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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Lesson 317 . The title of today's lesson is \"Don't

  • Say Someone When You Should Say Some in the General Sense.\" Now remember general

  • sense ... the general sense is when you're talking about like a lot of people but

  • you're not talking about anyone in particular.

  • You use someone when you're talking about a specific person. So again let's

  • look at the note. In the general sense always use some not someone. Someone

  • refers to a specific person who did a specific thing. Now you may not... sometimes

  • you may not even know who that person is. You might say someone ate the cake. In

  • that case you might mean a particular person ate it. Even though, you don't know

  • who that person is. It's still one particular person. So in that case that

  • would be okay to say someone ate the cake or someone broke it. You know. it was

  • probably just one person. So someone did some specific thing. Then you could say

  • someone The problem is a lot of times you know, students of ESL will use

  • someone when they should be using some. Meaning like, like a lot there's a number

  • of people in general that either think this way or say something or do

  • something. So let's look at some of the examples here. Someone says you should

  • diversify your investments. Now if this was a particular situation like you

  • could say someone at the meeting said maybe it really was one specific person

  • that would be okay. But a lot of times the students say this when they don't

  • mean that. They just mean in general. They mean some people say meaning some people

  • in society or they heard some people you know , around say this. Some people say you

  • should diversify your investments if that's what you mean in general then you

  • should be using some , not someone. Okay. Someone disagrees with that policy. Again

  • if there was only one person that made it. That said that they disagreed

  • with this and you know who that person is that, that would be okay. Well again a

  • lot students use it when they should be

  • using some. When they mean that there's a lot of people that feel this way. So some

  • people disagree with that policy. So if you mean like in general there's quite a

  • few people out there and you're not mentioning anyone in particular then you

  • should be using \"some. \" Okay. All right. And let's look at the next one. Someone

  • complained about that change. Again if there was only one person. Like at a

  • particular office. They came in. Then that would actually be okay. They'll be

  • fine. But if you mean that again there's a lot of them and you're just talking

  • about them in general then you should say some people complained about that

  • change. Again so I often find a lot of ESL students make this mistake. They

  • often say someone when they should be saying some because that's really what

  • they mean. They're speaking in the general sense. They're not speaking about

  • someone specific. So be careful. Anyway I hope you got it.

  • I hope t's clear. Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Lesson 317 . The title of today's lesson is \"Don't


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A2 初級

家庭教師ニックPのレッスン(317)Don't say someone when you should say some in general sense (Tutor Nick P Lesson (317) Don't Say Someone When You Should Say Some in the General Sense)

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    anitawu12 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日