字幕表 動画を再生する
(upbeat music)
- Next.
Checking in?
- You know it.
- Go ahead and place any bags or pets on the scale please.
- No problem.
- I can not allow that animal to board the plane.
- Oh, no, no, no, it's okay, it's okay.
She's a service animal.
- She's a dinosaur.
- I mean, he needs her for emotional support.
- No. -Yes, please.
We're not just one of those bogus a-hole couples.
I get anxiety and I need her to calm me down.
- A word, 'cause I'm getting anxiety just standing here.
- Shh.
I was with her at birth.
And I've been separated from her one time
and I will not let that happen again.
- He wouldn't have the courage to talk to you right now
if she weren't here.
- Exactly.
- He's the most cowardly man you've ever seen.
- Well. - It's so unattractive.
- Okay, that's really helping.
Listen, I didn't wanna do this,
but I read the bylaws and there's no specific rules
stating that I can't have a dinosaur on your plane.
So, load her up. (screeching)
- It could kill everyone on board.
- Name one person who was killed by a dinosaur.
- What about at that park they keep having to close down?
- What park?
- We don't know what you're talking about.
- Look, I wanna help you, but I have to at least know
that you have some control over the animal.
- You wanna see control?
I'll show you control.
- She's highly trained.
- No, that's wrong.
That's just, she's super submissive.
- Oh really?
- Oh yeah. - Yeah.
- Sit.
- Come on, you have to say with authority.
Blue, go full beast mode.
- Very good, honey.
Blue, eat your pole.
- You're just saying things she's already doing.
- Blue, stay!
See, she's understand.
- She's in a kennel, where's she --
Oh no!
- Here we go.
- Can I speak with your supervisor?
- Hi, I'm Raphael from CollegeHumor.
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Thanks a lot, that really hit the spot.