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Being a fan of McDonald's ice cream isn't easy.
You get your hopes up for a cone and cruise through the drive-thru, only to be told the ice cream machine is broken again.
It's a problem nearly every McDonald's fan has likely experienced at least once in their lives.
And without a functioning ice cream machine, there are no ice cream cones, no sundaes, and none of your beloved McFlurries.
The problem has gotten so bad that fans are turning to social media to decry the lack of frozen treats.
In 2016, it was the most common service-related complaint to McDonald's on Twitter, and if anything, the problem has only gotten worse since then.
2016 年、この問題はなんとツイッターでマクドナルドのサービスについて最多いクレームとなりました。そしてそれ以降問題は深刻化するばかりです
Apparently, there's a perfectly good reason that McDonald's ice cream machines seem to be broken almost more often than they're working: They're not broken.
According to a 2017 Wall Street Journal investigation, industrial soft serve machines must go through a laborious cleaning cycle that can last hours.
2017 年のウォールストリートジャーナルの調査によると、業務用のソフトクリームマシンは何時間もかかる清掃サイクルが必要です。
It's an 11-step process that includes using a sanitizer solution to clean seven removable parts.
この作業は 11 個のステップに分けられ、中には消毒液を使う取り外しできる 7 つの部品の清潔作業も含まれています。
There are also two irremovable parts that must be scrubbed for at least 60 seconds, before the entire outside of the machine is wiped down with a sanitized towel.
消毒されたぞうきんを使って外部をまんべんなく払拭する前に、 2 つの取り外せない部品は最低 60 秒洗う必要があります。
During this labor-intensive process, the machines are unable to serve up any frosty goodness, and if the crew is busy serving customers, cooking food, or cleaning other parts of the restaurant, the machine sits unassembled and inoperable.
The soft serve machines also go through a four-hour heat cleaning cycle every night to get rid of any bacteria lingering on the inside and some employees may start that process early to get a head start on closing up.
内部の殺菌を徹底するために、ソフトクリームマシンは毎晩 4 時間もかかる加熱消毒作業も行なっています。定時で店を閉められるために、前もってこの作業を始める店員もいます。
If that's the case, you're out of luck.
Not to mention, many McDonald's are now open 24 hours, meaning there's really no time to clean the machine without disappointing a few ice cream-loving customers.
言うまでもなく、今 24 時間営業のマクドナルドがたくさんあるため、不本意ながらマシンを清潔するために必ずソフトクリームファンを悲しませることになってしまうのです。
To McDonald's credit, they do seem to be aware of the issue and in March 2017 revealed a plan to replace the old ice cream machines with newer versions that have fewer parts to clean and would be easier for employees to maintain.
関心する点は、マクドナルドがこの問題を意識したという点です。旧型のソフトクリームマシンに代わり、清潔作業が簡単で、手入れしやすい新しい機械を導入する計画が 2017 年の 3 月に発表されました。
Unfortunately, customers are still waiting for those magical machines to materialize.
In November 2017, a McDonald's representative told Business Insider that while the company had identified which new machines would work best, they had yet to actually purchase the machines and move them into stores.
2017 年の 11 月に、マクドナルドの代表者は ビジネスインサイダー(ビジネスニュースサイト)に会社は機能が最もいい機械を選定しましたが、まだ機械の購入と店頭への搬入を行っていないと発言しています。
Of course, the problem with the ice cream machines isn't always that they need to be cleaned.
Every now and then, when an employee tells you that it's broken, it actually is.
Many of the machines are reportedly old and temperamental, which makes them prone to breaking down.
Richard Adams, a consultant to McDonald's franchisees, told the Wall Street Journal that he once conducted a survey showing that 25 percent of McDonald's restaurants weren't selling ice cream because the machines were truly broken.
マクドナルドのフランチャイズの顧問のリチャード・アダムさんはウォールストリートジャーナルに前行った調査の結果を言いました。調査の結果によると、おおよそ 25 %のマクドナルドは機械が本当に壊れているので、ソフトクリームを提供できないと発言しています。
Not surprisingly, McDonald's doesn't seem to be in a hurry to fix or replace the machines that are frequently breaking, probably because the new machines are eventually on the way.
In response to the perpetual lack of ice cream at the Golden Arches, one frustrated customer went so far as to develop an app to address the issue.
頻繁な故障に苛立ちを感じた消費者の中の 1 人はなんとこれに関するアプリを作り出しました。
Raina McLeod created the free app called Ice Check solely for the purpose of warning customers about McDonald's locations where the ice cream machine was on the fritz.
レイナ・マクロードは Ice Check solely という無料アプリを製作したのです。これにより 消費者はこのアプリでソフトクリームマシンが壊れている店舗を知ることができます。
And rival fast food giant Wendy's took an opportunity to throw some serious shade at McDonald's during a 2018 Ask Me Anything Reddit session with the company's social media team.
ファーストフード業界における大きなライバルのウェンディーズのソーシャルメディア部門は 2018 年の Ask Me Anything Reddit のイベントでこれをネタとしていじりました。
Wendy's couldn't help but take the bait when a Redditor asked why McDonald's ice cream machines were always broken, writing "Same reason they serve round burgers, cause they cut corners."
ウェンディーズは Redditor (Reddit のユーザーのこと)からマクドナルドのソフトクリームマシンの頻繁的な故障について聞かれて、つい「彼らのハンバーガーと同じ理由です。いつも手抜きのようなことをしているからです。」と答えました。
Whether the ice cream machine is truly broken or it's just in the middle of a lengthy cleaning process, the availability of soft serve at McDonald's is always a gamble.
Cross your fingers the new machines arrive sometime soon or just go grab a Frosty.
新しい機械が一刻も早く導入されるように祈りましょう。または Frosty (ウェディーズが提供するアイスクリーム)を食べに行きましょう。