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People usually lie down or sit comfortably in a chair after having dinner, but this is a big mistake you should never make.
According to experts, these habits are highly dangerous and can put your health at risk.
In this video, I'm about to share with you six things you should never do after eating.
このビデオでは、食事を終えた後に絶対にしてはいけない 6 つの事を取り上げて見ていきたいと思います。
1. Smoking.
1. 喫煙
Smoking is bad enough, but after a meal, it's 10 times the killer.
喫煙自体は悪い事ですが、食事の後にはその悪影響度は 10 倍に膨れ上がります。
Yep. That's right.
Smoking right after a meal is very bad, and if you must do it, you should wait at least a couple of hours after the meal.
Cigarette contain nicotine, a substance that binds to oxygen, your body desperately needs for digestion, which makes your body absorb carcinogens.
According to several studies, smoking a cigarette after a meal has the same effect as smoking 10 cigarettes at once.
複数の研究結果によると、食後にタバコを吸うということは一度に 10 本のタバコを吸うのと同じだけの影響があるということです。
And increases your risk of bowel and lung cancer significantly as well!
2. Never go to bed after a meal.
2. 食事直後にベッドに入らない
Lying down for a nap or sleeping after a meal is the favorite thing of millions of people, but this habit is not healthy at all.
When we lie down, some digestive juices from your stomach flow back to the esophagus because of gravitational force.
Due to its acidic nature, it can burn the inner layer of the esophagus, causing acid reflux.
3. Never rush to shower after a meal.
3. 食後にすぐシャワーを浴びようとしない
Waiting 30 minutes after eating a meal in order to take a shower is the best suggestion one could give on this topic.
食事した後にシャワーを浴びるまで 30 分待つというのは、是非覚えておきたいところです。
Digestion needs a lot of energy and blood flow in our body, but when we take a warm water shower, blood flows towards your skin to release off the heat, thus making it difficult to digest.
4. Drinking tea.
4. お茶を飲む
Teas are healthy, but shouldn't be consumed after a meal.
Drinking tea after having a meal can interfere with the iron absorption in your body, as tea contains tannic acid, which binds to the iron and protein from our food.
This can result in 87 percent decrease in iron absorption and even iron deficiency, which can lead to anemia, dizziness, weakness, and fatigue.
その結果、鉄分吸収量が 87% 減少して鉄分不足の状態にもなりかねなくなり、貧血やふらつき、体力減退や疲労感にもつながってきます。
5. Eat your fruits and vegetables before not after a meal.
5. 果物や野菜は食後ではなく食前に食べる。
Fruits are recommended by almost everyone, be it some expert or dietician, or just some inexperienced housewife.
But few of them know that fruits just after any meal can be harmful, and thus neglect to mention it to you.
Fruits are the easiest to digest and just take 20 minutes to travel from your stomach to intestines where they are finally digested.
果物は消化されやすく、胃から最終的に消化される腸に到達するまでわずか 20 分しかかかりません。
Bananas and dates being the two exceptions.
バナナとデーツの 2 つは例外です。
So, when you eat a fruit after a meal it gets stuck with the food, thus not traveling in time to the intestines, and getting spoiled as a result, thus spoiling food, too.
6. Avoid cold water after a meal.
6. 食後に冷たい水は飲まないようにする
The reason is very simple.
Ice water does not let the food digest properly because it causes clumping of food.
Hot warm water helps absorb nutrients better.
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