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Hi, this is Greg from www.onlinelanguageacademy.com
こんにちは www.onlinelanguageacademy.com のグレッグです。
And in this video I'm going to teach you ten idioms about weather that we use in English.
Are you ready?
We love the weather in England, we love talking about the weather, which is crazy.
because, it's one of the most depressing things about England.
なぜなら、イギリスで憂鬱なものの 1 つだからです。
The weather is not great, but it's so unpredictable that we always talk about it.
And a lot of weather expressions have become idioms that we use in general English.
Just to talk about general life.
Not specifically the weather, but general life and that's what I'm going to talk to you about today.
So we have 10 expressions make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel for all my videos.
今回は 10 つの表現があります、僕の Youtube チャンネルに登録して全部の動画を見てみてくださいね。
I want to teach you as much English as possible, so just click subscribe to join me on YouTube.
できるだけたくさんの英語を教えたいと思っています、なのでチャンネル登録をクリックして僕の YouTube に参加してください。
Let's go with the top 10 weather idioms in English.
ではさっそくトップ 10 英語の天気イディオムをみていきましょう。
Number 1: "as right as rain". How are you today?
1 つ目:「as right as rain」です。元気ですか?
Right as rain, okay? Just means you are absolutely splendid, healthy, happy, "right as rain".
Right as rain です。これは自分が「素晴らしい、健康、幸せ」であることを意味します。「right as rain」です。
To "be a breeze". If something is a breeze, a breeze like a small wind, breeze.
2つ目:「be a breeze」。breeze とは小さな風と言う意味です。「breeze」
If something is a breeze it's easy, don't worry about it, don't worry about the exam it's gonna "be a breeze".
何かが breeze ということは、「簡単だ」という意味です。試験のことは心配するなよ、簡単だよ。
You'll pass, no problem, you'll see, it'll "be a breeze".
問題ないよ受かるよ、be a breeze:簡単だってわかるよ。
"Take a rain check".
3つ目:「Take a rain check」
If you "take a rain check" it means you're going to have to cancel or reschedule plans that you had with someone.
あなたが「Take a rain check」をすると、「誰かとの予定をキャンセルまたは変更しなければいけない」ということです。
So you can say I'm sorry I think I'm going to have to "take a rain check".
なので、「すみません、キャンセルしないといけません、take a rain check:また予定を立てましょう。」
Can we meet next week instead?
If you are "under the weather", which surely we always are, because the weather is in the sky.
4つ目:「under the weather」、これは私たちはいつもこれですね、天気は空にありますから。
But if you are "under the weather" it means you're a little bit ill.
ですが、もし自分が「under the weather」の場合、その意味は「ちょっと気分が優れない」となります。
Not terribly ill, but not 100%.
ひどく気分が悪いわけではありませんが、100% でもありません。
I think I'm going to go home now, I'm feeling a little bit "under the weather".
「家に帰ろうかな、ちょっと under the weather:気分が優れないんだ」となります。
The next one is "break the ice". If you "break the ice" with someone.
5つ目は:「break the ice」、誰かと「break the ice」をするということは
You start talking about a topic to make socially a more relaxed situation.
When my friend meets someone new he asks them what their favourite type of triangle is, just to "break the ice".
僕の友達は誰か新しい人と出会うと好きな三角形はなにかと聞きます。「breaking the ice:緊張をほぐす」ためです。
An interesting way of "breaking the ice".
「breaking the ice:緊張をほぐす」面白い方法ですね。
A very common proverb is that "every cloud has a silver lining".
とてもよく使われることわざに「every cloud has a silver lining」があります。
So imagine a big black cloud in the sky, but the lining, the outside of the cloud is silver.
So, you know even though what you see it's a very bad thing, just believe that right behind it something good is going to happen.
Another idiom is that "it never rains, but it pours".
別のイディオムに「it never rains, but it pours」があります。
When it pours it means that it rains very, very, very heavily. So "it never rains, but it pours".
「pour」とは雨がとても激しく降るという意味です。なので「it never rains, but it pours」は
This means that things don't just go wrong, things go very wrong.
Like first you lose your house keys, then your car gets stolen and your passport disappears and then.. hey "it never rains but it pours".
例えば、最初に家の鍵を無くし、そして車が盗まれたあげくにパスポートが消えてしまうというものです。「it never rains but it pours:降れば土砂降り、泣きっ面に蜂」です。
You can "steal someone's thunder", if you "steal someone's thunder", it means you take away all the attention away from someone on their special day, okay, on their special moment.
次は「steal someone's thunder」、もし自分が「steal someone's thunder」をすると、誰かの特別な日にその人の注目を奪ってしまうという意味です。
So if your friend is getting married and on the day of the wedding you announce that you are pregnant, you might "steal their thunder".
なので、友達が結婚式があり、その日に自分が妊娠したと発表してしまい「steal someone's thunder:横取りする」となります。
Yep, another way to "steal thunder" of your friend on her wedding day could be to wear a beautiful white dress at the wedding.
友達の結婚式で「steal thunder:横取りする」の別の方法は綺麗な白いドレスを着ることでしょうね。
Not a great idea, because you don't want to "steal the thunder" of the bride.
あまりいいアイディアではありませんね、花嫁の大事な日を「steal the thunder:横取りする」のはよくないですから。
The next expression is about the weather, all right. "it's raining cats and dogs".
次の表現は天気についてのものです「it's raining cats and dogs」です。
"It's raining cats and dogs" means it's raining very, very heavily, it's pouring, it's "raining cats and dogs".
「it's raining cats and dogs」の意味は「雨が土砂降りになる」です。「raining cats and dogs」です。
And finally another one about clouds if you are "on cloud nine", yes, cloud nine.
そして最後は雲についてです、もし自分が「on cloud nin」である場合、そうです、cloud nine なんです。
I don't know why cloud nine, but if you are "on cloud nine" it means you are extremely, extremely happy.
なぜcloud nineなのかはわかりませんが、「on cloud nine」というのは「とても幸せ、ハッピーである」ということです。
So, on your honeymoon you could be "on cloud nine", everything is perfect.
なので、ハネムーンでは「on cloud nine:至福の状態」でしょうね、全てが完璧なのです。
You have a new wife, you're on holiday, that beautiful location, ah I'm "on cloud nine".
奥さんができ、休暇中で美しい場所にいる、「on cloud nine:至福だよ。」となります。
Subscribe if you've enjoyed these weather idioms in English.
If you want to continue learning with me, get my eBook and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
僕と一緒に英語を学びたいと思ってくれたら、eBook をぜひ入手してくださいね、そして YouTube に登録もお願いします。
I'll see you soon, keep watching, bye for now.