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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Quotes 174..

  • The quote today is by Edward Snowden.

  • You know, he's the famous whistleblower.

  • I remember in the year when he first came out

  • and did it. The next year I think they gave him

  • the whistleblower of the year award.

  • So let's take a look at his quote.

  • " I don't want to live in a world, where everything that I say

  • everything that I do. everyone I talk to,

  • every expression of love or friendship

  • is being recorded. " Yes this is a famous

  • quote from him. This is one of the

  • reasons he's explaining why he did what

  • he did, and why it was so important to

  • reveal this to especially to the

  • American people but really even to the world.

  • All right. Let's continue with the note here.

  • Before Edward Snowden revealed to the world,

  • how the NSA records every conversation

  • on every phone in the world,

  • there were already conspiracy theories about this.

  • Like many other so-called conspiracy theories,

  • We have found out this one was

  • conspiracy fact. Yeah. So a lot of the times,

  • we hear something, it's a conspiracy theory,

  • once we know for sure, it's not really a theory anymore.

  • We know it's true, we say that it is

  • conspiracy fact.

  • We also know the spying is not limited

  • to your personal phones. You

  • could be spied on from any other

  • electronic products or many other

  • electronic products including your computer,

  • some personal TVs, etc. Well the good news here

  • is that they don't really have enough

  • people to monitor and listen to everybody,

  • all the time. The bad news is if you're targeted

  • they could find you and

  • they can look it up if they have it stored.

  • They could pull it out. They can examine it.

  • They can try to find something on you.

  • So that's what he's letting you know.

  • Let's continue. If someone is targeted

  • by the government,

  • they don't even need your phone.

  • They can hack into somebody else's phone

  • that is in your presence to

  • listen to what you may say. That's why

  • sometimes you hear, they say these

  • whistle-blowers or somebody is meeting

  • somebody else secretly, they really don't

  • want to be spied on. One of the first questions

  • I hear that they always ask is

  • do you have a phone on you ? Because they

  • know that if you got a phone even the

  • other person who has a phone maybe that

  • could be hacked in , and you could they

  • could still record your conversation.

  • All right. Let's continue.

  • Most of the collected and stored data is

  • held in storage facilities in Salt Lake City, Utah.

  • Yeah It is really, really huge.

  • They have many, many buildings there . And

  • that's another thing I think you know

  • the government tried to say that they

  • were only storing mega data, but a lot of

  • other whistleblowers came out and said

  • if that were really true, they don't need

  • all these large facilities. And I think

  • they go through a lot of water too. Those,

  • those machines get really hot, and

  • somehow they use water to keep them cooled down.

  • Well anyway, I hope it's clear. I hope

  • you got it. I hope it was informative. Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Quotes 174..


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英語の家庭教師ニックPの引用符(174)エドワード-スノーデン私は世界で生きたいとは思いません... (English Tutor Nick P Quotes (174) Edward Snowden I don't Want to Live in a World Where...)

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    anitawu12 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日