldn't run with them.
You can because a ton of people do, but if you wanna run with AirPods, these are what you want.
もちろん、実際にやっている人はたくさんいますから大丈夫なのでしょうけど、AirPod を付けながらジョギングを楽しみたい人はこの新製品が最適です。
Four: so you'll notice right away that these won't fit like normal AirPods.
4 番目は、見た目ですぐわかるのですが耳への装着方法が AirPod とは異なります。
They have a silicone ear tip, and they're supposed to go in your ear canal, so they're snugger fit.
But Apple has actually integrated a technology called Adaptive EQ.
しかも、AppleはAdaptive EQ というテクノロジーを採用していて、
And you put these on, you fit them with the stock silicone tip, and then you run a test within the Settings of your AirPods, and it'll actually tell you if it's a good or not a good fit.
And if it's not, you can readjust them, run it again, and if it's still not a good fit, you can swap them out for the small or the larger ear tips.
But it's actually pretty neat because you know, I don't think any other wireless earbud has ever like had this technology where it actually tells you if it's fitting well.
And five: these earbuds look and feel differently.
If you notice, shorter stem, longer stem.
These are the AirPods, these are the AirPods Pro.
こちら側は AirPod でこちらが AirPods Pro です。
Also the case: they look very similar.
They're very similarly sized. This is actually more horizontal.
But they're both still very pocket-able.
So they're essentially, very, very similar and they can both be your everyday earbuds.
It's actually pretty interesting to me because essentially you have noise-canceling earbuds that are sweat-resistant and that sound better than AirPods, so they're an elevated version of AirPods in every way.
ボク的には面白い商品だと思います。ノイズキャンセリング機能が付いて防汗仕様、それでいて音質も AirPod より良いわけですから、あらゆる面で改善されたバージョンと言えますよね。
But still at basically $100 more, are most people gonna care that much about better sound quality, noise-cancellation, and sweat resistance?
ただそうは言っても、100 ドル以上も多く払って音質やノイズキャンセリング、防汗仕様にこだわる人がどれだけいるのか、という話にはなりますけど。
If you're normally running with your AirPods and you love them, but you're kind of like afraid that they're gonna kind of shake out, then AirPods Pro are great.
普段から AirPod を装着してジョギングをするのが好きだけども、耳から落ちてしまうのが心配だという人にとっては、AirPods Pro はまさに望んでいた形の商品でしょう。
If you want noise-cancellation, AirPods Pro are great.
ノイズキャンセリングが欲しい人も、AirPods Pro が最適だと思います。
If you want better sound; if you wanna actually hear the bass in you wireless earbuds; this is what you want.
AirPods are still great. They're probably gonna still be the best-selling wireless earbuds.
AirPod の方も捨てたものではありません。こちらは引き続き売れ筋のワイヤレスイヤフォンとなるでしょう。
The Pros: little bit better in every single way; little bit more expensive.
ただ AirPods Pro の方が全ての面において一歩進んでいるのは確かで、値段も少々高くなっているのです。
And if you wanna spend that extra money, you know go for it. If not, these are still great.