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  • HI, everybody.

  • Welcome to

  • I'm Adam.

  • In today's video we're going to look at some phrasal verbs, but these are very specific

  • to one context.

  • Okay?

  • We're going to look at phrasal verbs that you will hear or use in school, or in some

  • sort of educational context.

  • Okay?

  • So, again, just a quick review: What is a phrasal verb?

  • It's a verb in connection with a preposition that has a different meaning than the two

  • words themselves.

  • Okay?

  • And you're going to see examples as we go.

  • So we're going to start with "hand in" or "hand out".

  • So, at the beginning of a class, a teacher may hand out an assignment; like a little

  • exercise.

  • She will hand it out to everyone, and then everyone will work on it, and at the end when

  • they're finished, all the students will hand in their exercise.

  • So, "hand out" means pass to everyone; "hand in" means give back to the teacher or put

  • it all in one place.

  • "Turn in" basically means the same thing as "hand in".

  • When you're finished your assignment or when your... the due date of an essay, for example,

  • you'll come to class and you'll turn it into the teacher; you'll give it to her, submit

  • it to her or him, etc.

  • Keep in mind: "handout" one word is a noun, and the actual piece of paper that the teacher

  • hands out is called a "hand out".

  • So, the teacher hands out a handout.

  • So, it's a little bit confusing; make sure that you hear the different.

  • "Hand out", "handout".

  • So, this is the stress here: "hand out", and "handout" is even.

  • Two separate words, each stressed individually; whereas here you have it on the first syllable:

  • "hand".

  • Okay?

  • Now, "turn over".

  • Very straightforward.

  • Actually... this one actually does mean exactly what it sounds like.

  • When you come into a class and it's test day, and all the tests are on the desks and they're

  • upside down so you can't actually see the first question, the teacher makes everybody

  • sit down and they say: "Don't turn it over until the time begins", so "turn over" - basically

  • flip; make it right side up.

  • So, the teacher will say: "Everybody ready?"

  • They say: "Yes", and she goes: "Okay.

  • Time starts.

  • Turn over your papers, and you may begin."

  • So just flip.

  • "Drop out".

  • If you go to school and it's too difficult for you or it's going too fast and you can't

  • keep up, you might consider dropping out.

  • So, "to drop out" basically means to quit, but it's... when you drop out, you're dropping

  • out of a school situation or a program.

  • So, some sort of educational setting you're going to drop out of; you're going to quit.

  • A "dropout", again, I'm taking the two words together and I'm making a noun - a "dropout"

  • is a person who dropped out of school, or out of a program, or a class, etc.

  • "Sign up" basically means register.

  • So, if there's like a school club... let's say there's a chess club and you want to join

  • the chess club, then you need to sign up for the club.

  • Often we use it with the second preposition "for" to say what you're signing up for; the

  • target, but you can also use it by itself.

  • "Whoever wants to join the chess club should sign up no later than today."

  • So you can use it by itself or with the actual target; so, join, register for.

  • "Show up".

  • "Show up" and "turn up" basically mean the same thing; it means to appear; to come to

  • class.

  • So, if you don't show up to tomorrow's lesson, you will miss a lot of valuable information.

  • If you don't turn up to tomorrow's class, you will miss a lot of valuable information

  • and maybe you won't do so well on your test.

  • So, basically appear; don't be absent.

  • "Make up", okay?

  • If you missed a class or if you missed a test, you will have to make it up the following

  • week.

  • So, basically you will have to somehow complete this task or complete this test.

  • You will have to do it a different time; you'll make it up, so do it a different time or do

  • it again.

  • Some teachers are very nice; they let their students make up a bad test result.

  • So, if you failed a test, your teacher will let you make it up next week or with another

  • assignment.

  • Okay.

  • Next: "catch on" or "catch up".

  • Some people just have a very hard time catching on to what the teacher is saying.

  • So, "to catch on" basically means to understand; to grasp the lesson or the situation.

  • "Catch up" means that maybe you missed a few classes, and you missed a lot of information.

  • So, all the students are here in terms of progress of the class, and you're back here

  • because you missed it, so you need to catch up; you need to get all this material before

  • the next class so that when you join your classmates, everybody is on the same page,

  • everybody understands the same things.

  • So, "catch on" - understand; "catch up" - do the things you missed, basically, so you're

  • in the same line with everybody.

  • "Pick up" is very similar to "catch on".

  • If you pick up something quickly, it means you understand it quickly; if you catch on

  • quickly, you understood it quickly, so very similar to "catch on".

  • Now, "read up on".

  • "Read up on" basically means do some research.

  • If you have... if you found a topic that's very interesting to you but you don't know

  • very much about it, your teacher might tell you to read up on that topic.

  • Okay?

  • So we usually use it with "on", so the two prepositions.

  • You can also say: "Study up on".

  • "Read up on" means read articles, read books about this topic; "study up on" means find

  • out about this topic.

  • Generally, how you're going to find out about the topic is by reading things.

  • So, generally, these two things mean the same: "read up on", "study up on".

  • "Go through".

  • So, the teacher is going to give you a whole bunch of materials, like maybe articles or

  • newspaper clippings, or whatever materials, and he or she will tell you to go through

  • all the information and get the information you need for the assignment or for the test.

  • So, "go through" and "look over" essentially means the same thing.

  • Here's a whole bunch of article... here are... is a bunch of articles?

  • Go through them, find the information you need, or look over them, find the information

  • you need and complete you assignment or prepare for the test.

  • Okay?

  • So, essentially the same idea.

  • And "speak up"; very, very important.

  • If a teacher tells you to speak up, there's actually two meanings.

  • One, she or he can't hear you.

  • "Speak up.

  • I can't hear you" means speak louder.

  • The other meaning is: "Be confident.

  • If you have something to say, say it; don't be shy."

  • Don't be afraid to say it; speak up.

  • Say what you have to say, and then we'll discuss it and figure out from there.

  • If a teacher tells you to speak up, speak up.

  • Basically mean if a teacher tells you to speak louder, speak louder.

  • If a teacher tells you to speak up and just say what's on your mind - don't be afraid;

  • say it, and then deal with the consequences after that.

  • Okay?

  • So, these are very useful if you're in a school situation; if you're in an educational situation

  • or context - you really need to know all these phrasal verbs.

  • Keep in mind all of these have other meanings in other contexts, so make sure you understand

  • and you don't confuse the contexts when using phrasal verbs.

  • Okay?

  • Now, if you want to make sure you understood these, and you want to review and have a little

  • practice, go to and take the quiz that's there right now.

  • You can also ask me questions in the comment section, and I'll be happy to answer them.

  • And that's it.

  • If you like the video, give me a like.

  • Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel if you haven't already, and come back next

  • time for more vocab, and grammar, and other interesting lessons to help you learn English.

  • I'll see you then.

  • Bye-bye.

HI, everybody.


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A2 初級

学校のための17の英語phrasal verbs (17 English PHRASAL VERBS for School)

  • 90 3
    Flora Hu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日