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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is lesson 64. Today we're going to look at the

  • difference between fate and destiny. Yeah when they come up a lot of times

  • students will ask it's even know a little confusing to Westerners and native

  • speakers. They are actually very close. There is a slight feel and slight

  • difference between the two though. All right let's take a look. Let's take a look at

  • fate first. A set course of your life that will happen despite your actions. So

  • that's kind of the feeling with the with fate no matter what you do you can't

  • change it. So let's look at these notes first. Both fate and destiny are based on

  • the belief of a supernatural power or force that has arranged a road or paths

  • for one's life. So your life has been kind of laid out for you. Or at least

  • what you're meant to do. However the use of fate tends to be more negative and

  • the feeling is that your course of life is inevitable and cannot be changed with

  • fate. So we tend to use it more with negative things like when somebody dies

  • or something bad happen and say well that was just their fate.

  • You know nothing they couldn't do anything about it so we can use fate

  • more in that way. All right. Let's take a look here. Destiny destiny is a little bit the

  • opposite destiny tends to be more positive than fate and there is more of

  • a feeling that your actions and your decisions hope to form shape and

  • determine one's path. Yeah hopefully one will attain one's destiny and with

  • destiny there is a chance that you know this is

  • this what you were born for this is what you were meant for this what you're

  • supposed to do but if you if you go off track you might not actually you may

  • never reach it. But this is what you were supposed to do this is what you're meant

  • to do and maybe you should be pushing a life to get to that point. I guess that's

  • what that means. All right so hopefully one will attain one's destiny but there is

  • some chance could get sidetracked. So there is more

  • feeling like you do have more more input in it. it's not like you can't change it

  • you can change it. But the feeling is more about something positive so let's

  • start taking a look at the examples it helps to explain it more. In the movie

  • 'Time Machine' it was the fate of the main character's fiancee to be killed so he

  • would have the determination to build the time machine and try to reverse the

  • events. Yeah that's what gave him the ambition and determination because maybe if

  • he was just happy with his wife. Maybe he would have been as ambitious he would

  • have been comfortable. But because she died and he really wanted to somehow you

  • know bring her back. This is what gave him all the energy to put in there. But

  • every time he tried to do it and he did invent the machine and he went back and

  • he tried to change it and he tried to stop her he he may have stopped her from

  • one situation of being murdered or killed and then very soon somehow she

  • was murdered or killed by somebody else. Or something else so it was kind of like

  • the thing it had to happen. And then the story time machine at the end he finds

  • out I remember he's talking to one of the other characters in the movie and he

  • wanted that answer. Why couldn't he change it and the guy gave him the

  • answer. Well if you if you were able to you can't change it because if she

  • didn't die you would have never had the determination. So it was the fate it had

  • to happen. So that's a good example of like fate . So let's take a look at the

  • second example. I want to do the right thing but I don't want to meet the same

  • fate as the previous whistleblowers and end up dead. Yeah you know in life you

  • know sometimes you hear about people they report on a certain company or the

  • government or the organization and I don't know a lot of times. Sometimes they

  • have unexpected accidents. Something happens to them but anyway so maybe the

  • other whistleblowers worry that they may end up with the

  • same fate. The same thing could happen to them. So again it tends to be more

  • negative tends to be about death and yeah so okay let's take a look at

  • the third one. The accused's fate is now in the hands of the jury. Yeah we hear this

  • a lot to somebody's fate is up to the jury to decide very good. We say their

  • fate or let's look at more like for examples for destiny

  • it was the king it was King author's that's the name to be king yes something

  • very positive to be king you know he was supposed to do something for the good of

  • mankind or or you know to change the world change history. You know it was

  • there it was their destiny okay good. Oh number two. That couple believes they are

  • soul mates and it was their destiny to be together. Yeah thinking that you know

  • somehow that maybe they knew each other in another life. Maybe they were romantic

  • in another way. And that they were always meant to be together

  • and this is more positive it's about love so we tend to use destiny more in

  • that way. All right number the third one you know that Catalan you know

  • that's a a section of Spain for a long time they've been wanting to to secede or separate from Spain. So that we might hear that Catalan along wants to

  • separate from Spain so they can control their own destiny. Yeah because maybe

  • they feel like they're being controlled by the government they want to break

  • free. They want to separate that's another way that we sometimes hear the

  • word destiny used. So again just to look at it again

  • both of them have the idea that they you know that this is the way it was going to

  • this was the direction or road or path for one's life. But again destiny fate is

  • the one that's more negative and feels like he can't be change. Destiny does

  • tends to be about more positive things and there does seem to be you know more

  • ability about your decisions. Whether you kind of

  • create or form or shape your own destiny. So that's the way it tends to by used most

  • of the time. Okay thank you I hope it clarifies it out we can clearly see more

  • of a difference between fate and destiny. Now thank you for your time

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is lesson 64. Today we're going to look at the


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家庭教師ニックPレッスン(64) 運命と運命の違い (Tutor Nick P Lesson (64) The Difference Between Fate and Destiny)

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    anitawu12 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日