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  • - [Chip] About five weeks ago,

  • a few of my newly made friends and I set off

  • on a camping trip.

  • We met due to our shared interest in joining

  • the fraternity, Kappa Sigma.

  • We met with the house members,

  • and from that point on we were considered recruits.

  • One of the rules of being a recruit

  • is that you are obligated

  • to only hang out with fellow recruits,

  • or members of the house.

  • Needless to say

  • we all became pretty close friends rather quickly.

  • Out of our group, Jasper and I,

  • my name is Chip,

  • were the closest.

  • Our third was Evan,

  • and our fourth wheel was Jake.

  • He was an overly eccentric class clown.

  • He couldn't take anything seriously if his life

  • depended on it,

  • and it would really test our patience.

  • A couple of days after the start of our

  • initiation we were told that we would need to

  • prove that we were tough enough,

  • and worthy of joining the fraternity.

  • To do so we would need to spend a weekend alone

  • out in the woods located about 20 miles out of the city.

  • Even though none of us were natives to the area,

  • we had all heard about the local rumors of the woods.

  • It was common knowledge around these parts that

  • the woods outside of town had some sort of dark

  • spirit looking over them.

  • Some referred to it as a demon,

  • some simply called it Mordayo.

  • There isn't much known about this creature,

  • other than it will eat you alive.

  • Closing in on the weekend we were set to head out

  • to the woods,

  • we were given a list of accepted supplies to take with us.

  • Pretty much we were allowed to bring our phone, a

  • knife, our toiletries, our own rations of food and water.

  • That should last the weekend,

  • and a pack to hold it all in.

  • No tents, no sleeping bags, no real flashlights,

  • just the basic supplies to live.

  • We were also introduced to Chris.

  • He was one of the seniors of the fraternity,

  • and was set to watch over us on our trip,

  • and make sure we followed all the rules.

  • By Friday we had our gear all ready to go,

  • and were set to head to the woods for our final

  • phase of initiation.

  • We met after classes had completed and loaded up

  • into Chris's Explorer to begin our weekend excursion.

  • We left city just as the sun was setting.

  • The drive itself was pretty uneventful,

  • Jake being his loud obnoxious self,

  • and the rest of us telling him to shut up.

  • Finally Chris just turned up the music to drown Jake out.

  • We drove for about another 20 minutes before we

  • started feeling the vehicle slightly stuttering.

  • Chris turns off the music and hushes us all,

  • intently listening for any sounds from the vehicle.

  • We arrived at the dirt road that leads to our destination,

  • and turn off the highway and start to drive down

  • it and into the woods.

  • We drive in silence for a few more minutes before

  • a huge smile creeps across Chris's face as he exclaims,

  • I hope you boys are ready for some fun.

  • The excitement once again outweighing any other emotion,

  • we all hoot out in near unison,

  • then the Explorers engine dies,

  • leaving us in an eerie silence.

  • Chris tries to turn the key.

  • Nothing but clicking.

  • Then all the power cuts off,

  • leaving us not only in in deafening silence,

  • but in complete darkness.

  • At that point Evan speaks up asking if we should

  • call a tow truck.

  • Chris tells him that we'll just let our house

  • know that we broke down,

  • and they'll come out to deal with it.

  • He gets his phone out and quickly realizes we

  • have no signal.

  • Well shit,

  • we should get serviced again once we get closer

  • to the campground up the road.

  • We'll just call there.

  • He tells us all to grab our gear and to get ready

  • for a small hike.

  • We do as instructed,

  • and the vehicle is secured before Chris puts the

  • keys under the rear wheel well for our housemates

  • to find when they arrive.

  • We start heading farther up the road,

  • and concluded it would be best if we use the

  • nearly full moon as our light,

  • as opposed to our cell phones

  • and drain the batteries before the weekend even started.

  • As we were making our way down the dirt road

  • towards the campground,

  • we hear a branch snapping in the woods off to our right.

  • (branch snapping)

  • We all do a quick glance,

  • but quickly come to the conclusion that it must

  • have been an animal.

  • We make it only a few more meters before we hear it again.

  • (branch snapping)

  • We decide to investigate a little further.

  • We walk up to the edge of the road and try to

  • look into the dense woods to locate the source of the sound.

  • The moon isn't providing enough light to see much

  • of anything off the road.

  • So we pull out our phones and use them to light

  • the woods the best we can.

  • Do you guys see anything?

  • Evan asked in a whisper.

  • I don't see anything.

  • It must have just been another animal.

  • We are in the woods after all,

  • Jake answers.

  • We kept looking for a few more seconds,

  • slowly scanning the area with our phones.

  • Come on.

  • Let's just keep going.

  • The campground isn't far,

  • Chris instructs.

  • Everyone except Jake turns off their phone again,

  • and we continue down the road following Jake as

  • he lights the way.

  • We finally see the campgrounds office lit up a

  • few hundred feet in front of us,

  • just as we hear one of the most bone-chilling

  • howls I had ever heard.

  • (bone chilling howling)

  • In unison we all freeze and start looking around.

  • Thoroughly spooked Evan shouts out that we should

  • hurry up.

  • Without another word we all start sprinting

  • towards the office.

  • We reached the door panting heavily and burst

  • inside like bats out of Hell.

  • Greeting us was the gaze of a middle-aged man

  • wearing overalls in a thermal jacket,

  • with a matching cap complete with the ear covers.

  • The man stood behind the counter with a

  • disturbingly fake smile plastered across his face.

  • His eyes shifted separately and deliberately on

  • each one of us.

  • After about 30 seconds of being eyed up by this

  • pasty woodsman,

  • Chris steps forward and breaks the silence.

  • Hey, we rented a site for the weekend.

  • We're just checking in.

  • The man didn't say a word.

  • He just kept slowly eyeing us up one by one.

  • The vibe I was getting from this guy was making

  • me think twice about staying out here.

  • Then I remembered we still needed to call our

  • house to have our vehicle checked out an update them.

  • I pulled my phone out of my pocket expecting to

  • have some sort of signal like Chris had assured us.

  • Nothing, not even empty bars,

  • just a slash through my data icon.

  • I nudged Jasper and showed him I had no service.

  • He checked his phone,

  • also out of service.

  • Jasper mentions it to Chris,

  • who too checks his phone to see that there is in

  • fact no service.

  • Hmm, I was just here a few weeks ago and I had a

  • pretty strong signal.

  • Hey buddy, you have a phone we can use?

  • The guy behind the counter finally showed some

  • sort of reaction,

  • although I really wish he hadn't.

  • He locked eyes with Chris and started to growl,

  • opening his mouth slowly as his growl intensified.

  • I was about to bolt out the door when all of a

  • sudden he stopped growling and his head snapped

  • back violently,

  • then returned to a normal position.

  • Hi, how can I help you?

  • He exclaims in a gleeful tone.

  • His creepy demeanor had been instantly replaced

  • by that of a normal cheery greeter.

  • We all exchanged confused glances before Chris

  • once again explained that we had the site reserved.

  • Oh yes, site 13's all yours.

  • Just head down the path and you'll see it on the

  • left side of the roundabout.

  • Awesome, thank you.

  • Also do you happen to have a phone we can use?

  • Our car broke down on the dirt road and we need

  • to let our friends know.

  • Of course, he replied,

  • retrieving the landline.

  • Chris grabbed the phone and let's our friends

  • know where the Explorer is,

  • where the keys are, and that we will need a ride

  • when we get ready to leave,

  • and that we have no cell service,

  • so we could be reached on the number that showed

  • up on the caller ID.

  • He hands the phone back to the man

  • and once again thanks him.

  • Just as we're walking out the door we hear him

  • once again start to groan.

  • (low groaning)

  • None of us even turned around.

  • We quickly left and headed down the path towards

  • our site,

  • intent on putting as much distance as we could

  • between us and him.

  • The park was set in a pretty basic layout.

  • One main path was sight sought to either side,

  • towards the end there is a loop where it

  • reconnects to the main road.

  • We reached the fork in the path and took the left

  • towards where our campsite was.

  • That was when we noticed how quiet the place was.

  • We hadn't seen any other people except for the

  • strange man in the counter since we arrived.

  • The lamps along the path started to become more

  • sparse as we were making our way farther down.

  • We all pulled out our cell phones and quickly

  • found our site,

  • and began to set up our camp.

  • Chris heads into the woods,

  • returning a couple minutes later with a bundle of firewood.

  • Chris pulls out a lighter and starts the fire

  • while we unpack our rations that we brought.

  • As we ate,

  • Chris insisted on telling us more about the

  • rumors of the land,

  • and why it was feared by so many locals.

  • For over a hundred years there have been stories

  • of these woods,

  • stories of families going on hikes and

  • disappearing without a trace,

  • stories of friends going camping,

  • just like us,

  • and then vanishing without a word.

  • They say there is a creature that watches over these woods.

  • No one really knows where it came from,

  • but everyone knows what it wants.

  • Blood, it craves the taste of human blood,

  • and will stop at nothing once the blood hunt has begun.

  • As far as we know,

  • there is nothing to deter the creature.

  • Once it started the hunt,

  • you might as well kiss your ass good-bye.

  • Over the years locals have given it a name, Mordayo.

  • Mordayo is easily one of the most feared

  • creatures in these parts,

  • and many locals will not even enter these woods.

  • Yet here we are,

  • sitting all alone in these woods,

  • in the dark,

  • in the middle of nowhere,

  • with no one that can help us if Mordayo shows up

  • for his blood hunt.

  • Chris warns us we have something very special

  • planned for the next day,

  • and we will need our rest.

  • Whether it be from all the excitement of the day,

  • or from our walk out to the camp,

  • we were all pretty beat and fell asleep quickly.

  • I woke to a nasty chill and realized the fire was

  • now nothing more than glowing embers.

  • The morning fog was so dense it felt like drops

  • were forming on my body as I gathered more

  • firewood and bark to get the fire going again.

  • Everyone started to wake up and we all huddled

  • around the fire trying to warm up.

  • It was not supposed to get this cold this weekend,

  • Chris said.

  • The forecast was clear skies and warm weather.

  • I laughed and told him that the weather is never reliable.

  • Always expect the worst.

  • I made my way over to my pack to get my toothbrush,

  • and my pack was gone,

  • along with everyone else's.

  • I was confused but came to the assumption that

  • one of our group must have hidden our stuff to

  • mess with us.

  • Okay, who's the wise guy?

  • Very funny, where is our stuff?

  • I asked the other guys.

  • All of them looked at me with a confused look,

  • then started eyeing each other.

  • Jake give us our shit.

  • It is pretty obvious it was you.

  • You're the only one childish enough to do it, Chris accuses.

  • Whoa man,

  • I may be responsible for a lot of the stupid pranks,

  • but I haven't done a thing since we started this trip.

  • My stuff looks like it's gone too.

  • How do we know it wasn't you?

  • Jake shoots back.

  • Well it sure wasn't me,

  • and neither Evan nor Chip would do it.

  • So is there any way an animal might have taken them?

  • Maybe they smelled the food and took off with the bags.

  • Let's take a quick look around.

  • Chris starts heading off into the woods,

  • followed immediately by us.

  • The fog was so thick it made visibility maybe 20

  • feet in front of me,

  • coupled with the fact that we were in a

  • supposedly looked after section of the woods,

  • it definitely caused some chills to travel down

  • my spine.

  • 10 seconds later Chris calls out for all of us to

  • get the hell over to him now.

  • Look at this.

  • Chris trails off.

  • He's pointing at what once was my backpack.

  • It was shredded to bits,

  • and a few feet from the bag was someone else's bag,

  • also completely shredded.

  • I bend over and pick up what's left of my pack.

  • What in the hell kind of animal did this?

  • Nothing is in here.

  • See if anything's left in your pack.

  • Chris walks over and retrieves his.

  • Nada, this is so weird.

  • Well at least we have our phones.

  • We're just going to have to call off the rest of

  • the trip.

  • All at once when noticed Jake wasn't here with us.

  • We start calling out to him but a bone-chilling

  • silence is all we got in return.

  • We walked around for a good 15 or 20 minutes,

  • calling out his name,

  • pulling out our phones to see if we had signal,

  • and calling him some more.

  • No luck.

  • Maybe he just went back to camp, I suggested.

  • Yeah, let's head back that way,

  • Chris said.

  • Just call out for him as we go.

  • We make it back to the campsite and Jake is still

  • nowhere to be found.

  • Well shit.

  • I guess Evan and I all head up to the office real quick.

  • Chip, you stay here in case Jake comes back.

  • I agreed and watched them disappear into the

  • dense fog.

  • I stoked up the fire and waited,

  • occasionally calling out in hopes that Jake would

  • find us if he did happen to get lost.

  • I did this for probably 45 minutes before I

  • started to get concerned that I hadn't heard from anyone.

  • I got up and started weighing my options.

  • Do I go to the office and look for Chris and Evan,

  • or do I stay here in hopes that Jake will still

  • show up?

  • I was still debating on what to do

  • when a blood-curdling scream

  • broke through the once silent woods.

  • I could immediately recognize the scream as

  • belonging to Jake.

  • I started sprinting as fast as I could towards

  • where I thought the scream came from.

  • Then he emerges from the fog.

  • Then he stops.

  • He just stands there,

  • not making a sound,

  • just panting and looking like he will pass out at

  • any moment.

  • Jake what happened?

  • Where have you been?

  • His response still sends a shiver down my spine.

  • Mordayo is here.

  • What?

  • I asked in confusion.

  • Mordayo is real.

  • I saw it.

  • It was following me.

  • It has no skin.

  • It's a walking skeleton, dude.

  • It had antlers,

  • but was bipedal and had no skin.

  • No frickin skin man!

  • Wait, where are Chris and Evan?

  • Jake calm down.

  • Chris and Evan went to the office to call our

  • friends to come and get us.

  • Jake doesn't even wait for me to say anything else.

  • He starts taking off down the path towards the

  • camp office.

  • I quickly follow suit,

  • and within a few minutes we reach the office.

  • And it's locked with no signs that anyone is even around.

  • I told Jake I had no idea what we should do.

  • He brought up that if we hadn't seen them on the path,

  • or here,

  • then they either left without us,

  • or it found them.

  • We came to the mutual decision that we should

  • just start heading back down the dirt road

  • towards where the car had died.

  • Then we hear it.

  • (distant howling)

  • It's Mordayo!

  • Jake screams, taking off like a bullet down the road.

  • I am right on his heels,

  • as I hear an all-too-familiar voice let out a shriek.

  • I skid to a complete stop,

  • nearly losing footing on the loose gravel.

  • That was Evan.

  • We need to go find him.

  • We can't just leave him here.

  • I screamed at Jake as he disappeared into the fog,

  • not even slowing down in the slightest.

  • The next thing I know I'm dodging trees as I

  • sprint to find my friends.

  • (distant howling)

  • This howl stopped me in my tracks.

  • Evan is that you?

  • I take another step forward before for the first

  • time in my life,

  • I am frozen in place.

  • I tried to move my legs,

  • but I was paralyzed in fear over what was a mere

  • 15 feet in front of me.

  • Evan was in fact in front of me,

  • laying on his back with his intestines oozing

  • over the side of his body.

  • That sight comes second to what I saw kneeling over him,

  • head down, chewing at his guts like someone would

  • eat a pie in a competition.

  • It had the animalistic features described in the

  • stories mixed with a human body.

  • Its face though,

  • it looked like someone had skinned a deer's head,

  • covered it in slime,

  • and added the most hideous teeth you could imagine.

  • Then to my utter horror and disbelief,

  • Evans head snaps to the side with enough force to

  • make the breaking of his neck echo through the trees.

  • He starts laughing and says,

  • you might want to run.

  • The blood hunt has begun.

  • As soon as his eyes broke my gaze,

  • I could feel my legs again.

  • I didn't stop running when I made it back to the road.

  • I didn't stop when I heard another terrifying

  • scream in the woods that I easily recognized as Chris.

  • For all I know he was dead already too,

  • and this thing was just using him as bait to lure me.

  • I finally caught sight of the Explorer we made it

  • here in.

  • I ran up to the wheel well where the keys were

  • and began frantically searching for them.

  • I couldn't find them anywhere.

  • In a last-ditch effort before I kept sprinting

  • down the road,

  • I went to the driver's side door and yanked the handle.

  • It opened immediately,

  • and I heard the familiar ding the vehicle makes

  • if a door is open while the keys are in the ignition.

  • I tried twisting the key.

  • (car stalling)

  • It tried to start,

  • but wouldn't turn over.

  • I had no idea if this thing is making its way

  • towards me,

  • but I was not going to wait and find out.

  • I hightailed it all the way back to the highway.

  • Once I reached it,

  • I finally slowed down to a walk and pulled out my

  • cell phone.

  • I powered it back on and finally had a signal,

  • and just long enough of a charge to call the

  • police to come and help me.

  • After about five minutes a couple of sheriffs

  • vehicles pull up next to me.

  • I tell them that they're not going to believe

  • what I have to say,

  • but I tell them everything.

  • They then proceeded to ask me if I was supposed

  • to be on any medications,

  • or if I had taken any.

  • These guys thought I was crazy,

  • and in a way I kind of wish that was the case.

  • At least that way I wouldn't have to go through

  • life knowing things like the Mordayo are much

  • more real than we would like to believe.

  • (shocking indication)

- [Chip] About five weeks ago,


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B1 中級

MORDEO ブラッドハント クリーピーパスタ feat.ウルメイカー|怖いクリーピーパスタ物語|クリプトTV (MORDEO Blood Hunt Creepypasta feat. Urmaker | Scary Creepypasta Story | Crypt TV)

  • 41 0
    Amy.Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日