字幕表 動画を再生する
- I like how he looks kind of confused.
- 彼が困惑しているように見えるのが好きです。
- Ah, God I hate this. I really, really hate this.
- ああ、神様、私はこれが嫌いです。本当に大嫌いだ
This is not what I signed up for.
See I can hear them laughing already,
so, that's not a good thing.
(upbeat music)
- My name is David.
- 私の名前はデビッドです。
Seven years ago I came out, divorced,
and so I've been on my own since then.
- [Garrett] How would you describe yourself?
- 自分のことをどう思いますか?
- Um, in the background, shy, quiet.
- えーと、背景には、恥ずかしがり屋で、静かな。
I'd like to change,
I just don't see how that is going to happen,
but I want to try.
- [Interviewer] Okay, so a team of people are going
- チームで行くことになりました。
to rebrand you like a business.
- Right.
- そうだな
- [Interviewer] And in the end, a focus group is gonna
- 結局、フォーカスグループは
let us know what they think about the new you.
- Okay.
- いいわよ
- [Interviewer] Are you ready?
- 準備はいいですか?
- Yes, I am.
- はい、そうです。
- Hi David.
- ハイ、デビッド
- Hi.
- こんにちは。
- Ready to brand yourself?
- あなた自身をブランディングする準備はできていますか?
- [David] I am.
- 私はそうだ
- All right.
- いいだろう
- [Chan] We'll guide you through it.
- [チャン] 私たちが案内します。
- You got a amazing stylist for this new David.
- 新しいデヴィッドのために素晴らしいスタイリストを得ましたね。
- Everybody has a color pallet with their brand,
- 誰もが自分のブランドのカラーパレットを持っています。
I thought that this color pallet was the best fit for David.
- And then a graphic designer,
- そしてグラフィックデザイナー。
waiting to help kind of build a logo.
- I've never really created a logo for somebody,
- 誰かのためにロゴを作ったことはありません。
as like an expression of their identity.
- And then you've also got a jingle writer.
- そして、ジングルライターもいます。
- Have you ever had a song written about you?
- 自分のことを歌ってもらったことはありますか?
- No.
- 駄目だ
- So we're going to do some writing with you,
- ということで、一緒に文章を書くことになりました。
together we're going to kind of give you your
mission statement, you know what you're all about.
- Um, what is a mission statement?
- えーと、ミッションステートメントって何ですか?
- Yeah, so basically it is a brief statement that
- 基本的には簡単に言うと
encompasses your goals and like what you want out of life.
- Are you skeptical of all this?
- 疑心暗鬼になっていませんか?
- Well, I've been who I am for a very long time.
- まあ、私はずっと前からそうだったんだけどね。
- So, we've gotta find where you're going.
- だから、どこに行くのか探さないと。
- What kind of personality do you want your brand to have?
- あなたのブランドはどんな個性を持っていてほしいですか?
- I'd like to be a little bit more outgoing.
- もう少し外に出ていたいと思います。
I'm not an out-front type of person,
that's why this is a little unusual to have
this many people all staring at me at the same time.
- [Interviewer David, were you hoping to find
- デイヴィッドさん、あなたは探していたのですか?
a partner in the future?
- Yes, I've been looking for the last seven years,
- そうですね、この7年間ずっと探していました。
since I came out.
I joined the church when I was twenty-six,
they said that they could pray away the gay,
so I moved to Utah,
and my room overlooked the pool,
so I was tempted 24/7.
- Those swimming Mormon boys.
- 泳いでいるモルモンの少年たち
- Yes, exactly. Yes and their nice Speedos.
- その通りそう、それに彼らの素敵なスピードパンツ。
- I think your mission is starting to come together.
- 使命感が出てきましたね。
- Wild frontier.
- ワイルドなフロンティア。
- King of the Wild Frontier.
- ワイルドフロンティアの王様。
- You wanna explore the wild frontier?
- 野生のフロンティアを探検したいのか?
- Yeah, I like that.
- ええ、私はそれが好きです。
Exploring the Wild Frontier.
- Exploring the Wild Frontier.
- 野生のフロンティアを探る
- Yep.
- そうだな
- I have this fits more like formal wear.
- 私はこちらの方が正装にフィットしています。
Blazer, a nice dress shirt. - Oh, nice, yeah.
ブレザーにドレスシャツ- ああ、いいね。
- Yeah, right?
- そうだよね?
- This is a little bit flashier than I'm used to.
- これはちょっと派手な感じがしますね。
- [Interviewer] Do you think that captures your vision
- それはあなたのビジョンを捉えていると思いますか?
of "Exploring the Wild Frontier"?
- Oh, definitely.
- ああ、確かに。
- Is that a sex thing?
- それは性のものなのか?
- Ah, yeah. I like to be attractive.
- ああ、そうだな。私は魅力的なのが好きなんです。
- Ooh, okay!
- おう、わかった!
- [Interviewer] If he wants, he can change right here.
- 彼が望むならば、ここで着替えてもいい。
- Do you wanna- - No!
- 欲しいか...
- What do you want your tagline to say to the world?
- あなたのキャッチフレーズは、世界に向けて何を伝えたいですか?
You're so unassuming, but yet you have so much within you,
is there something like, un-assume everything or...
That's a no, I'll take that as a no.
- Tell us about yourself, like what kind of values you hold.
- どんな価値観を持っているのかなど、自分のことを教えてください。
- Hardworking, service to others,
- 勤勉、人への奉仕。
I work with a pride foundation,
it's helping people get what they need.
- What about Grounded by Good?
- Grounded by Goodはどうでしょうか?
- Yes.
- そうですね。
- Does that feel like who you are?
- それはあなたが誰であるかのように感じますか?
- Yeah.
- そうだな
- Let's make that your tagline.
- それをキャッチフレーズにしましょう。
- Okay.
- いいわよ
- Hi, I'm Koji.
- こんにちは、小路です。
- Nice to meet you.
- はじめまして。
- Yeah, I'm a little hungover, not gonna lie.
- ちょっと二日酔いなんだよ。
I've done a little bit of work,
developing a brand identity.
I'm also gonna be building a website.
So, I started to poke around a little bit in
the Wix Interface.
So, if you were to think of some symbols
or some sort of visual elements,
does anything come to mind?
- Um, bunnies.
- うさぎさん
- [Interviewer] David, is that because you wanna
- デイビッド、それはあなたがしたいからですか?
have a lot of sex?
- Wow! We're getting awful personal, here.
- うわー!私たちは、ここでひどい個人的なことをしている。
- Well, you do know that rabbits sometimes do symbolize-
- ウサギは時々象徴的に...
- Oh, I, yeah yeah. Yes I know. Yup.
- ああ、私は、そうですね、そうですね。はい、私は知っています。うん。
- [Koji] It also does symbolize rebirth
- 再生の象徴でもあるんですよ。
and resurrection as well.
Seemed like an apt fit for that.
- Mm-hmm.
- ふむふむ。
- So what was the tagline you kind of work-shopped?
- タグラインは何だったんですか?
- [David] Grounded by Good.
- "善によって支えられている
- [Koji] Grounded by Good.
- コウジ】グッドで接地。
What would you use your website for?
- I could use it for Grindr.
- Grindrにも使えるし。
- [Koji] Yeah, maybe we should put that in there.
- コウジ】うん、それは入れた方がいいかもね。
Put a clickable link to your Grindr page.
- [David] There we go, yeah.
- そうだな
(chipper tune)
- Hi, I'm David.
- こんにちは、私はデビッドです。
- Hey, Matt. Great to meet you.
- やあ マット会えて嬉しいよ
- So when you look at me what do you see?
- 私を見て何が見える?
(soulful melody)
- So, yeah, now I'd love it
- だから、そう、今、私はそれを愛しています。
if you have some movement in mind
I'll try to go score them, - Okay
- A la David
- ア・ラ・デイヴィッド
You're asking the wrong person to do this.
(uptempo keyboard)
♪ This is a great experience for me ♪
♪ Because we're talking about getting out there ♪
♪ Because we couldn're talking about getting out there ♪
♪ And for me to spend this much time ♪
♪ Talking about myself is ♪
♪ Incredible ♪
♪ Incredible ♪
♪ And so when this goes online ♪
♪ And people are looking at this ♪
♪ Understand this is who I am, really ♪
♪ I'm not the shy guy who wants to be in the background ♪
♪ I'm not the shyhy guy who wants to be in the background ♪
♪ This is who I want to be ♪
♪ I want to be in front ♪
♪ But ♪
♪ But ♪
♪ That's where I am ♪
♪ That's where I am ♪
What more could I ask for?
For some nice, cute guy to write me music.
How much more romantic can you get?
- Yeah, anytime.
- ああ、いつでもいいよ。
- So I need his name and his phone number
- 彼の名前と電話番号を教えて
and his email address.
(uproarious laughter)
- [Interviewer] How do you think our focus group
- フォーカスグループはどうでしたか?
is going to react to this new you?
- Not a clue
- 手がかりにならない
- [Interviewer] Are you nervous for people to judge you?
- 面接官】人に判断されることに緊張していませんか?
- Oh my God, yes.
- なんてことだ、そうなんだ。
- Good luck David. - Good luck David.
- 幸運を祈る- 幸運を祈る
- [Interviewer] Hello focus group.
- インタビュアー] こんにちは、フォーカスグループ。
I'm gonna bring out an individual.
His name is David.
He has been rebranded.
I want you guys to give me your honest opinion about him.
Are you guys ready?
- We are so ready. We were born ready.
- 私たちは準備ができています。私たちは生まれながらにして準備ができています。
- [Interviewer] All right, go ahead and walk out there.
- よし、先に出て行ってくれ。
- I have no clue what's going on.
- 何がどうなっているのかさっぱりわからない。
- [Interviewer] Just be there and act natural.
- 【インタビュアー】そこにいて、自然体でいるだけでいいんです。
- Ah, God I hate this. I really, really hate this.
- ああ、神様、私はこれが嫌いです。本当に大嫌いだ
This is not what I signed up for.
- [Interviewer] Okay, this person is named David.
- この人の名前はデイビッド
Their mission statement is "Exploring the Wild Frontier."
彼らの使命は "野生のフロンティアを探る "だ
(laughter) - Yes!
(笑) - はい!(笑)
- See I can hear them laughing already.
- 笑い声が聞こえてきた
So, that's not a good thing.
- He looks like if Dumbledore had like a makeover.
- ダンブルドアが変身したかのように見えるわ
Kind of like modern day. - No!
現代のようなものだ- 違うわよ!
- He's like fresh. You don't think so?
- 彼は新鮮だそうは思わないのか?
- Dumble-adorable. - Dumbleadorable! Yes!
- ダンブル・アダルトラブル。- ダンブルの愛称で親しまれている!やった!
He just has a gentle look. - Has a very open stance.
優しい表情をしているだけ。- 姿勢がとても開放的です。
- Yeah. - Mm-hmm.
- そうだな
- And very approachable looking.
- そして、とても親しみやすいルックス。
- Yeah.
- そうだな
- So what are they discussing?
- で、何を話し合っているの?
Haven't they seen enough of me yet?
(laughter) - Oh he's so cute.
(笑) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・かわいいですね。
- See they're laughing at me.
- 彼らは私を見て笑っている。
- [Interviewer] No, no no.
- いえいえ。
- They're not laughing with me.
- 彼らは私と一緒に笑っていない。
- Can you tell him he's wonderful?
- 彼が素晴らしいと言ってあげてください。
Can you relay that message for us?
- [Interviewer] The tagline for David is "Grounded by Good."
- デイビッドのキャッチフレーズは "Grounded by Good"
- [Everyone] Aww.
- みんな】あわわわ。
- This is like the most wholesome person.
- これは、最も健全な人のようです。
- He's someone where it's like
- 彼は、それがまるで
the two of you are sitting together at a bus stop
and he'll make a casual comment
and it'll turn into a full-blown conversation
that you're actually really thankful you had
at the end of the day. - Yes.
一日の終わりに- そうなんですよね。
- [Interviewer] Would you be this person's friend?
- この人の友達になりますか?
- Yes. - Absolutely.
- そうですね
- [Interviewer] What's a word you would use
- インタビュアー】あなたならどんな言葉を使いますか?
to describe this person?
- I would say warm.
- 温かいと言いたいですね。
- Gentle.
- 優しい
- Confident.
- 自信を持って
- [Interviewer] Who here would sleep with him?
- 彼と寝るのは誰だ?
- Hmm. - I'd sleep with him.
- うーん。- 私なら彼と寝るわ
He's not outside of the age ranges I fuck with.
- [Interviewer] Thank you. We'll be sure
- [インタビュアー] ありがとうございます。必ず
to relay that information.
Here's what they had to say.
Are you ready?
- Okay.
- いいわよ
- [Interviewer] He has a gentle look.
- インタビュアー】優しい表情をしています。
Tom in there said he would sleep with you.
- Get his name and phone number.
- 彼の名前と電話番号を取得します。
- [Interviewer] The words used to describe you were
- [インタビュアー] あなたのことを表す言葉は
"confident," "warm," and "kind."
"自信がある" "温かい" "優しい"
"Very approachable."
"He's wonderful."
What was that like hearing that from strangers?
- I don't hear that very often
- 滅多に聞かないことだが
from people I know, let alone strangers.
It's great. Wonderful.
- [Interviewer] Does it make you feel emotional?
- 感情的になりますか?
- Oh yes. You can't see the tears?
- そうなんだ涙が見えないのか?
- [Interviewer] Do you feel different after this experience?
- 面接官】この経験を経て、今までと違うと感じますか?
- Very much so.
- そうですね。
I've been afraid to step out.
I feel much more confident to at least try.
- [Interviewer] Thank you som much, David.
- ありがとう デイビッド
- Oh thank you.
- ありがとうございます。
- [Interviewer] To create your own website
- 面接官】自分のホームページを作るために
with Wix, like David here,
go to Wix.com/go/cut