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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Proverbs 91. The proverb today is even a

  • broken clock is right twice a day. Okay. Let's look at the note here. This

  • proverb could be rephrased as even a stopped clock is right twice a day. So

  • you could say it's a broken clock or a a stopped clock is right twice a

  • day. All right. Let's continue. The proverb means even someone that you consider

  • unreliable to trust their information could be right once in a while, even if

  • it is by chance. Even if it's just by luck. Of course. The proverb comes from

  • the fact that a broken clock as long as it still has handles, as long as it has like

  • a minute handle and an hour handle. As long as the handles are still on it

  • it is in fact right twice a day. Because the handles will go around the

  • clock two full times each day. Twice a day it'll be on the correct, it will be

  • on the correct time even if it is only for one minute each time. So for, for

  • two minutes during the whole day. You know, twelve hours apart, it'll be on the

  • correct time. So that's why they say even a stopped clock or a broken clock is

  • right twice a day. That's what they're saying. Okay. You know

  • it's meant in a humorous way. It's usually meant in a joking way to say

  • that well, you know, maybe that person just got lucky that they were

  • right. So anyway, here's the one example we'll hear for this. I know that

  • investment analyst called crash, but he is usually wrong. I think he

  • just got lucky. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. So somebody who would

  • be kind of criticizing him still even though he was right might still be

  • criticizing him. Saying well maybe he just got lucky. Maybe he still doesn't know

  • what he's talking about. Okay. Anyway that's the way you hear it. That's the

  • way it's usually used. I hope it's clear. I hope you got it. Thank you for your

  • time. Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Proverbs 91. The proverb today is even a


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英語の家庭教師ニックPの箴言(91)壊れた時計でも一日に二回は正しい (English Tutor Nick P Proverbs (91) Even a Broken Clock is Right Twice a Day)

  • 19 0
    anitawu12 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日