字幕表 動画を再生する
Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak, I'm Feifei.
こんにちは、The English We Speak にようこそ。フェイフェイです。
Neil: And I'm Neil! How are you today, Feifei?
Feifei: Yes, I'm well thanks – is everything OK with you, Neil?
You seem very smug!
Neil: I'm doing great!
Oh, I've had a very busy, but very productive day.
My most recent video has reached 100,000 views, my new project has been commissioned by a top TV company, I've recorded and edited three videos, written two scripts and now I'm here in the studio recording with you.
僕の最新のビデオの再生回数が 10 万回に達して、あるトップTV局が新企画を依頼してくれて、ビデオ 3 本の収録と編集をして、台本を 2 つ書いて、今スタジオで、君と録音しているところだよ。
Feifei: Wow! You are on fire today, Neil!
まあ!今日は絶好調 (on fire) なのね、ネイル!
Neil: What? Fire! Where? Put it out!
え?火事 (fire)?どこ?消火しなくちゃ!
Where's the extinguisher?
Evacuate the building!
Feifei: Woah! Just calm down there.
There isn't an actual fire.
It's just an expression!
Neil: Phew! Thank goodness!
I thought you were saying I was burning!
Feifei: Really, Neil!
Just take a breath and think before acting!
When someone has had a string of successes, we can say they are 'on fire.'
誰かが成功し続けていたら、こう言えるのよ。「 on fire 」ってね。
Neil: Ahhh, I get it. Shall we give some examples?
I can't believe my team have won ten games in a row – they're on fire.
僕が応援してるチームが 10 試合連続で勝ったなんて信じられないな―絶好調だよ。(they’re on fire.)
My friend is taking two extra classes and I thought she'd be exhausted by now but she's on fire! She's getting really good grades in every subject.
私の友達は授業を 2 つ余分に受講しているの。今頃疲れているだろうって思ったんだけど、彼女、勢いがすごいの (she’s on fire)!全てのクラスですごく良い成績を収めているのよ。
The actor was on fire in the early 2000s, but his recent performances haven't been to the same standard.
その俳優は、2000 年代初めは絶好調だったけれど (The actor was on fire)、最近は、当時ほどには至らない。
Feifei: This is The English We Speak from BBC Learning English and we're talking about the phrase 'on fire'.
このビデオは The English We Speak でBBC Learning English がお届けしています。今は「 on fire 」というフレーズについて話しています。
Though this can mean that something is burning, a more informal use is to say that someone is experiencing a series of successes, one after another.
Neil: That's right, Feifei, so for example, I've been on fire this month – I exceeded all my targets at work and earned a bonus for my success!
フェイフェイ、そうだね。例えば今月は絶好調だ (I’ve been on fire this month) ― 仕事で目標を全部超えて、そのおかげでボーナスがもらえたよ!
Feifei: That's great, Neil – congratulations!
Your work is on fire!
Neil: Hmmm, not quite, Feifei!
That would mean my scripts are burning!
You can only use this expression to describe the person or people who are experiencing success.
Feifei: Ah OK – so we can say a footballer is on fire if he has scored lots of goals, but we can't say his football is on fire.
ああ、そうなのね―じゃあ、サッカー選手がゴールを沢山決めたら「 on fire 」って言えるけど彼のサッカーが「 on fire 」とは言えないのね。
Neil: That's 100% right, Feifei! It seems we're both on fire today!
フェイフェイ、正解!今日は僕たち 2 人とも、絶好調みたいだね!
Feifei: I couldn't agree more, Neil!
Join us again for more The English We Speak. Bye!
The English We Speak のエピソード、もっとチェックしてみてくださいね。では!
Neil: Goodbye!