字幕表 動画を再生する
Hey folks, David here. 大家好,我是David
It has been long time since last time we met. 好久沒見到大家了
Right now, we're at the lovely Siao-Long Cultural Park in Jiali District. 今天我們來到佳里區的蕭壠文化園區
The name Siao-Long isn't actually Mandarin , 蕭壠這個名字其實並不是中文
but the name came from a nearby Sirayan settlement 而是源自於附近一個幾百年前的
from hundreds of years ago. 西拉雅部落
Let's go check it out and see what it has to offer! 現在就讓我們一起去瞧瞧吧!
You know, there's a ton to see in Siao-Long Cultural Park. 蕭壠文化園區的景點非常多
And I know you're probably worrying about getting lost. 大家可能會擔心迷路
But hey, don't worry. 但其實完全不用擔心
There's a map of this area just right on this wall. 這邊的牆上就有園區地圖
Let's go check it out and see where we are! 來看看我們現在在哪裡吧!
So right now, we're at… 現在我們所在的位置是…
Hold on a second. 稍等一下
Right there. 就是這裡
As you can see, the whole cultural park is quite vast. 大家可以看到,整個文化園區非常大
There's a kid's library from there. 這裡有兒童圖書館
There's a walk way. 有徒步區
There are even train tracks from its old sugar refinery days. 甚至還有從前老糖廠時期留下來的鐵道
There's a shop. 這裡有商店
There are many many exhibition halls along 有很多的展覽館
with the Sirayan cultural exhibition. 和西拉雅文化館
And just to top it off, the water park! 除此之外,這裡還有個親水公園喔!
Siao-Long Cultural park used to be a sugar refinery. 蕭壠文化園區的前身是糖廠
The exhibition halls here were warehouses in the past. 這裡的展示館以前都是倉庫
And you can still see what it was like back in the sugar refinery days. 在這裡可以看到早期糖廠的痕跡喔
Look at this door. 看看這扇門
You can see and even get to touch the history on it. 這裡還可以看到 甚至摸到上頭歷史的痕跡
And you can still tell the word “tai-tan”, 還可以隱約看得出門上的「臺糖」兩個字
which stands for Taiwan Sugar. 也就是臺灣糖廠
So, as we mentioned earlier, 就像剛剛提到的
the name Siao-Long came from the Sirayan language. 蕭壠二字源自於西拉雅語
So naturally there is a Sirayan Cultural Exhibition Hall 所以蕭壠文化園區這裡
inside Siao-Long Cultural Park. 自然會有西拉雅文化館
And inside this exhibition, 文化館內
there are artifacts and documents about the lives of the Sirayan people 展示許多西拉雅族人的物品和文件
as well as their religion, fashion and their food. 也介紹他們的宗教信仰、流行和飲食文化
Let's go check it out! 現在就一起去看看吧!
There are lots of documents about the Sirayan people in the exhibition. 這個展覽有許多關於西拉雅文化的資料
You can know more about the Sirayan tribe from them. 可以藉此認識西拉雅族
Here we have the map that shows the historical reign 這張地圖記載著從前西拉雅部落
of the Sirayan settlements in Tainan. 在臺南地區的分佈情形
And to its left, we have the contemporary version. 左邊的地圖則是現代的分佈圖
And Jiali is right over here. 佳里區就在這裡
Here we have some of the traditional Sirayan music instruments. 這裡展示的是傳統西拉雅族樂器
I think my favorite would be this guy and his instrument here, 我最喜歡的是這個人拿的樂器
It's a nose flute, 這個樂器叫鼻笛
so instead of playing it with your mouse, 顧名思義不用嘴巴吹奏
you play it with your nose. 而是用鼻子吹奏
These are some of the traditional Sirayan attires. 這些是西拉雅人的傳統服飾
I really like the colors and its attention to detail. 這些衣服的配色非常棒 也很精緻
So here we have a reproduction of the Sirayan “gong-gai”, 這是西拉雅公廨的複製品
which is a traditional shrine. 也就是傳統西拉雅人祭祀的場所
And here you can see footages of the famed night ritual. 這裡則可以看到知名夜祭的短片
So speaking of gong-gai, or ceremonial shrines, 剛剛談到公廨
there are still a few spreading out all across Tainan. 其實臺南地區目前還有很多公廨
For example, this one is in Jiali. 例如這張照片是佳里的公廨
This one is in Danei. 這張則是大內的
But as you can see, the architecture has been much 我們可以看到 其實這些建築受到很多
nfluenced by Han Chinese. 漢民族文化的影響
In addition to exhibitions of folk culture, 蕭壠文化園區除了有民俗文化
there are also exhibitions of contemporary arts at Siao-Long Cultural Park. 還有當代藝術喔
In the warehouses of Siao-Long Cultural Park, 蕭壠文化園區的倉庫
you can see many different types of artworks. 展示著各式各樣的藝術創作品
In this case, we've got installations, 這個展間有許多裝置藝術
and we've got photography works on the wall. 牆上則展出許多攝影作品
Aside from exhibitions, 蕭壠文化園區除了有展覽外
there are many activities available on weekends in Siao-Long Cultural Park. 假日也有許多活動喔
Can you guys hear that? 你們聽見了嗎?
That's the sound of “bo-dei-hi”, 那是布袋戲演出的聲音
or traditional puppet theater. 這裡有傳統布袋戲表演
It's down that way. 就在那個方向
Let's go have a look. 我們一起去瞧瞧
Today we have a puppet show at the outdoor theater. 今天戶外劇場演出的是布袋戲
In addition to drama performances, 除了表演藝術外
the weekend theater here 也有假日電影院
is also very popular! 都非常受民眾歡迎!
I just came from the weekend theater. 我剛剛從假日劇場過來
It's actually down that way. 劇場在那個方向
You guys can still probably hear the sound. 大家應該還可以聽到聲音
But anyway, this place may not look like much right now, 現在這個地方可能看起來沒什麼特別
but this plaza actually transforms into a waterpark in summer months. 但夏天的時候就會變成親水公園
As you can see, these holes shoot water out of the ground. 大家可以看到這邊的噴水孔,會從地面射出水柱來
We've walked down the old train yard. 我們現在在鐵道地景區
You can see these big, expansive rails. 這裡可以看見一大片的鐵軌
And I think I see a train depot down that way. 那邊好像有座維修廠
Let's go check it out! 一起去看看吧!
This used to be the place of train maintenance. 這裡是早期糖廠維修火車的地方
From the items here, you can imagine how trains were repaired in the past. 透過這裡的物件彷彿可以看到早期保養火車的畫面
We've stumbled upon this old maintenance depot for train engines. 這裡是火車引擎的維修廠
As you can see, there are still lots of engines lying around. 四周還可以看到很多火車頭
It really is a cool space. 這個地方超酷的
Check it out. 來看看
Inside this old train depot, 在這間維修廠裡
you can see we still got engines setting around. 可以看到許多火車頭
And this one in particular 這台火車頭很特別
was used to carry sugar canes to the sugar refinery. 早期是用來運送蔗糖到糖廠
Let me show you guys a little secret. 告訴各位一個小秘密
As you can see, it's got five cylinders on this side. 這個車頭一邊有五個汽缸
It's got five ones on the other side. 另一邊也有五個汽缸
It means the engine has ten cylinders in total. 也就是說,整個火車頭共有十個汽缸
And I'm pretty sure you guys can recognize that little logo up there. 另外,大家一定認得上面那個小圖案
That's right. It's made by Benz. 沒錯 這個火車頭是賓士製造的
When you come to the sugar refinery, 來到糖廠
don't miss out the ice sticks here! 當然不能錯過美味的冰棒囉!
You know, if you've been to any sugar refineries in Taiwan, 大家如果去過臺灣任何一座糖廠
pretty much of them have their own ice cream parlor or some sort. 就會知道每座糖廠都有自己的冰品部
And this one is no exception. 這裡也不例外
Here I picked up a taro flavor ice cream. 我選了芋頭口味的冰淇淋
It looks good, and it'd better be good 看起來很好吃 希望真的會很好吃
because judging from the amount of tourists here, 因為這裡的遊客數量這麼多
I'm pretty sure that this is fantastic. 應該味道會很棒
Oh yeah, it's good. 味道超棒的
Taro is one of my all-time favorites. 芋頭是我最喜歡的口味
You want some, too? 你也想吃一些嗎?
No worries. 別急
There you go! 這就來了!
If you're into art stuff, 如果喜歡藝術展覽的話
Siao-Long Cultural Park is the place to be. 來蕭壠文化園區就對了
Here, you can see contemporary arts or traditional arts on display. 這裡可以同時看到當代和傳統藝文展覽
You can even talk to international artists. 甚至還能有機會和國際藝術家當面對談
And let's not forget the place used to be a sugar refinery. 同時 也別忘了這裡曾經是糖廠
So next time you visit, don't forget about the icy treat! 下次來到這裡 一定要試試這裡的冰品!