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  • Hi, I'm Vanessa from

  • Don't make these mistakes.

  • Let's talk about it.

  • Have you ever watched an English TV show and realized, whoa, these guys speak way different

  • than any English I ever heard in my English class?

  • Yeah, it's pretty true that English spoken in real life is way different than textbook

  • English.

  • But never fear, today I'm going to help you with three pairs of commonly-misused words,

  • and I hope if you misused these words before this lesson, I hope you won't misuse them

  • afterwards.

  • Let's start.

  • The first pair of commonly-misused words are either and neither.

  • Did you learn in your classroom English that you should use either for positive sentences?

  • I want either cake or ice cream for dessert.

  • And that you should use neither for negative sentences?

  • I want neither cake nor ice cream for dessert.

  • Well, even though these sentences are both grammatically correct, that second sentence,

  • oh boy, we hardly ever use that in daily spoken English.

  • In fact, if you said, "I want neither cake nor ice cream for dessert," people would look

  • at you with little slits in their eyes and say, "What?

  • Is he a literary professor from the 1800s?"

  • So what should you use instead?

  • Well, we usually just simply use or for negative sentences.

  • Take a look at what happens to this sentence.

  • I don't want cake or ice cream for dessert.

  • We use the negative word not, I don't, that's a contraction using do and not, and then instead

  • of using the kind of archaic neither/nor comparison, we're going to instead use just or.

  • Or, we could say this in a shortened way.

  • I don't want either.

  • There's a word that's actually omitted here, but it's understood.

  • That means that we know it's there, but we don't say it.

  • Do you know what that should be?

  • I don't want either option.

  • We don't need to say the word option because either already implies that there is at least

  • two things here, so you can say, "Oh, I don't want either," meaning I don't want care or

  • ice cream.

  • Now that you know we shouldn't say neither nor, is there ever a correct and natural way

  • to use the way neither?

  • Yes.

  • Let me tell you.

  • The most common situation to use neither is if I said, "I don't like politics," and you

  • responded, "Me neither."

  • You're agreeing with my negative statement.

  • But, here's the tricky part.

  • I could say, "I don't like politics," and you could say, "Me either."

  • You could use this positive word to agree with my negative sentence.

  • So which one of these is actually correct?

  • Well, we have a negative sentence, "I don't like politics," so we need that negative word

  • to respond to it.

  • "Me neither."

  • Technically this is correct, and you should probably use this in maybe business situations

  • or those kind of formal situations, but in daily spoken English, you are definitely going

  • to hear people say, "Me either."

  • This is grammatically incorrect, but native speakers use this a lot.

  • And I don't know exactly why, but I kind of feel like it's because we feel a little strange

  • using the word neither because we don't use it that often, and we use the word either

  • a lot.

  • So maybe people just feel a little more comfortable saying, "Oh yeah, me either.

  • I don't like politics, too."

  • But technically, it should be me neither.

  • So in this situation, you've got two options, but technically me neither is a little better.

  • The second pair of commonly-misused words in English is actually and now.

  • If you speak a Romance language, listen carefully.

  • I'm going to give you a sentence, and I'm going to give you two options, so you can

  • guess what this sentence means.

  • I can't believe that I actually fell asleep on the plane.

  • I never fall asleep on flights.

  • Does this mean, number one, now I fell asleep?

  • Or number two, in reality I feel asleep?

  • What does this mean?

  • Think about that word actually.

  • Well, don't listen to your heart when you're trying to guess which one's correct.

  • It's going to lead you astray.

  • If you speak French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, a Romance language, you probably

  • have a word in your language that looks like the word actually, like the wordactuellement

  • or maybeatualmente.”

  • I don't know how to say it in Portuguese.

  • But there's a word that looks almost exactly like the word actually and it means no in

  • your language.

  • But, in English, don't listen to your heart.

  • In English, this means in reality.

  • It does not mean now.

  • So we are comparing something to reality.

  • Let's take a look at a couple examples.

  • The food looked strange, but actually, it tasted good.

  • Here we have a comparison between the way the food looked, which was strange, and the

  • way the food tasted, which was good.

  • So we have reality, the taste, and the way it looked, maybe the way I perceived it in

  • my mind.

  • The other day I was going to go to a museum, and I said, "Oh, we can't go to the museum

  • because I saw that it's closed on Mondays."

  • And my friend said, "Actually, in the summer it's open on Mondays."

  • So she was comparing my reality to her reality, that well, in reality, it's open on Mondays

  • in the summertime.

  • So she was correcting my reality.

  • Or, you might say, "She's actually dating someone?

  • I can't believe it."

  • This is a shocking reality, like in our first sentence.

  • "I actually fell asleep on the flight?"

  • You could say, "She's actually dating someone?"

  • Here we're comparing what I thought would happen, that she would never date someone,

  • to the reality, "Who, she's actually dating someone."

  • What about the word now?

  • This means in this moment, at this moment.

  • This is a little more straightforward and easy than the word actually.

  • But, let's talk about a couple sample sentences anyway.

  • I can't watch the movie because I have to study now.

  • At this moment, I have to study.

  • He finished his degree, and now he's a mechanical engineer.

  • All right, let's go to the last pair of commonly-misused words in American English.

  • I have a little test for you.

  • I want to know which one of these two sentences do you think is correct.

  • Although it was raining, we still went on a hike.

  • Though it was raining, we still went on a hike.

  • The two words here are although and though.

  • Which one of these feels the most correct to you?

  • I have some bad news.

  • This was a trick question.

  • Both of these are grammatically correct, but we use neither of these in daily conversation.

  • The word although is rarely used in daily conversation.

  • It feels a little bit formal.

  • The only way that I use it is when I'm talking about changing my mind.

  • I could say, "Oh, the wedding was so boring, although the food was pretty good."

  • So I'm changing my mind about the wedding.

  • The wedding was boring, okay, although the food was pretty good.

  • So there was one thing that was good about it, the food.

  • This is almost the same as adding the word but.

  • The wedding was boring, but the food was pretty good.

  • What about the word though?

  • What's wrong with saying, "Though it was raining, we still went on a hike."

  • Well, we hardly ever use the word though at the beginning of a sentence.

  • It sounds too stiff and formal.

  • Though it was raining ... No, we hardly ever use this.

  • If you want to use the word though at the beginning, it's better to add the word even.

  • Even though it was raining, we still went on a hike.

  • That sounds much more natural.

  • Let's go back to that wedding example, the boring wedding.

  • You might say, "The wedding was boring, but the food was pretty good though."

  • We're using the word though at the end to indicate that there's kind of an exception.

  • Oh, the wedding was boring overall, but the food was good though.

  • You could even take out the word but and make two sentences.

  • The wedding was boring.

  • The food was good though.

  • Okay, great.

  • If you'd like to study the word though in depth, I recommend checking out this lesson

  • that I made up here that uses a lot of examples and all of the different nuances of the word

  • though.

  • All right, before we go, let's do a quick review.

  • I don't want cake or ice cream for dessert.

  • I don't want either.

  • I don't like politics.

  • Me neither.

  • I can't believe that I actually fell asleep on the flight.

  • The food looked strange, but it was actually good.

  • Actually, the museum is open on Mondays in the summer.

  • I can't watch a movie because I have to study now.

  • The wedding was kind of boring, although the food was pretty good.

  • The wedding was kind of boring, but the food was pretty good though.

  • Even though it was raining, we still went on a hike.

  • I hope you enjoyed this quick but intense common mistakes correction lesson.

  • I want to know in the comments which one of these mistakes did you used to make but now

  • I hope you won't make it anymore because you know the correct way to use these commonly-misused

  • words.

  • Thanks so much for learning English with me, and I'll see you again next Friday for a new

  • lesson here on my YouTube channel.

  • Bye.

  • The next step is to download my free e-book, Five Steps to Becoming a Confident English

  • Speaker.

  • You'll learn what you need to do to speak confidently and fluently.

  • Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more free lessons.

  • Thanks so much.

  • Bye.

Hi, I'm Vanessa from


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A2 初級

STOP 6つのよくある間違いを犯す。英語上級レッスン (STOP Making 6 Common Mistakes: Advanced English Lesson)

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    Courage に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日