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How many times do you think Ed Sheeran says the word like in 30 seconds?
エド・シーランが、30 秒間で like と言う単語を何回言ったと思いますか?
Honestly, how many times? Have a guess, because you're gonna be blown away by how many times he says it.
Let's check it out.
I sold out Cargo and made like two grand, and I remember like being like, like I'd never got more than 50 quid for a booking before, and like before then, like nothing at all.
私は Cargo (ショアディッチにあるバー)を売却し、2000 ポンドを手に入れました。私が覚えているのは、前は決して 50 ポンドを超えることはなかったですし、その前は全く何もありませんでした。
I remember like having like two grand cash in my hand and being like...
2000 ポンドの現金を手にした時のことを覚えていますし、それは...
[Interviewer] Sizing up.
Yeah, but like all my mates were working Saturday jobs at that point, and I was like this is more than my mates would make in Saturday jobs for the whole year.
So that like, me leaving school where everyone was like, you're an idiot.
[Interviewer] Yeah.
[面談者] へー。
And, I was holding that being like no I...
What? 13 times in 30 seconds?
何? 30 秒の間で 13 回?
That's remarkable, Ed, that's - give this man a round of applause.
エド、それは驚くべきことです -彼に拍手喝采を。
This is a world record. I don't think anyone's ever said like 13 times in 30 seconds.
これは世界記録です。30 秒に like と 13 回言った人はいないと思います。
Now, what we wanna know is, why? Why does he say like 13 times in 30 seconds?
今、私たちが知りたいのは、なぜ、なんで彼は 30 秒で like を 13 回も言うのですか?
Well, there's two reasons.
そう、2 つの理由があります。
First of all, we use like as a nothing word. It buys us time when we are thinking of what we are gonna say.
まず第一に、私たちは言葉にならない like と言う単語を使います。私たちが何を言おうとしているのかを考えているときに、考える時間を与えてくれます。
When we are constructing a sentence we'll say the word like to fill the space whilst we are thinking of of what we wanna say.
I sold out Cargo and made like two grand...
私は 2 つの貨物を全て売り払い、2000 ポンド…。
It helps us to structure our sentences, hmm... now here it sounds like Ed's got into a bit of a habit of saying it.
like I'd never got more than 50 quid for a booking before, and like, before then like nothing at all. I remember like having like two grand cash in my hand and being like...
以前は、50 ポンド以上の予約を受けたことは決してなかったです、そして 2000 ポンドの現金を自分の手に入れたことを覚えています。…のようだった。
It's almost like, well he's certainly not controlling how often he says it. Otherwise he wouldn't say it 13 times in 30 seconds.
それはほとんど、彼が言う頻度をコントロールしていないと言うことは明らかです。そうでなければ、彼は 30 秒で 13 回も言わないでしょう。
It's just kind of a natural thing. It's almost like a verbal tick. It's automatic. It's a habit that he's got into.
It's like a little crutch he uses when he's trying to think of what he wants to say.
So that's the first reason.
The second reason that he's using it is part of a pattern that we use in everyday spoken English to report what we've said or how we've felt.
彼がそれを使用している 2 番目の理由は、私たちが言ったことや感じたことを知らせるために、日常の話し言葉で使っているパターンの一部です。
...and I was like this is more than my mates would make in Saturday jobs...
So he's looking at the money that he earned from one night's work.
Now he didn't literally say those exact words: "This is more than my mates earn." He didn't say those exact words, but that's what he was feeling. That's what he was thinking.
So we can use like to report how we felt or something that we said.
...and I was like this is more than my mates would make in Saturday jobs...
And it's used all the time. He uses it again later.
...me leaving school, everyone was like, you're an idiot, and then I was holding that being like...
Well, he's reporting there, what people said or thought or felt.
So, when he left school, people maybe said to him, oh, you're an idiot.
Okay, so he's reporting the words that they said, or maybe they expressed those feelings to him, not maybe in those exact words.
So, maybe they said are you sure you wanna leave? Do you think it's a good idea?
But the idea here is that that was the emotion that they had; you're an idiot, why are you doing this?
...me leaving school, everyone was like you're an idiot, and then I was holding that being like...
So the word like in this context is really functional; It's not just filling space. It's actually reporting an emotion or a thought or what someone has actually said.
So, for you guys, do I recommend that you start using the word like?
なので、皆さんのために like のような言葉を使ってみるお勧めしますか?
Not necessarily, you don't need to start trying to add it in.
As your conversation becomes more natural, you'll probably start using it a bit more.
Probably not a good idea to use it 13 times in 30 seconds. That's a bit too much, but, it could be a part of your English at some point if you are trying to think of a word or buy some time throw the word like in there.
おそらく、30 秒で 13 回使用すると言うのはあまり良くありませんし、少し多すぎるかもしれません。しかし、言葉を考えていたり考える時間が必要な時に、文章の一部になる可能性があります。
And definitely I think it's great to be aware of how other people use it, especially with that reporting of the emotion or what someone has said or thought, really useful there.
Alright guys, thank you so much. Remember to check out my Instagram account and have a great day.
Yeah, have a brilliant day.
Alright guys, this is Tom, the chief dreamer, saying goodbye.