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  • In the day's other news: President Trump took on globalism and Iran in his formal address

  • at the United Nations today.

  • He spoke against the backdrop of this growing impeachment talk in Washington.

  • Again, Yamiche Alcindor reports.

  • YAMICHE ALCINDOR: The president's tone may have been subdued.

  • DONALD TRUMP, President of the United States: If you want freedom, take pride in your country.

  • YAMICHE ALCINDOR: But his talk was still tough, as he pushed his America-first approach.

  • DONALD TRUMP: The future doesn't belong to globalists.

  • The future belongs to patriots.

  • YAMICHE ALCINDOR: In his address to the United Nations General Assembly, President Trump

  • targeted familiar foes.

  • In particular, he called for allies to help counter Iran.

  • DONALD TRUMP: All nations have a duty to act.

  • No responsible governments should subsidize Iran's bloodlust.

  • YAMICHE ALCINDOR: And he called out Chinese trade policy.

  • DONALD TRUMP: It has embraced an economic model dependent on massive market barriers,

  • heavy state subsidies, currency manipulation, product dumping, forced technology transfers,

  • and the theft of intellectual property, and also trade secrets on a grand scale.

  • YAMICHE ALCINDOR: The president also used the world forum to make his case for his domestic

  • agenda.

  • He praised U.S. employment rates and highlighted his tax cuts. and he was uncompromising on

  • illegal immigration.

  • DONALD TRUMP: If you make it here, you will not be allowed in.

  • You will be promptly returned home.

  • You will not be released into our country.

  • YAMICHE ALCINDOR: Today's speeches also featured a number of authoritarian and far-right figures,

  • including leaders from Turkey, Egypt and Brazil.

  • Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro dismissed warnings about wildfires in the Amazon rain

  • forest.

  • JAIR BOLSONARO, Brazilian President (through translator): The Amazon is not being devastated,

  • nor is it being consumed by fire, as the media misleadingly says.

  • YAMICHE ALCINDOR: Meanwhile, President Trump did meet with one traditional ally, British

  • Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

  • The meeting came hours after Britain's highest court struck down Johnson's decision to suspend

  • Parliament.

  • The president offered him moral support.

  • DONALD TRUMP: He's doing a fantastic job, not easy, and -- but doing a really great

  • job.

  • And I think he's going to make great progress come October.

  • YAMICHE ALCINDOR: For the "PBS NewsHour," I'm Yamiche Alcindor at the United Nations

  • in New York.

  • WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Mudslides and power outages hit the U.S. Virgin Islands today, as Tropical

  • Storm Karen arrived.

  • The storm also brought heavy rain to Puerto Rico and winds of 40 miles an hour.

  • Hours earlier, an earthquake shook the island, but caused little damage.

  • Farther north, Tropical Storm Jerry could reach Bermuda on Wednesday.

  • It had sustained winds today at 50 miles an hour.

  • In Northern California, threats of wildfires brought blackouts for more than 24,000 homes

  • and businesses.

  • Pacific Gas and Electric shut off electricity in parts of the Sierra Nevada foothills overnight,

  • amid hot and windy conditions.

  • In the last two years, downed power lines have sparked huge fires in the state.

  • As a result, PG&E is now in federal bankruptcy proceedings.

  • U.S. health officials say there have been hundreds more cases of lung illnesses affecting

  • e-cigarette users since last week.

  • In all, nine people have died in recent months, and hundreds have been hospitalized.

  • At a U.S. House hearing today, Dr. Anne Schuchat of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  • said officials still don't know the cause.


  • DR.

  • ANNE SCHUCHAT, Acting Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: We know that

  • the products out there have changed a lot, and the use has probably increased.

  • But we don't yet know if there's a new particularly risky product out there, or a substance that's

  • in the product, or a manipulation that's dangerous.

  • WILLIAM BRANGHAM: The Trump administration has proposed a ban on flavored e-cigarettes.

  • And, this afternoon, the governor of Massachusetts ordered a temporary ban on the sale of all

  • vaping products.

  • The European Union's highest court sided with Google today, ruling that E.U. privacy standards

  • do not apply globally.

  • The landmark decision limits the reach of the so-called right to be forgotten.

  • That standard lets users in Europe request that search engines remove some links from

  • their names.

  • France had asked that the rule be applied everywhere, not just within the E.U.

  • Famed opera singer Placido Domingo has withdrawn from performing with the New York Metropolitan

  • Opera, amid sexual harassment accusations.

  • In a statement, he says he strongly disputes the claims, but doesn't want to be a distraction.

  • He says he will not be returning to the Met.

  • Domingo is 78 years old.

  • And on Wall Street, stocks sank on worries about impeachment and a drop in consumer confidence.

  • The Dow Jones industrial average lost 142 points to close at 26807.

  • The Nasdaq fell nearly 119 points, and the S&P 500 dropped 25.

  • Still to come on the "NewsHour": what's next in the Brexit saga, after a critical move

  • by the prime minister is ruled unconstitutional?; out of the shadows -- the survivor of the

  • Stanford University sexual assault case reclaims her voice; plus, writer Ta-Nehisi Coates on

  • myth, memory, and his first novel, "The Water Dancer."

In the day's other news: President Trump took on globalism and Iran in his formal address


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ニュースラップ熱帯性暴風雨カレンが米バージン諸島、プエルトリコを襲う (News Wrap: Tropical Storm Karen soaks U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日