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主持人,阁下们和青年伙伴们 Dear moderator, excellences, and fellow young people,
感谢各位给我这个机会 Thank you so much for giving me the floor
我是易烊千玺,我很荣幸能够代表亚太地区分会场 I'm Yi Yangqianxi. It's my honor to report back the discussion from Asia
来对我们昨天的讨论进行汇报 and Pacific session on behalf of the group
根据我们的讨论 According to our discussion
对青少年来说最关键的三个需求是 the top three key needs for young people
性别平等,教育和赋权 are gender equality, education and empowerment
青少年可以改变世界 Young people can make a difference
青少年可以提供创新的解决方案 Young people can bring creativity into solutions
例如使用社交媒体和创新技术 like using social media and new technologies
在亚太分会场的讨论中 At the Asia and Pacific session
我们探讨了青少年的参与对实现五个歌持续发展目标所带来的意义 we looked at what meaningful youth particitation means for five SDGs
大家环顾会场可以看到 You can see around the interesting posters
来自亚太区的青年代表们所绘制的有趣的海报 our youth participants from the region has made
我们所提出的建议如下 Here are our recommendations
首先,在制定政策,规划和倡导的过程中,做到以人为本 First, put people at the centre during all policy-making, programming and advocacy process
从青少年真正的需求出发 We must consider young people's real needs
其次,确保“赋权、平等以及包容”作为关键原则 Second, ensure that 'empower, equal and inclusive' are the key principles
融入到所有的发展议程里 embedded in all development agendas
最后,通过不断更新且满足劳动力市场的教育项目 Finally, equip young people with skills that are needed in a changing world
来帮助青少年获取所需要的技能,以适应飞速变化的世界 through updated education program, that fit the labour market
青少年不应只是找工作的人,也可以成为创造工作的人 Young people should not only be job-seekers, but also job-creators
青少年在呼吁改变,就在这里,就是现在 Young people are demanding change right here, right now
在亚太区,我们已经做好了准备 And in Asia Pacific we stand ready
为实现可持续发展目标来贡献我们的力量 to make sure we play our parts in achieving the SDGs
在中文有一句短语,叫“一起来吧” We have a phrase in Chinese, "Yi qi lai ba"
它的意思是,Come on! Let's go! It means, C'mon! Let's go!
所以,让我们今天就行动起来!一起来吧! So let's take action today! Yi qi lai ba!
谢谢! Thank you!