字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Vaccines are celebrated for their part in fighting disease. ワクチンは病気をやっつけてくれます But, a growing group of people でも時には健康を害する事もあるようです seem to believe that they endanger our health, instead of protecting it. ワクチンのせいで、アレルギーが出たとか後遺症を負ったとか死んだとかいう話が、ネットには溢れてます The Internet is full of stories about allergic reactions, 実際、ワクチンは副作用を起こすこともあります the onset of disabilities, ワクチンがどう働きどう危険なのかを見てみましょう and even death following vaccination appointments. 00:00:37,060 --> 00:00:40,600 免疫システムは、多くの細胞からなる複雑な軍隊のようなもの And, it's true vaccines can have side effects. 兵隊もいれば、情報収集役もいるし、兵器工場もあります Let's look at how they work, and how dangerous they really are. 貴方の体は毎日、物凄い数の攻撃を受けているのですが、 Your immune system is a complex army of billions of cells. いつも気付かないうちに、免疫細胞たちがやっつけてくれてるのです Soldiers, 感染症が深刻になっても、 intelligence cells, 情報収集役が攻撃者の情報を集め、兵器工場を活性化してくれます and weapons factories. この武器を、抗体といいます Every day, you're attacked countless times, 特定の侵略者と戦うためだけに作られたミサイルのようなものです but your immune soldiers alone usually deal with that, 残念ながら、抗体が作られ任務完了するまでには数日かかるので so you don't even notice. その間、侵略者はやりたい放題 If an infection becomes serious though, 死ぬ寸前まで追い込むほど体が強くなる、という逸話は通用しません our intelligence cells gather intel about the attackers 実際は、我々の体は何度も死ぬ寸前まで行くような経験をとても嫌います and activate our weapons factories. なので免疫システムは何度でも強くなれる上手い方法を見つけました You know the weapon: antibodies. もし重装兵器を使うほどの強敵に出食わした時は They're like targeted missiles produced specifically to combat the invader. 免疫システムは自動的に記憶細胞を作ります Unfortunately, this process takes several days to complete. 数年間も体内に保存しておけるのです That gives intruders a lot of time to do damage. 記憶細胞は記憶する以外何もできないのですが、 Contrary to popular wisdom, 2度目の攻撃を受けた時に休止状態から目覚め、 what doesn't kill you doesn't make you stronger. 前と同じ攻撃や抗体の生産を命令します Our bodies really don't want to fight serious wars over and over, 即効性があるので、一旦免疫をつければ多くの感染症で二度と発症しません so our immune system came up with an ingenious way 死ぬまで免疫が残ることもあります to get stronger and stronger over time. 小さな子供が病気になりがちなのは、記憶細胞が十分でないせいです If we fight an enemy that is dangerous enough to trigger our heavy weapons, この美しい自然の仕組みは、ワクチンを使う時にも働きます our immune system automatically creates memory cells. ワクチンはどう働くのでしょうか Memory cells remain in our body for years, in a deep sleep. 記憶細胞の機能がすご過ぎて、ワクチン接種も時に危険となるのです They do nothing but remember. ワクチンはわざと病気にさせて体内に記憶細胞を作らせ免疫力をつける方法です When an enemy attacks for a second time, ワクチンは危険な感染症のように振舞います the slumbering memory cells awaken, 00:02:37,300 --> 00:02:41,300 害のない病原体を注射するのも一つの方法 and order coordinated attacks and the production of antibodies. 例えば病原体を殺したり粉々にすることで、 This is so fast and effective, 免疫システムはこうしたワクチンを簡単に処理します that many infections you beat once will never make you sick again. 時には記憶細胞を作るために免疫システムに無理をさせることもあります You might even be immune against them forever. 生ワクチンは本物なので死んだワクチンより危険です Which is also why little kids are constantly ill; 恐いですよね。もし病原菌の方が勝ってしまったら? they don't have enough memory cells yet. それを避けるために、工場で本物よりも弱くした病原体を作ります And this beautiful natural mechanism is what we build on when we use vaccines. 勿論、免疫システムに働いて記憶細胞を作らせるには十分強いけどね How Vaccines Work だからワクチン使用には原則があります。ワクチンが体内で自然な反応を引き起こして、 As great as memory cells are, 体内に危険な病原に対する免疫がつくようにです obtaining them through an infection is unpleasant and sometimes dangerous. インフルエンザウイルスのように突然変異しやすいものは、毎年作らないといけませんが、 Vaccines are a way of tricking our bodies into making memory cells, 殆どのワクチンは数年から一生、体を守ってくれます and becoming immune to a disease. でもそこには落とし穴が They pretend to be a dangerous infection. 何でもそうですが、ワクチンにも別の側面があります One way of doing this is to inject invaders that can't do harm. それが副作用 For example, by killing them, or by ripping them into pieces. それがどんなもので、子供にどんな影響を与えるのか? Our immune systems deal with these kinds of vaccines pretty easily. ワクチンの危険性 Sometimes, it's necessary to make our immune system work harder though, ワクチンの副作用と病気の症状を直接比較するのは困難です to produce even more memory cells. 例えば、2018年の西欧では1億人以上が、はしかワクチンを接種しましたが Live vaccines are the real deal. 実際、はしかに感染したのはたったの8万3千人 An enemy that can punch back is a bigger challenge than a dead one. 桁違いに少ないので、ちょっとした作用でも恐ろしく感じられるのです But this also sounds like a sort-of horrible idea. よく分からない病気の悪影響と比べるとね What if the germs win? はしかワクチンが適用される1963年以前は、実質、地球上の子供全員がはしかに感染してました To avoid that, we breed a sort-of weak cousin of the real germ in the lab. 1950年代には毎年、1億3500万人が発症していたと推定されています Just powerful enough to annoy the immune system, and create enough memory cells. でも健康福祉や医療技術が発達した2019年現在、はしかはそんなに危険? Okay, so these are the basic principles of vaccine use. 副作用の危険性を冒してまで、ワクチンは必要? They provoke a natural reaction in our bodies 客観的な数字を基に思考実験してみましょう that makes us become immune against very dangerous diseases. パラレルワールドの先進国をイメージしてみてください Some, like the flu virus, mutate so often そこでは健康福祉が充実し、人々はワクチンを止めています that we need a new vaccine every year, 仮に1000万人の子供がはしかに罹っているとすると、何が起こるでしょう? but most vaccines protect us for years, or even a lifetime. 98%に当たる980万人が、高熱と発疹に悩まされます But, there's a catch. 8%に当たる80万人の子供が、酷い下痢に Like everything in life, vaccines have another side: 7%の70万人が耳への感染によって聴覚を失い、 Side effects. 6%の60万人の子供が、肺炎を患うでしょう What are they, and what happens if your child develops one? 死ぬのは1万2千人 The Risks of Vaccines 脳炎になるのはせいぜい0.1%の1万人 It's complicated to directly compare the side effects of vaccines with the effects of diseases. 0.025%の2500人が亜急性硬化性全脳炎 (SSPE)を患います For example, SSPEは、脳の中に残ったはしかウイルスによって数年後に死に至る病気 hundreds of millions of people are vaccinated against measles in the West, まとめると、250万の子供がはしかによって何かしら深刻な影響を受け、 but there were only 83,000 cases in Europe in 2018. そのうち2万人が死ぬ、ということです So, with numbers that different, even mild side effects can seem scary それだけではありません compared to the bad effects of a disease that we don't see as much anymore. はしかを克服した子供たちも免疫システムに深刻なダメージを受けます Before the measles vaccine became available in 1963, 回復する前に他の病気からダメージを受けるかも virtually every single child on Earth contracted measles at some point. それは別としても、子供たちは回復まで約2週間は我慢しないといけません An estimated 135 million cases in the 1950s. さて一方、ワクチンはどうでしょう?同じように危険性を見て行きましょう Every single year. 思考実験を繰り返します But are measles really that dangerous in the year 2019? 今度は、はしかワクチンを1000万人の子供たちに打ったとします With our advanced healthcare and new technologies, 理論上、何が起こるでしょうか? are they worth the risk of vaccine side effects? 1000万人の子供がワクチン接種した後、 Let's do a thought experiment based on real numbers. 10%が高熱を発症 Imagine a developed country in a parallel world. 5%に当たる50万人が軽い発疹に It has good healthcare but people stop vaccinating. 0.001%の100人が、深刻なアレルギー反応を起こし手当を必要とするでしょう In this scenario, let's say ten million children caught measles. 0.0001%の10人の男の子が、生殖器に炎症を起こし What happens? 同じく10人程度の子供たちが深刻な脳炎を発症 Nine million eight hundred thousand, or 98%, will get a high fever and a very unpleasant rash. つまり1000万人の子供にワクチンを接種すれば Up to 800,000 of them, or 8%, will suffer from dangerous diarrhea. 合計で約120人が何かしら深刻な副作用を発症 (ワクチンなしなら250万人) 700,000, or 7%, will suffer from an ear infection, which can lead to permanent hearing loss. しかも優れた医療手当のお陰で、ほぼ全員が快復 (ワクチンなしなら2万人死ぬのに) 600,000 kids, or 6%, will suffer from pneumonia -- the most dangerous effect of measles. 自閉症はどうでしょう? It, alone, will kill 12,000 children. 自閉症とワクチンの因果関係を示した、とされる情報源は既に何度も反証されています Up to 10,000 children, or 0.1%, will get encephalitis. これについては更なる文献や動画にリンクする予定ですが、 2,500 kids, or 0.025%, will contract SSPE, 2019年現在、ワクチンは自閉症の原因ではないと言った方がいいでしょう a disease where the measles virus lingers in their brain では死はどうでしょう? and kills them a few years later. 1000万人のワクチン接種した子供のうち1人でも死ぬのは耐えがたいことです Taken together, 我々は実に多くの異なる専門家と議論しました around 2.5 million children will suffer from somewhat serious effects from measles. 自己申告を無視すれば、ほんの僅かな文献記録しかありません And, about 20,000 children will be killed by measles. 1971年以降、はしかワクチンを受けた子供は数億人もいるのにです It doesn't stop here though. はしかは子供にとって、とても危険なものです The kids who beat measles are left with a severely damaged immune system ワクチンの副作用を考慮しても、それより遥かにです that needs a lot of time to regenerate. 巨大な虫眼鏡で致死ワクチンの副作用を探すべきですが、 Time for other diseases to do further damage. それでもなお確たる事例を見つけるのは困難です Aside from that, what's almost guaranteed 一方、はしかによる死亡は現実にすぐ見付かります is that your kids will have a really bad time for about two weeks. 世界では2017年だけで11万人がはしかで死亡 Okay, but what about vaccines? 統計的には今日1日で300人の子供がはしかで死亡。このビデオの最中にも1人死亡 It's only fair to look at these risks, too. ワクチンをシートベルトと比較する事もできます So, let's repeat our thought experiment. え?シートベルトで死ぬ人がいるのかって? 勿論いますよ(しなかったことで) But, this time, we vaccinate ten million children with MMR. まさか子供にシートベルトを装着しない方が安全だと思ってないでしょうね? What would theoretically happen here? ちょっと待って。貴方の子供が実際にアレルギーを持ってたらどうしますか? After being vaccinated, 今まで言ってきたことがどれも貴方自身の状況に当て嵌まらなかったら? of our 10 million kids, around ten percent get a fever. この場合、貴方はワクチン推奨者になる必要があります 500,000, or 5%, will get a mild rash. 何故なら、もし貴方の子供がワクチン接種できなかったら Up to 100, or 0.001%, 集団のみが彼らを守ることができるからです might have a serious allergic reaction and will have to be treated. 「集団免疫」だけが、ワクチン接種できない貴方の子供を守れるのです Up to ten boys, or 0.0001%, 集団免疫は十分な数の人々に免疫があることを意味します might get inflammation of the genitalia. なので病原体は伝染できず、免疫のない子に被害が広がる前に死に絶えます And up to ten kids in total, or 0.0001%, でも、はしかに対してこれを完遂するには might get the most serious side effect: encephalitis. 周囲の人の95%がワクチン接種する必要がありますけどね So, we vaccinated ten million kids. 結論 In total, around one hundred and twenty had side effects that were somewhat serious. ワクチンに関する議論の問題は、これが遊びではないということ Thanks to good medical treatment in developed regions, almost all of them will be fine. ワクチン肯定派が研究や統計を元に議論する一方、 What about autism? ワクチン反対派はいつも感情論や逸話や誤情報からなる暴論を展開 The connection of autism and vaccines stems from one source しかも感情はしばしば事実に対して免疫を持ち影響を受けません that has been disproven countless times. 幾ら叫んでも誰かを説得させることはできませんが、 We'll link to further reading and videos in the description. ワクチン反対派の陰謀を現実から隠すこともできません But, in 2019, it's fair to say that vaccines do not cause autism. 彼らは赤ん坊をワクチン接種できるようになる前に殺します All right, but what about deaths? 彼らは健康な子供をただ不運だというだけで殺します It's really hard to say if even a single one of our 10 million vaccinated kids would die. 彼らは死の淵から深刻な病気を持ってきます We really did look hard and talked to a lot of different experts. そしてワクチンの最大の効果は、死亡する子供をより少なくする事にあります If we ignore self-reporting, ワクチンは、多くの人が忘れてしまった怪物を根絶するための、最も強力な道具の一つです we could only come up with a tiny handful of documented cases 怪物を呼び戻さないようにしましょう for all the hundreds of millions of children who received the MMR vaccine since 1971. Measles are many, many thousands of times more dangerous for your child than even the absolute worst case of vaccine side effects. You have to search for lethal vaccine side effects with a huge magnifying glass and, even then, it's very hard to find confirmed cases. While, deaths from measles are real and easy to find. In 2017 alone, 110,000 people died from measles worldwide. Statistically, today, 300 children will die of measles. One since this video started. You can compare vaccines to seatbelts. Are there weird freak accidents where someone gets killed by their seatbelt? Well, yes. But, do you personally think it's safer to not put a seatbelt on your kid? Wait a second! What if your kid is actually allergic? What if none of the things we've said applies to your specific situation? In this case, you need to become the greatest vaccination promoter of all. Because if your children can't be vaccinated, only the collective can protect them. This is called herd immunity, and it's the only thing that can protect your unvaccinated child. Herd immunity means that enough people are immune to a disease, that it can't spread, and dies before it reaches its victims. But to accomplish this for measles alone, 95% of the people around you need to be vaccinated. Conclusion The problem with the debate about vaccines is that it's not fought on a level playing field. While the pro-vaccine side argues with studies and statistics, the arguments against them are usually a wild mixture of gut feeling, anecdotes, and misinformation. And feelings are often immune to facts. We'll not convince anybody by screaming at them. But we can't hide from the reality of what anti-vaccine conspiracies do. They kill babies too young to be vaccinated. They kill healthy children that are just unlucky. They bring serious diseases back from the verge of extinction. And, the biggest side effect of vaccines is fewer dead children. Vaccines are one of the most powerful tools we have to eradicate the monsters that most of us have already forgotten. Let's not bring the beasts back! Vaccines are celebrated for their part in fighting disease. Vaccines are celebrated for their part in fighting disease. Vaccines are celebrated for their part in fighting disease. But, a growing group of people But, a growing group of people But, a growing group of people seem to believe that they endanger our health, instead of protecting it. seem to believe that they endanger our health, instead of protecting it. seem to believe that they endanger our health, instead of protecting it. The Internet is full of stories about allergic reactions, The Internet is full of stories about allergic reactions, The Internet is full of stories about allergic reactions, the onset of disabilities, the onset of disabilities, the onset of disabilities, and even death following vaccination appointments. and even death following vaccination appointments. and even death following vaccination appointments. And, it's true vaccines can have side effects. And, it's true vaccines can have side effects. And, it's true vaccines can have side effects. Let's look at how they work, and how dangerous they really are. Let's look at how they work, and how dangerous they really are. Let's look at how they work, and how dangerous they really are. Your immune system is a complex army of billions of cells. Your immune system is a complex army of billions of cells. Your immune system is a complex army of billions of cells. Soldiers, Soldiers, Soldiers, intelligence cells, intelligence cells, intelligence cells, and weapons factories. and weapons factories. and weapons factories. Every day, you're attacked countless times, Every day, you're attacked countless times, Every day, you're attacked countless times, but your immune soldiers alone usually deal with that, but your immune soldiers alone usually deal with that, but your immune soldiers alone usually deal with that, so you don't even notice. so you don't even notice. so you don't even notice. If an infection becomes serious though, If an infection becomes serious though, If an infection becomes serious though, our intelligence cells gather intel about the attackers our intelligence cells gather intel about the attackers our intelligence cells gather intel about the attackers and activate our weapons factories. and activate our weapons factories. and activate our weapons factories. You know the weapon: antibodies. You know the weapon: antibodies. You know the weapon: antibodies. They're like targeted missiles produced specifically to combat the invader. They're like targeted missiles produced specifically to combat the invader. They're like targeted missiles produced specifically to combat the invader. Unfortunately, this process takes several days to complete. Unfortunately, this process takes several days to complete. Unfortunately, this process takes several days to complete. That gives intruders a lot of time to do damage. That gives intruders a lot of time to do damage. That gives intruders a lot of time to do damage. Contrary to popular wisdom, Contrary to popular wisdom, Contrary to popular wisdom, what doesn't kill you doesn't make you stronger. what doesn't kill you doesn't make you stronger. what doesn't kill you doesn't make you stronger. Our bodies really don't want to fight serious wars over and over, Our bodies really don't want to fight serious wars over and over, Our bodies really don't want to fight serious wars over and over, so our immune system came up with an ingenious way so our immune system came up with an ingenious way so our immune system came up with an ingenious way to get stronger and stronger over time. to get stronger and stronger over time. to get stronger and stronger over time. If we fight an enemy that is dangerous enough to trigger our heavy weapons, If we fight an enemy that is dangerous enough to trigger our heavy weapons, If we fight an enemy that is dangerous enough to trigger our heavy weapons, our immune system automatically creates memory cells. our immune system automatically creates memory cells. our immune system automatically creates memory cells. Memory cells remain in our body for years, in a deep sleep. Memory cells remain in our body for years, in a deep sleep. Memory cells remain in our body for years, in a deep sleep. They do nothing but remember. They do nothing but remember. They do nothing but remember. When an enemy attacks for a second time, When an enemy attacks for a second time, When an enemy attacks for a second time, the slumbering memory cells awaken, the slumbering memory cells awaken, the slumbering memory cells awaken, and order coordinated attacks and the production of antibodies. and order coordinated attacks and the production of antibodies. and order coordinated attacks and the production of antibodies. This is so fast and effective, This is so fast and effective, This is so fast and effective, that many infections you beat once will never make you sick again. that many infections you beat once will never make you sick again. that many infections you beat once will never make you sick again. You might even be immune against them forever. You might even be immune against them forever. You might even be immune against them forever. Which is also why little kids are constantly ill; Which is also why little kids are constantly ill; Which is also why little kids are constantly ill; they don't have enough memory cells yet. they don't have enough memory cells yet. they don't have enough memory cells yet. And this beautiful natural mechanism is what we build on when we use vaccines. And this beautiful natural mechanism is what we build on when we use vaccines. And this beautiful natural mechanism is what we build on when we use vaccines. How Vaccines Work How Vaccines Work How Vaccines Work As great as memory cells are, As great as memory cells are, As great as memory cells are, obtaining them through an infection is unpleasant and sometimes dangerous. obtaining them through an infection is unpleasant and sometimes dangerous. obtaining them through an infection is unpleasant and sometimes dangerous. Vaccines are a way of tricking our bodies into making memory cells, Vaccines are a way of tricking our bodies into making memory cells, Vaccines are a way of tricking our bodies into making memory cells, and becoming immune to a disease. and becoming immune to a disease. and becoming immune to a disease. They pretend to be a dangerous infection. They pretend to be a dangerous infection. They pretend to be a dangerous infection. One way of doing this is to inject invaders that can't do harm. One way of doing this is to inject invaders that can't do harm. One way of doing this is to inject invaders that can't do harm. For example, by killing them, or by ripping them into pieces. For example, by killing them, or by ripping them into pieces. For example, by killing them, or by ripping them into pieces. Our immune systems deal with these kinds of vaccines pretty easily. Our immune systems deal with these kinds of vaccines pretty easily. Our immune systems deal with these kinds of vaccines pretty easily. Sometimes, it's necessary to make our immune system work harder though, Sometimes, it's necessary to make our immune system work harder though, Sometimes, it's necessary to make our immune system work harder though, to produce even more memory cells. to produce even more memory cells. to produce even more memory cells. Live vaccines are the real deal. Live vaccines are the real deal. Live vaccines are the real deal. An enemy that can punch back is a bigger challenge than a dead one. An enemy that can punch back is a bigger challenge than a dead one. An enemy that can punch back is a bigger challenge than a dead one. But this also sounds like a sort-of horrible idea. But this also sounds like a sort-of horrible idea. But this also sounds like a sort-of horrible idea. What if the germs win? What if the germs win? What if the germs win? To avoid that, we breed a sort-of weak cousin of the real germ in the lab. To avoid that, we breed a sort-of weak cousin of the real germ in the lab. To avoid that, we breed a sort-of weak cousin of the real germ in the lab. Just powerful enough to annoy the immune system, and create enough memory cells. Just powerful enough to annoy the immune system, and create enough memory cells. Just powerful enough to annoy the immune system, and create enough memory cells. Okay, so these are the basic principles of vaccine use. Okay, so these are the basic principles of vaccine use. Okay, so these are the basic principles of vaccine use. They provoke a natural reaction in our bodies They provoke a natural reaction in our bodies They provoke a natural reaction in our bodies that makes us become immune against very dangerous diseases. that makes us become immune against very dangerous diseases. that makes us become immune against very dangerous diseases. Some, like the flu virus, mutate so often Some, like the flu virus, mutate so often Some, like the flu virus, mutate so often that we need a new vaccine every year, that we need a new vaccine every year, that we need a new vaccine every year, but most vaccines protect us for years, or even a lifetime. but most vaccines protect us for years, or even a lifetime. but most vaccines protect us for years, or even a lifetime. But, there's a catch. But, there's a catch. But, there's a catch. Like everything in life, vaccines have another side: Like everything in life, vaccines have another side: Like everything in life, vaccines have another side: Side effects. Side effects. Side effects. What are they, and what happens if your child develops one? What are they, and what happens if your child develops one? What are they, and what happens if your child develops one? The Risks of Vaccines The Risks of Vaccines The Risks of Vaccines It's complicated to directly compare the side effects of vaccines with the effects of diseases. It's complicated to directly compare the side effects of vaccines with the effects of diseases. It's complicated to directly compare the side effects of vaccines with the effects of diseases. For example, For example, For example, hundreds of millions of people are vaccinated against measles in the West, hundreds of millions of people are vaccinated against measles in the West, hundreds of millions of people are vaccinated against measles in the West, but there were only 83,000 cases in Europe in 2018. but there were only 83,000 cases in Europe in 2018. but there were only 83,000 cases in Europe in 2018. So, with numbers that different, even mild side effects can seem scary So, with numbers that different, even mild side effects can seem scary So, with numbers that different, even mild side effects can seem scary compared to the bad effects of a disease that we don't see as much anymore. compared to the bad effects of a disease that we don't see as much anymore. compared to the bad effects of a disease that we don't see as much anymore. Before the measles vaccine became available in 1963, Before the measles vaccine became available in 1963, Before the measles vaccine became available in 1963, virtually every single child on Earth contracted measles at some point. virtually every single child on Earth contracted measles at some point. virtually every single child on Earth contracted measles at some point. An estimated 135 million cases in the 1950s. An estimated 135 million cases in the 1950s. An estimated 135 million cases in the 1950s. Every single year. Every single year. Every single year. But are measles really that dangerous in the year 2019? But are measles really that dangerous in the year 2019? But are measles really that dangerous in the year 2019? With our advanced healthcare and new technologies, With our advanced healthcare and new technologies, With our advanced healthcare and new technologies, are they worth the risk of vaccine side effects? are they worth the risk of vaccine side effects? are they worth the risk of vaccine side effects? Let's do a thought experiment based on real numbers. Let's do a thought experiment based on real numbers. Let's do a thought experiment based on real numbers. Imagine a developed country in a parallel world. Imagine a developed country in a parallel world. Imagine a developed country in a parallel world. It has good healthcare but people stop vaccinating. It has good healthcare but people stop vaccinating. It has good healthcare but people stop vaccinating. In this scenario, let's say ten million children caught measles. In this scenario, let's say ten million children caught measles. In this scenario, let's say ten million children caught measles. What happens? What happens? What happens? Nine million eight hundred thousand, or 98%, will get a high fever and a very unpleasant rash. Nine million eight hundred thousand, or 98%, will get a high fever and a very unpleasant rash. Nine million eight hundred thousand, or 98%, will get a high fever and a very unpleasant rash. Up to 800,000 of them, or 8%, will suffer from dangerous diarrhea. Up to 800,000 of them, or 8%, will suffer from dangerous diarrhea. Up to 800,000 of them, or 8%, will suffer from dangerous diarrhea. 700,000, or 7%, will suffer from an ear infection, which can lead to permanent hearing loss. 700,000, or 7%, will suffer from an ear infection, which can lead to permanent hearing loss. 700,000, or 7%, will suffer from an ear infection, which can lead to permanent hearing loss. 600,000 kids, or 6%, will suffer from pneumonia -- the most dangerous effect of measles. 600,000 kids, or 6%, will suffer from pneumonia -- the most dangerous effect of measles. 600,000 kids, or 6%, will suffer from pneumonia -- the most dangerous effect of measles. It, alone, will kill 12,000 children. It, alone, will kill 12,000 children. It, alone, will kill 12,000 children. Up to 10,000 children, or 0.1%, will get encephalitis. Up to 10,000 children, or 0.1%, will get encephalitis. Up to 10,000 children, or 0.1%, will get encephalitis. 2,500 kids, or 0.025%, will contract SSPE, 2,500 kids, or 0.025%, will contract SSPE, 2,500 kids, or 0.025%, will contract SSPE, a disease where the measles virus lingers in their brain a disease where the measles virus lingers in their brain a disease where the measles virus lingers in their brain and kills them a few years later. and kills them a few years later. and kills them a few years later. Taken together, Taken together, Taken together, around 2.5 million children will suffer from somewhat serious effects from measles. around 2.5 million children will suffer from somewhat serious effects from measles. around 2.5 million children will suffer from somewhat serious effects from measles. And, about 20,000 children will be killed by measles. And, about 20,000 children will be killed by measles. And, about 20,000 children will be killed by measles. It doesn't stop here though. It doesn't stop here though. It doesn't stop here though. The kids who beat measles are left with a severely damaged immune system The kids who beat measles are left with a severely damaged immune system The kids who beat measles are left with a severely damaged immune system that needs a lot of time to regenerate. that needs a lot of time to regenerate. that needs a lot of time to regenerate. Time for other diseases to do further damage. Time for other diseases to do further damage. Time for other diseases to do further damage. Aside from that, what's almost guaranteed Aside from that, what's almost guaranteed Aside from that, what's almost guaranteed is that your kids will have a really bad time for about two weeks. is that your kids will have a really bad time for about two weeks. is that your kids will have a really bad time for about two weeks. Okay, but what about vaccines? Okay, but what about vaccines? Okay, but what about vaccines? It's only fair to look at these risks, too. It's only fair to look at these risks, too. It's only fair to look at these risks, too. So, let's repeat our thought experiment. So, let's repeat our thought experiment. So, let's repeat our thought experiment. But, this time, we vaccinate ten million children with MMR. But, this time, we vaccinate ten million children with MMR. But, this time, we vaccinate ten million children with MMR. What would theoretically happen here? What would theoretically happen here? What would theoretically happen here? After being vaccinated, After being vaccinated, After being vaccinated, of our 10 million kids, around ten percent get a fever. of our 10 million kids, around ten percent get a fever. of our 10 million kids, around ten percent get a fever. 500,000, or 5%, will get a mild rash. 500,000, or 5%, will get a mild rash. 500,000, or 5%, will get a mild rash. Up to 100, or 0.001%, Up to 100, or 0.001%, Up to 100, or 0.001%, might have a serious allergic reaction and will have to be treated. might have a serious allergic reaction and will have to be treated. might have a serious allergic reaction and will have to be treated. Up to ten boys, or 0.0001%, Up to ten boys, or 0.0001%, Up to ten boys, or 0.0001%, might get inflammation of the genitalia. might get inflammation of the genitalia. might get inflammation of the genitalia. And up to ten kids in total, or 0.0001%, And up to ten kids in total, or 0.0001%, And up to ten kids in total, or 0.0001%, might get the most serious side effect: encephalitis. might get the most serious side effect: encephalitis. might get the most serious side effect: encephalitis. So, we vaccinated ten million kids. So, we vaccinated ten million kids. So, we vaccinated ten million kids. In total, around one hundred and twenty had side effects that were somewhat serious. In total, around one hundred and twenty had side effects that were somewhat serious. In total, around one hundred and twenty had side effects that were somewhat serious. Thanks to good medical treatment in developed regions, almost all of them will be fine. Thanks to good medical treatment in developed regions, almost all of them will be fine. Thanks to good medical treatment in developed regions, almost all of them will be fine. What about autism? What about autism? What about autism? The connection of autism and vaccines stems from one source The connection of autism and vaccines stems from one source The connection of autism and vaccines stems from one source that has been disproven countless times. that has been disproven countless times. that has been disproven countless times. We'll link to further reading and videos in the description. We'll link to further reading and videos in the description. We'll link to further reading and videos in the description. But, in 2019, it's fair to say that vaccines do not cause autism. But, in 2019, it's fair to say that vaccines do not cause autism. But, in 2019, it's fair to say that vaccines do not cause autism. All right, but what about deaths? All right, but what about deaths? All right, but what about deaths? It's really hard to say if even a single one of our 10 million vaccinated kids would die. It's really hard to say if even a single one of our 10 million vaccinated kids would die. It's really hard to say if even a single one of our 10 million vaccinated kids would die. We really did look hard and talked to a lot of different experts. We really did look hard and talked to a lot of different experts. We really did look hard and talked to a lot of different experts. If we ignore self-reporting, If we ignore self-reporting, If we ignore self-reporting, we could only come up with a tiny handful of documented cases we could only come up with a tiny handful of documented cases we could only come up with a tiny handful of documented cases for all the hundreds of millions of children who received the MMR vaccine since 1971. for all the hundreds of millions of children who received the MMR vaccine since 1971. for all the hundreds of millions of children who received the MMR vaccine since 1971. Measles are many, many thousands of times more dangerous for your child Measles are many, many thousands of times more dangerous for your child Measles are many, many thousands of times more dangerous for your child than even the absolute worst case of vaccine side effects. than even the absolute worst case of vaccine side effects. than even the absolute worst case of vaccine side effects. You have to search for lethal vaccine side effects with a huge magnifying glass You have to search for lethal vaccine side effects with a huge magnifying glass You have to search for lethal vaccine side effects with a huge magnifying glass and, even then, it's very hard to find confirmed cases. and, even then, it's very hard to find confirmed cases. and, even then, it's very hard to find confirmed cases. While, deaths from measles are real and easy to find. While, deaths from measles are real and easy to find. While, deaths from measles are real and easy to find. In 2017 alone, 110,000 people died from measles worldwide. In 2017 alone, 110,000 people died from measles worldwide. In 2017 alone, 110,000 people died from measles worldwide. Statistically, today, 300 children will die of measles. Statistically, today, 300 children will die of measles. Statistically, today, 300 children will die of measles. One since this video started. One since this video started. One since this video started. You can compare vaccines to seatbelts. You can compare vaccines to seatbelts. You can compare vaccines to seatbelts. Are there weird freak accidents where someone gets killed by their seatbelt? Are there weird freak accidents where someone gets killed by their seatbelt? Are there weird freak accidents where someone gets killed by their seatbelt? Well, yes. Well, yes. Well, yes. But, do you personally think it's safer to not put a seatbelt on your kid? But, do you personally think it's safer to not put a seatbelt on your kid? But, do you personally think it's safer to not put a seatbelt on your kid? Wait a second! Wait a second! Wait a second! What if your kid is actually allergic? What if your kid is actually allergic? What if your kid is actually allergic? What if none of the things we've said applies to your specific situation? What if none of the things we've said applies to your specific situation? What if none of the things we've said applies to your specific situation? In this case, you need to become the greatest vaccination promoter of all. In this case, you need to become the greatest vaccination promoter of all. In this case, you need to become the greatest vaccination promoter of all. Because if your children can't be vaccinated, only the collective can protect them. Because if your children can't be vaccinated, only the collective can protect them. Because if your children can't be vaccinated, only the collective can protect them. This is called herd immunity, This is called herd immunity, This is called herd immunity, and it's the only thing that can protect your unvaccinated child. and it's the only thing that can protect your unvaccinated child. and it's the only thing that can protect your unvaccinated child. Herd immunity means that enough people are immune to a disease, Herd immunity means that enough people are immune to a disease, Herd immunity means that enough people are immune to a disease, that it can't spread, and dies before it reaches its victims. that it can't spread, and dies before it reaches its victims. that it can't spread, and dies before it reaches its victims. But to accomplish this for measles alone, But to accomplish this for measles alone, But to accomplish this for measles alone, 95% of the people around you need to be vaccinated. 95% of the people around you need to be vaccinated. 95% of the people around you need to be vaccinated. Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion The problem with the debate about vaccines is that it's not fought on a level playing field. The problem with the debate about vaccines is that it's not fought on a level playing field. The problem with the debate about vaccines is that it's not fought on a level playing field. While the pro-vaccine side argues with studies and statistics, While the pro-vaccine side argues with studies and statistics, While the pro-vaccine side argues with studies and statistics, the arguments against them are usually a wild mixture of gut feeling, the arguments against them are usually a wild mixture of gut feeling, the arguments against them are usually a wild mixture of gut feeling, anecdotes, and misinformation. anecdotes, and misinformation. anecdotes, and misinformation. And feelings are often immune to facts. And feelings are often immune to facts. And feelings are often immune to facts. We'll not convince anybody by screaming at them. We'll not convince anybody by screaming at them. We'll not convince anybody by screaming at them. But we can't hide from the reality of what anti-vaccine conspiracies do. But we can't hide from the reality of what anti-vaccine conspiracies do. But we can't hide from the reality of what anti-vaccine conspiracies do. They kill babies too young to be vaccinated. They kill babies too young to be vaccinated. They kill babies too young to be vaccinated. They kill healthy children that are just unlucky. They kill healthy children that are just unlucky. They kill healthy children that are just unlucky. They bring serious diseases back from the verge of extinction. They bring serious diseases back from the verge of extinction. They bring serious diseases back from the verge of extinction. And, the biggest side effect of vaccines is fewer dead children. And, the biggest side effect of vaccines is fewer dead children. And, the biggest side effect of vaccines is fewer dead children. Vaccines are one of the most powerful tools we have Vaccines are one of the most powerful tools we have Vaccines are one of the most powerful tools we have to eradicate the monsters that most of us have already forgotten. to eradicate the monsters that most of us have already forgotten. to eradicate the monsters that most of us have already forgotten. Let's not bring the beasts back! Let's not bring the beasts back! Let's not bring the beasts back!
B2 中上級 日本語 米 ワクチン 免疫 子供 接種 作用 細胞 ワクチンの副作用~リスクの高さは? (The Side Effects of Vaccines - How High is the Risk?) 256 27 Raven Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語