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Hong Kong is the home of kung-fu movies and skyscrapers, but it's also home to an awesome food scene.
With its Chinese and British influences, Hong Kong is a melting pot of flavor.
It's a dining mecca with restaurants and eateries that range from budget-friendly noodle carts through to flamboyant Michelin star restaurants.
The majority of restaurants in Hong Kong don't preach polite service or fastidious presentation and instead prefer to focus on flavor and technique.
So here's my Hong Kong food guide—what to eat and where to eat it.
It's not unusual to find a string of people lining up for breakfast in Hong Kong.
It's a regular occurrence at Ocean's Empire Congee, where you can have tasty rice porridge and you tiao (Chinese doughnuts) for breakfast.
Ocean's Empire Congee でも日常茶飯事で、このお店では美味しいお粥と油条(中国版ドーナッツ)が人気です。
If you want to have some of the best bo lo baau in Hong Kong, then head to Kam Fung.
Kam Fung では香港指折りの菠蘿包が楽しめます。
Oh, and you have to remember, you must try their egg tarts.
There is just so much crumbly, flaky, custardy goodness in each and every bite.
One of the best expressions of Chinese and British fusion is probably cha chaan teng,
also known as the Hong Kong style breakfast, which kind of consists of ham and macaroni soup, fluffy scrambled eggs, and instant beef noodles.
For a similar style breakfast and equally fluffy eggs, you could also visit the Australian Dairy Company, Tong Chong Street Market, Ho Hung Lee, Fuk Kee Congee, and Lan Fong Yuen.
この他にも Australian Dairy Company、Tong Chong Street Market、Ho Hung Lee、Fuk Kee Congee、そして Lan Fong Yuen などのお店でも美味しいふかふかエッグの朝食が楽しめます。
I love dim sum, and one of the best places to have dim sum in Hong Kong is at Tim Ho Wan in Sham Shui Po.
私は点心が大好きなんですけど、香港でおススメの点心レストランは Sham Shui Po にある Tim ho Wan です。
It is one of the cheapest Michelin star restaurants in the world.
Sham Shui Po is also known as one of the poorer areas in Hong Kong, but the food is nothing less than amazing.
Sham Shui Po は香港の貧しいエリアとして知られていますが、食べ物は素晴らしい以外の言葉が当てはまりません。
The char siu buns are also crazy good and a must-try.
Seriously, they are addictive.
I'm always down to Din Tai Fung.
個人的には、いつも Din Tai Fung に行きます。
They have the best siu long baos, in my opinion, and an awesome assortment of dumplings to try.
They also have birthday buns that are—you know, shaped a little bit like butts; and we being the immature people we are, couldn't help but poke little holes in them.
Don't forget to try the dessert, too, because it's really ace as well.
Some other places for dim sum also include Fu Sing Restaurant, Sun Hing, One Dim Sum, Man Wah, and Ah Shun Shandong dumplings.
点心でこの他におススメなのは、Fu Sing Restaurant、Sun Hing、One Dim Sum、Man Wah、そして Ah Shun Shandong dumplings です。
Char Siu Pork is probably one of the most well-known Cantonese dishes around the world.
While there are plenty of restaurants that specialize in char siu pork, we decided to visit Tai Hang for our roast pork, roast duck, and char siu pork fix.
叉焼の専門店はたくさんありますが、今回は Tai Hang でポーク、ローストダック、叉焼を堪能してきました。
Yum Cha at Central is where you can find cute custard buns with faces and they also offer food perfect for sharing based on some very Szechuan flavours.
Central の飲茶は、顔がついてる可愛いカスタード饅頭が有名ですが、その他の四川風味の料理も皆でシェアして楽しみたいところです。
Mak's noodles is a popular spot for wontons.
Mak's noodles は雲呑が人気です。
The soup base is solid, the wontons are delicious, and the noodles are fresh and have bite.
These fresh and fuss-free noodles can also be found in similar places, like Wong Lam Kee Chiu Chow, Kau Kee beef brisket noodles, Sister Wah, and Kai Kee noodles.
他にも Wong Lam Kee Chiu Chow、Kau Kee beef brisket noodles、Sister Hua、Kai Kee noodles などで美味しい雲呑麺を楽しむことができます。
Put Little Bao on the list of places to eat at right now.
Little Bao は絶対にリストから外せません。
Their pork belly bao, their Szechuan fried chicken bao (which is amazing), and even the truffle fries are super delicious.
Don't forget to make a booking or else be prepared to wait.
The plus side is, is that they do deliver should you get late-night cravings.
素晴らしいのは、配達があるので夜遅くにふとお腹が空いた時でも大丈夫なこと 。
If you want to test out some other Asian fusion, then head to Ho Lee Fuk, Atum, Ronin, or Yardbird.
この他のアジア系フュージョンフードのお店は、Ho Lee Fuk、Atum、Ronin、もしくは Yardbird 辺りをおススメします。
Elephant Grounds has you covered for coffee and ice cream sandwiches.
コーヒーとアイスクリームサンドイッチと言えば、Elephant Grounds ですが
But if you're feeling like ice cream and waffles and jelly, then Oddies Foodies is the way to go.
アイスクリームとワッフル、ゼリーのコンボなら Oddies foodies です。
They even have guava-flavored ice cream.
If you're feeling like a bit more pastry with your ice cream, then definitely head over to Owl's Choux, where they specialize in a range of cool desserts.
もし、アイスクリームにペイストリーの組み合わせが良いなという場合は、絶対に Owl's Choux に足を運んで、素敵なデザートを堪能してください。
Along with Owl's, Mammy's Pancake is also recognized as a place to visit on the Michelin Street Food Guide.
Owl's Choux 同様、Mammy's Pancake もミシェランのストリートフードガイドブックに是非訪れたい店として掲載されています。
The hard part is choosing what flavor, as they've got choc chip, original, matcha, and even sweet potato.
Yee Shun is up there for traditional dessert with their double steamed milk pudding that is super soft, silky, and delicious.
Yee Shun は伝統的なデザートに特化していて、ダブルスチーム・ミルクプディングは超ソフトで舌触りも滑らかでおいしい逸品です。
I can't mention desserts without mentioning Hui Lau Shan and their mango romance, their mango delightful trio, and just all of their mango desserts and sago.
デザートと言えば Hui Lan Shan のマンゴーロマンス、マンゴー3点盛り、そしてその他のマンゴーで作られたデザートとサゴを語らずにはいられません。
Other key dessert places of note also include Joyful Dessert House, Modos Hong Kong, Pan de Pain Pancakes, Lucky Dessert House, Via Tokyo, and Icecreameria.
この他にもおススメしておきたいデザートのお店としては、Joyful Dessert House、Modo's Hong Kong、Pan de Pain Pancakes、Lucky Dessert House、Via Tokyo、そしてIcecreameria が挙げられます。
I hope you enjoyed this quick food guide on what to eat and where to eat in Hong Kong.
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