字幕表 動画を再生する
Hi. My name is Cameron Russell,
こんにちは キャメロン・ラッセルです
and for the last little while
I've been a model.
Actually, for 10 years.
And I feel like there's an uncomfortable tension
この会場には 何かピリピリした 空気が漂っていますが
in the room right now
この会場には 何かピリピリした 空気が漂っていますが
because I should not have worn this dress. (Laughter)
きっと 私がこんな服を 着ているからですね (笑)
So luckily I brought an outfit change.
幸い 着替えを持ってきました
This is the first outfit change on the TED stage,
TED史上初 ステージ上での 衣装替えなので
so you guys are pretty lucky to witness it, I think.
これを見られる皆さんは ラッキーだと思います
If some of the women were really horrified when I came out,
私がステージに出てくるのを見て どうなる事かと心配した方がいましたら
you don't have to tell me now, but I'll find out later on Twitter.
別に手を挙げなくてもいいですけど 後ほどツイッターで見つけますから
I'd also note that I'm quite privileged
to be able to transform what you think of me
in a very brief 10 seconds.
Not everybody gets to do that.
These heels are very uncomfortable,
so good thing I wasn't going to wear them.
The worst part is putting this sweater over my head,
because that's when you'll all laugh at me,
so don't do anything while it's over my head.
滑稽な姿をしていても バカにしないでくださいね
All right.
So why did I do that?
なぜこんな事 お見せしたと思いますか?
That was awkward.
お見苦しいものを お見せしました
hopefully not as awkward as that picture.
この写真よりは マシだったと良いんですが
Image is powerful,
イメージというものは 強烈です
but also image is superficial.
しかし同時に イメージとは 表面的なものなんです
I just totally transformed what you thought of me in six seconds.
私はたった今 数秒で 自分のイメージを変えました
And in this picture,
I had actually never had a boyfriend in real life.
I was totally uncomfortable, and the photographer
was telling me to arch my back and put my hand
背中を反らせたり 男性の髪に手をやったりしたんです
in that guy's hair.
And of course, barring surgery,
もちろん 手術や
or the fake tan that I got two days ago for work,
こんな撮影のため数日前にやった ニセ日焼けが無ければ
there's very little that we can do to transform how we look,
容姿を変えることなど ほとんどできません
and how we look, though it is superficial and immutable,
単に表面的で 変えられないものだと 分かっていても
has a huge impact on our lives.
外見というものは 私生活に莫大な影響を及ぼします
So today, for me, being fearless means being honest.
私にとって このイベントのテーマである 「勇気」とは真実を話す事だと思います
And I am on this stage because I am a model.
私はモデルだから このステージに立っています
I am on this stage because I am a pretty, white woman,
顔立ちがよく そして白人なので このステージにいるんです
and in my industry we call that a sexy girl.
業界用語では セクシーガールといいます
And I'm going to answer the questions that people always ask me,
今日は よく聞かれる質問に 答えたいと思います
but with an honest twist.
普段と違って 正直にね
So the first question is, how do you become a model?
まず聞かれるのは どうやってモデルになったか
And I always just say, "Oh, I was scouted," but that means nothing.
いつも 「スカウトされたから」 と答えますが
The real way that I became a model is
これでは答えになっていません モデルになれた真の理由は
I won a genetic lottery, and I am the recipient of a legacy,
and maybe you're wondering what is a legacy.
Well, for the past few centuries
この数世紀の間 私たちの定義する美しさは
we have defined beauty not just as health and youth
単に健康 若さ 均整といった
and symmetry that we're biologically programmed to admire,
生物学的に 称賛するよう 仕込まれてきた要素だけでなく
but also as tall, slender figures,
長身で すらっとした体型 女性らしさや 白い肌なども
and femininity and white skin.
And this is a legacy that was built for me,
この様に 私に都合良く
and it's a legacy that I've been cashing out on.
受け継がれて来た ものを使って稼いでいるわけです
And I know there are people in the audience
who are skeptical at this point,
and maybe there are some fashionistas who are, like,
ファッションに詳しい方は こう言うかもしれません
"Wait. Naomi. Tyra. Joan Smalls. Liu Wen."
「ナオミやタイラ、ジョン・スモールズ、リウ・ウェンなど 白人以外のモデルもいるぞ」
And first, I commend you on your model knowledge. Very impressive.
モデルのことを よくご存知で すばらしいですね
But unfortunately I have to inform you that in 2007,
でも実は そうではないんです
a very inspired NYU Ph.D. student counted
2007年 ニューヨーク大の 聡明な博士課程の大学院生が
all the models on the runway, every single one that was hired,
ランウェイを歩くモデルを 一人残らず数えました
and of the 677 models that were hired,
only 27, or less than four percent, were non-white.
白人以外の人種は 4%未満の27人だけだったんです
The next question people always ask me is,
"Can I be a model when I grow up?"
「大人になったら 私もモデルになれますか?」
And the first answer is, "I don't know, they don't put me in charge of that."
「さあ それは私が決めることでないし」 とまず言ってから
But the second answer, and what I really want to say to these little girls is, "Why?
尋ねてきた少女たちに訊くんです 「なぜモデルになりたいの?
You know? You can be anything.
他にも いろいろなれるじゃない
You could be the President of the United States,
米国大統領とか 次世代インターネットの発明者とか
or the inventor of the next Internet,
or a ninja cardio-thoracic surgeon poet,
あるいは 忍者心胸外科医詩人なんてどう?
which would be awesome, because you'd be the first one."
まだ誰もなってないんだから 最高じゃない?」
If, after this amazing list, they still are like,
"No, no, Cameron, I want to be a model,"
well then I say, "Be my boss."
「だったら私のボスになるといいわ」 と私は答えるの
Because I'm not in charge of anything,
and you could be the editor in chief of American Vogue
or the CEO of H&M, or the next Steven Meisel.
H&MのCEO あるいは 次のスティーヴン・マイゼルに なれるかもしれません
Saying that you want to be a model when you grow up
is akin to saying that you want to win the Powerball when you grow up.
「宝くじを当てたい」と言うのと 同じことなんです
It's out of your control, and it's awesome,
素晴らしいことですが 自分の力ではどうにもならないことであり
and it's not a career path.
キャリアとして 成長できるものでもないんです
I will demonstrate for you now 10 years of accumulated model knowledge,
10年間積み上げてきた モデルの知識を披露します
because unlike cardio-thoracic surgeons,
it can just be distilled right into -- right now.
短く要約 できちゃいます
So if the photographer is right there
and the light is right there, like a nice HMI,
and the client says, "Cameron, we want a walking shot,"
「歩いている写真が撮りたい」 と言われたら
well then this leg goes first, nice and long, this arm goes back, this arm goes forward,
左足を 前方に 真っ直ぐ伸ばし 左手は後ろ 右手は前にやります
the head is at three quarters, and you just go back and forth,
頭は45度に保ち こうやって前後を繰り返します
just do that, and then you look back at your imaginary friends,
友だちがいると想定して 振り向くんです
300, 400, 500 times. (Laughter)
It will look something like this. (Laughter)
そしてこんな感じに 仕上がります(笑)
Hopefully less awkward than that one in the middle.
真ん中の写真は ちょっと不自然ですが
That was, I don't know what happened there.
なんで こうなったんでしょうね
Unfortunately after you've gone to school,
and you have a résumé and you've done a few jobs,
you can't say anything anymore,
それ以上 履歴書に書けることはありません
so if you say you want to be the President of the United States,
例えば 米国大統領に なりたいとします
but your résumé reads, "Underwear Model: 10 years,"
しかし履歴書には 「下着モデル10年」
people give you a funny look.
採用担当者は おかしな顔をします
The next question people always ask me is, "Do they retouch all the photos?"
さて 次に聞かれる質問は 「画像修整はしているの?」
And yeah, they pretty much retouch all the photos,
but that is only a small component of what's happening.
でも それだけではないんです
This picture is the very first picture that I ever took,
and it's also the very first time that I had worn a bikini,
人生で初めて ビキニを着た時でもあります
and I didn't even have my period yet.
I know we're getting personal, but
I was a young girl.
私は ごく普通の少女でした
This is what I looked like with my grandma just a few months earlier.
これは撮影数ヶ月前に おばあちゃんと撮った写真です
Here's me on the same day as this shoot.
My friend got to come with me.
Here's me at a slumber party a few days before I shot French Vogue.
仏版『ヴォーグ』の撮影数日前に パジャマパーティをした写真です
Here's me on the soccer team and in V Magazine.
サッカーチームでの写真と 『V マガジン』の写真です
And here's me today.
And I hope what you're seeing is that
these pictures are not pictures of me.
They are constructions,
and they are constructions by a group of professionals,
ヘアスタイリスト メイクアップアーティスト カメラマン スタイリスト等の専門家を初め
by hairstylists and makeup artists and photographers and stylists
ヘアスタイリスト メイクアップアーティスト カメラマン スタイリスト等の専門家を初め
and all of their assistants and pre-production and post-production,
彼らのアシスタントや プリプロ・ポスプロ等
and they build this. That's not me.
皆で作りあげる作品であり 「私」ではないんです
Okay, so the next question people always ask me is,
さて 次によく聞かれるのは
"Do you get free stuff?"
I do have too many 8-inch heels which I never get to wear,
日常では絶対に使わない 20cmのヒールなら余るほどあります
except for earlier,
but the free stuff that I get
is the free stuff that I get in real life, and that's what we don't like to talk about.
私生活で得られるもので 普通はあまり口にされません
I grew up in Cambridge,
and one time I went into a store and I forgot my money
ショッピングに行ったとき お金を忘れてしまいました
and they gave me the dress for free.
しかし 欲しかったドレスが タダで貰えたんです
When I was a teenager, I was driving with my friend
ティーンの時 友だちと ドライブしていました
who was an awful driver and she ran a red and of course,
we got pulled over,
and all it took was a "Sorry, officer,"
「お巡りさん ごめんなさい」 と言うと
and we were on our way.
And I got these free things because of how I look,
not who I am, and there are people paying a cost
私自身に関係なく 私の外見のおかげで 得られるんです。反対に 単に外見のため
for how they look and not who they are.
I live in New York, and last year,
私の住むニューヨークで 昨年
of the 140,000 teenagers that were stopped and frisked,
14万人のティーンが 所持品検査を受けさせられましたが
86 percent of them were black and Latino,
そのうち86%が 黒人かラテン系であり
and most of them were young men.
And there are only 177,000 young black and Latino men in New York,
ニューヨークには黒人とラテン系の 若者は17万7千人しかいませんから
so for them, it's not a question of, "Will I get stopped?"
彼らにしてみれば 「検査を受けさせられるのか?」ではなく
but "How many times will I get stopped? When will I get stopped?"
「何回受けさせられるのか? それはいつか?」なんです
When I was researching this talk,
I found out that of the 13-year-old girls in the United States,
あることを発見しました アメリカに住む13歳の少女のうち
53 percent don't like their bodies,
and that number goes to 78 percent by the time that they're 17.
17歳になるころには その値は78%にも上がっています
So the last question people ask me is,
さて よく聞かれる最後の質問は
"What is it like to be a model?"
And I think the answer that they're looking for is,
"If you are a little bit skinnier and you have shinier hair,
「すらっとして 髪が美しかったら
you will be so happy and fabulous."
幸せで 有名になれるわ」です
And when we're backstage, we give an answer
that maybe makes it seem like that.
We say, "It's really amazing to travel,
私たちはこう答えます 「世界中を飛び回り
and it's amazing to get to work with creative, inspired, passionate people."
才能があり 情熱を持つ クリエイティブな人たちと 仕事ができるのは 素晴らしいです」
And those things are true, but they're only one half of the story,
確かに嘘では ありませんが 真実の半分でしかありません
because the thing that we never say on camera,
誰もカメラに向かっては 絶対に言わないもの
that I have never said on camera,
is, "I am insecure."
And I'm insecure because I have to think about
what I look like every day.
毎日 自分の外見を 気にしなくてはいけないからです
And if you ever are wondering,
"If I have thinner thighs and shinier hair, will I be happier?"
「足が細くて 髪がもっと艶々してたら もっと 幸せになれるかしら?」
you just need to meet a group of models,
と思うことがあるならば モデルたちに会ってみることです
because they have the thinnest thighs and the shiniest hair and the coolest clothes,
申し分のない脚や髪 そしてステキな服も着ていますが
and they're the most physically insecure women probably on the planet.
彼女たちは おそらく世界で一番 身体的不安を抱えています
So when I was writing this talk, I found it very difficult
私は この話の原稿を書いているとき
to strike an honest balance, because on the one hand,
どうしたら正確に話の 釣り合いが取れるか悩みました
I felt very uncomfortable to come out here and say,
このステージで こんな事を言うのは 気が引けました
"Look I've received all these benefits from a deck stacked in my favor,"
「私は運が良かったから こんなに得をした」
and it also felt really uncomfortable to follow that up with,
その一方 こう付け足すのも 簡単な事ではないのです
"and it doesn't always make me happy."
「だからと言って いつも幸せなわけではないの」
But mostly it was difficult to unpack a legacy
でも一番難しかったのは 私たちの受け継いできた
of gender and racial oppression
when I am one of the biggest beneficiaries.
それによって 特に恩恵を受けているのが 私自身だからです
But I'm also happy and honored to be up here
しかし このステージに上がれて 幸せで 誇りにも思います
and I think that it's great that I got to come
今日 ここで話せて 良かったと思います
before 10 or 20 or 30 years had passed and I'd had more agency in my career,
10年後 20年後 30年後 もっとエージェントがついたら
because maybe then I wouldn't tell the story of how I got my first job,
たぶん どうやってこの職を得たかとか
or maybe I wouldn't tell the story of how I paid for college,
学費をどう稼いだかなんて 話さなかったかもしれません
which seems so important right now.
現在 私にとって勉強はとても大切なものです
If there's a takeaway to this talk, I hope it's that
we all feel more comfortable acknowledging
the power of image in our perceived successes
and our perceived failures.
考えられるように なって頂ける事を 願っています
Thank you. (Applause)