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  • this video we're gonna show you exactly how to manifest what you want using

  • water I'm here with Eric ho and we're gonna get into the video right now

  • welcome back to another video my name's Erin and I help people expand their

  • consciousness so today we're gonna show you I'm here with Eric ho right now

  • thank you for coming on bro and we unintentionally matched today

  • we'll just get that right out right now synchronous the secret is hey we had no

  • idea we were gonna be wearing this and yeah we're today we're gonna be talking

  • about is how to manifest what you want using water if you haven't followed Eric

  • already you're gonna see in the top the description box below you will see his

  • channel there he makes great content you'll see over there very similar type

  • style videos as me when it comes to the the content that I share so if you like

  • my channel you're gonna like his channel as well we'll both help you expand your

  • consciousness it's what we do okay so so yeah so I thought he was we were talking

  • about this a little bit ago at lunch and I thought oh man is to be perfect for

  • you guys so if you wanna go ahead and share what you know about manifesting

  • using water cool yeah first off thank you for having me on of course thank you

  • bro another thing is yeah it's not something

  • so like woo or crazy you know I think Law of Attraction we all understand how

  • it works we attract what we are but the thing is a lot of people don't realize

  • that we are I think what 7080 percent and this is science right so the quality

  • of water we drink determines the quality of us and determines the quality of our

  • manifestation that's why a lot of the time by you just let's say looking at a

  • vision board in the morning or doing some incantations affirmations it's not

  • gonna change everything but one thing that does change

  • everything is water why because we drinking water right our water so how do

  • we change the vibrations of water and then how do we become that of what we

  • want to attract because there's quite a few parts to this right so the first

  • part is to understand this usually the average person out there I

  • don't know it's the same in us to drink tap water they yeah yeah people drink

  • tap water there's a load of chemicals in there to stop the pipes from bursting

  • right there's a lot of things going on there and another another type of water

  • people drink is bottled water from like supermarket shelf

  • yeah Arrowhead or something yeah yeah so when you get bottled water how long has

  • it been on the shelf for most people don't know it's been there for like two

  • years yeah in retail it's been about two years water always likes to be moving

  • when water is moving it's alive right and this is the work of dr. Emoto if

  • you've never checked hours work you can check out his work he dedicated this

  • whole life to understanding there is life in water but the biggest problem is

  • when we are drinking water from a bottled source from the Shelf it's been

  • there for two years it becomes dormant water dead water because that means that

  • you did us right so our energy is very very different yeah and so how do we

  • wake water up because if we look water always likes to be moving man take set

  • traps in the bottle so one of the components you can use is ceramic balls

  • what does the Emoto found is by using ceramic balls and we do this for around

  • 20 seconds it awakens the water and it puts the life back into water and when

  • we do that it means that we are drinking activated water meaning alive water we

  • will have more energy from it okay but aside from that it's not just being

  • alive what if it's alive and it's aggressive right alive is angry is upset

  • it's sad right that changes our vibrational frequency to grab

  • vibrational frequencies towards the low vibrational frequencies so we need to

  • shift that towards the higher ones and that's why you'll see that inside this

  • bottle that you can make the same thing inside this muscle you see there's a

  • bunch of roll rose quartz in here rose quartz is naturally a love

  • vibration ascends out so with the rose quartz there what it does it sends it

  • out to the water love joy peace being a high vibrational frequency yeah right so

  • that's another component of it by sending that vibration in another

  • component is word so what does it say on your bottle because that also sends that

  • information that intellect that thought that that word inside the water as well

  • this is a very simple experiment before we go into the final part of it it's

  • very simple experiment what dr. Emoto did when he took two glasses of water

  • put it into two different rooms and in one room

  • Aaron's saying I love you and all this type of stuff to the water and on the

  • other room we're like okay arsons and hating the water and everything yeah and

  • what he did was he took that you water and he froze it and then looking at the

  • crystals right what he found was one was beautiful crystals the other one was all

  • chaos right now some of you with a natural skeptical mind like I was would

  • be would be thinking really design work I mean is that real I had exactly the

  • same mind and that's why when we ran an event it was really magical actually I

  • was out in Malaysia we did a whole water ceremony and basically we did meditation

  • around the water wow yeah that was by the ocean and then what happened was we

  • took that bowl of water that was in the center of the meditation and then we put

  • it into a bottle and then we sent it off to emoto's lab by the way any of you can

  • have access to that as well you can send it over to the lab and then they can put

  • it under the magnifying glass and then they can print out the crystal that your

  • vibration formed right it is beautiful so what I did was we took that bowl of

  • water after the meditation right and then I took just some random ones I sent

  • both of them on purpose because I wanted to know yeah yeah wait

  • is this actually real you know right should we send it off and it sent us the

  • two things one was a beauty you can't even imagine how beautiful the crystal

  • was okay and the other one was just it wasn't even a crystal you can't even

  • call it a crystal he's just like lines right and when I seen that for psych

  • that is really crazy because like when we were talking before and you explained

  • a lot of the time when we're drinking bottled water we don't know in the

  • factory that it's made yes what vibrational frequencies the workers

  • are right yeah or the whole process in it getting to the Shelf in the first

  • place before you even have it yeah how many hands and how many vibrations has

  • been through and what is the emotion that is holding because when we take

  • water and we're like okay how do I worry yeah okay or we wake up in the morning

  • we're saying okay down a glass of water and we down that glass of water it could

  • be all sadness or hatred or jealousy or it could be all of this cyber stuff and

  • when we down that because we're 70 80 percent water we become that and then we

  • attract more of that and then we're thinking what happened you know yeah

  • why is my people say why is my law of attraction not working it's not it's not

  • working it's working all the time but it depends if you become conscious and

  • aware about all these things that we're using it it really changes everything

  • it can enhance your life that's right and then moving on to the final part of

  • it is the affirmations or some people like to say prayer that you send into

  • the water so before we drink water what is our vibrations that we send to

  • it so a lot of the time before we drink water I'm not saying I mean you don't

  • have to in public speak out loud to your water oh I love you so virgin okay you

  • might get arrested for that stuff right so be careful so like maybe just even in

  • your mind that's what we talked about before right yes thought intention yeah

  • intention right so before we drink the water are we showing that gratitude

  • right before we drink the water say if we want to attract love are we sending

  • love in there right and by the way sending love in there

  • it's not more attraction is not where we are saying to the water we're saying oh

  • I wish I could have attract my no because that's scarce is yes that you're

  • not having it is how do you become that thing you want to attract yeah so

  • instead of that it's like love I just feel love right now feel really a love

  • drinkin because that vibration sentence of water you drink it you become that as

  • well if it's money same thing right I am well not I want well I am well you are

  • wealth we are wealth abundance everywhere this is so beautiful

  • visualize see it feel it I feel it I always emotions is very powerful

  • right that's energy and motion so feel it amplify that emotion yeah so you

  • become that vibration what's it becomes a vibration you drink

  • the vibration you vibrate at the highest highest highest frequency and you

  • attract anything you want using what beautiful yeah we were talking about

  • this earlier as well about in general we were kind of going off and talking about

  • food and when you go to a restaurant and you eat the food at a restaurant the

  • emotions of the chef many times will be inside of the food that's why sometimes

  • they'll say like a mom or someone that's cooking the food with love you can taste

  • that this well you're literally eating the emotions that were put into it and

  • that's why sometimes maybe if you're feeling angry or lesser emotions you

  • want to pay attention to how what you're thinking about while you're making your

  • food what intention are you putting into your food and everything is vibration so

  • it's something to think about because not that you can be paranoid every

  • restaurant you go to like asking the waiter what's there what's the mood of

  • the house I always not having a good day it's like okay I'm gonna go so I think I

  • think that's the transition point right yeah love the time when you isn't it

  • like that like first is awareness yes exactly when awareness then you're

  • freaked out then you overdo it and then balance it out and then you balance it

  • also and then maybe once you get the fellow be the first you put intention

  • into that because you can also put intention on the food you know because

  • there's a lot of water in food especially eating nutrient-rich foods

  • that's right there's a lot of water in there so you could awareness alone can

  • help you transmute that because then you can transmute the food that you're

  • eating as well so yeah when it comes to this whole process remember you

  • experience in life that which you are the vibration of your vibration is a

  • combination what you think how you feel and what you do you know and if you can

  • influence how you feel with the power of water with everything that Eric was

  • telling you then that can influence your life as well so you want to think of how

  • can you link up to the highest vibrational reality be around high

  • vibrational friends via around and put high vibrational

  • foods into your body think high vibrational thoughts high vibrational

  • affirmations and see how that begins to change your life anything else or I

  • think that's it that's around I think that's it so thank you ever being here

  • if you haven't already you'll see Eric Ho YouTube channel down in the link

  • below if you haven't found him yet go check out his channel and follow him

  • there other than that we want to thank you for being here thank you we'll do

  • more of these down the future in the future eventually so we'll see when we

  • do that and doesn't that as always peace much love and namaste namaste

this video we're gonna show you exactly how to manifest what you want using


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エリック・ホーとの引き寄せの法則と何でもマニフェストするために水を使用して (Using Water to Manifest ANYTHING with the Law of Attraction with Eric Ho)

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    juuuddddy に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日