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Hi, we're Joel & Lia, and today's video is five things Americans do that drive
Brits crazy! Craaazy! Crazy town! Mental! You have sent us to crazy town!
okay just so you know guys before we get going we have made this
exact same video in Reverse so things that Brits do that drive
Americans crazy yeah, just so you can't get too offended. Lots of you will
probably be triggered by this video and be like oh my gosh I'm so offended but we have just done this for
Brits as well and on how annoying Brits are so ... triggered! "I'm triggered!" get over it
we make fun of everyone regardless of who it is even ourselves take it with a
pinch of salt a pinch of salt. Honestly, coz don't take it personally it's all a joke British
people are sarcastic I don't want to see any hateful comments okay, none!
If you're gonna leave a comment just leave an emoji yeah just leave a
dagger emoji yeah if you want to say something horrible... that'll do! So obviously
the UK and the USA are very close there are lots of similarities between the
countries yeah but there are also a lot of differences and we both piss each
other off so should we kick it off with the first
thing that they do yeah okay the first thing they do is say oh my god, say water! Say it again. Say table. Wait, table is the same. Say table, oh wait it's not as good as water
yeah just saying that I love your accent and it's a compliment I guess but it's just
when you hear all the time yeah and it's the making fun like oh you say water
so funny it's like no we just pronounce all the letters yeah yeah it can be a
bit annoying just constantly like coming back to the accent it's like yeah we
speak differently carry on talking yeah which I know it's kind of ironic
because we've made videos like oh Americans say this but let's ignore that
we know we're hypocrites let's move on also on the note of
accents like what's even more irritating and annoying and uncomfortable is when
Americans try and change like how they speak a little bit to sound like us but
they're still ... because it's so jarring like it's really hard not to
cringe they're like "oh it's just like laughing" and you're like ahhh
it's so painful I can't deal I don't know maybe it's a slip of the tongue but it's
too much. It doesn't bother me but it bothers you. I find it hilarious.
okay this next one's to do with the service industry in America it's when
they take your plates away too soon so say if you and I were eating and you
finish first cuz you eat fast and so do I - but you've finished even faster than I have
(correct) and they've taken your plate but I'm
still eating yeah, hate that. HATE that. I've said it before I'll say it again don't do that to me
don't clear Brits plates until everyone's finished eating. It's so rude! SO rude. It literally grinds
my gears and we know why we know that you're efficient your view is that yeah
you don't want to a dirty plate sat in front of you, you want it gone as quickly as
possible but that is so rude in the UK. yeah it's so rude I hate it yeah it makes me
feel like I'm the only one eating yeah I'm just like this sucks so much titties
titties titties titties also if everyone's got their plates still and
people are coming at the end of it you know sometimes you're like "oh can I try
a bit of that?" and I've still got my plate there yeah anyway so that drives us nuts. That's another thing that drives us nuts. The next thing that drives us
absolutely crazy bonkers is the inability to use indoor voices we wrote
this down before we filmed the video and I was like I'm sorry but they're just
always loud yeah Americans are we've spoken about it before, physiologically
the way that American accents work the sound reverberates more than British
voices we won't bore you with the explanation just take it as correct yeah
Americans are just louder in general than we are, there's no
such thing as an indoor voice with them no every conversation is sort of a few
decibels higher imagine if one of us was American we would have to constantly adjust
the levels of the sound, coz one would be shouting and the other
one would be absolutely it wouldn't work, it's maybe a bit offensive but yeah
I can't deal with it my dad's the other way around though like.... he's so
annoying in America we laugh at it! because this one restaurant we went to
Outback if you know it's an Australian restaurant in America "Australian" anyway
Australian it's just burgers being like it's Australian anyway we went there and the
waitress obviously is very loud and she has to be because she's talking to like
over all of the restaurant and my dad is very quiet and she goes anything for you
sir like drink wise and my dad went "nothing for me thank you I'm fine" and
she was like what and he's like nothing for me thank you I'm fine and she's like huh? And we
had to translate for him because he speaks very quietly and he doesn't just
give one answer just go no thanks he always goes "nothing for me thank you I'm fine"
we're like Dad why can't you just A) speak louder or B) just say no thanks
like you're confusing her by going "nothing for me thank you I'm fine" it's just so funny like a complete clash
of cultures where he was just very quiet and saying a million words and she's
like "eh?" the next one is their over zealous patriotism in that very posh accent, it's just too
much yeah the kids the school's the National Anthem, standing up in your classroom like
with your hand on your heart or a baseball - so this is funny yeah my mum
and dad went to a baseball game in America oh the celebrations after they
score no no no no even worse! but before the game they all stand up
hand on heart sing their national anthem and I was like oh so what do you do just
sit down she was like no I stood up and joined in! I was like mum you're not even
American, and it's just imagining her standing there Debbie Wood this British
woman like joining in with the song, it's so funny! And she didn't know the words either!
What was she like? I don't know I wasn't there but then we went to a basketball game all together
and me and my brother's girlfriend refused to join in we just sat there
like this isn't our country like I'm happy to watch like go for it America's
great but I'm like I'm not joining in this isn't my country whereas the rest
of my family, all there like! I don't know the words. Did Luke do it? yeah! and I think Ben stood up I don't think Ben did the
heart thing but then me and Caitlin were just like we are not doing this
that's so funny you because you're an attention seeker you wanted people to look at you
and be like why aren't you doing it? Plus, I'm like that's essentially pledging allegiance to
America and I'm sorry but I'm English yeah, fair play.
I'd probably join in. God save the Queen yeah? God save the Queen! Yeah? Just add a yeah on the end of things. God save the Queen yeah?
we've never sung our national anthem in class or at school we don't even know
the words we don't even know the words. God save our gracious Queen, God save our gracious Queen, we don't even know it and that's not because we're not proud to be
British it's just because we're kind of like "Britain's great but so is other country's"
yeah and we'd all rather not sing yeah please don't make me sing! Please don't make us all do the same thing, altogether. There's nothing worse is there, "turn to the person next to you and say your name"
make friends with the person next to you! Urgh! Stop! I'd rather die. I'd literally rather die. The next one is
the fact that you always assume you're the only country that has freedom of
speech and I get it we've touched on it before we've had some comments being
like yeah but we're the only country that puts in our Constitution or
whatever it is and we haven't got a written constitution. and by saying... hate speech
in the UK can get you in prison but I'm like that doesn't mean we haven't got
freedom technically I guess it does mean we don't have complete freedom to say
anything but we don't want people who say hateful things to be
allowed to live, if anyone incites racism and hatred and things like that
they deserve to be locked up and every British person's like here here get them
locked up no one wants them yes I don't understand and that's why we don't have
the sort of equivalent of the Ku Klux Klan in the UK because we wouldn't stand
for that and they're instantly in jail instantly so I don't understand why
people like yeah we're the most free country in the world I'm like no you're
not like every country is free and we just don't stand for bull beep yeah I
was gonna say we'd rather be safe than be free but we're neither are we. We're not safe and we're not free.
Do you feel free? yeah I feel like we can say anything yeah but the thing is the thoughts that
I have are not necessarily gunna offend people no but I do feel like I can say anything
coz you're a nice person but anyone who does have those thoughts doesn't even deserve
to live so yeah freedom of speech thing I
completely agree but anyway, America yeah I guess you are free like congrats
Congrats you're a very free country! jaw really forward. this is something Brits do all the time when they're really pretentious.
So there we have it that's five things that Americans do that piss off British
people like we said we did do another video of British things that we do that
piss off Americans so go and watch that as well and if you have been triggered
then please leave a comment below we'd love to hear your comments, yeah we love triggered Americans
No seriously we got so much hate from Americans and it's like how many times do
we have to say this is all a bit of fun this is all just a bit of fun. Just lighten up America! Lighten up darling! I know you've got Donald Trump as a President but lighten up
all right guys please leave us a comment like we said if you are triggered
subscribe to our channel click on the bell if you want to get notifications so
you can get triggered every week. if you wanna buy us a coffee, then you can, there's a
KoFi link in the description lets all have a coffee together!
lets have a coffee but only if you haven't been triggered see you bye see ya as they
say in America five things Americans do the trigger Brits