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  • Please welcome the witch-hunting, demon-slaying

  • brothers Sam and Dean Winchester,

  • Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles.

  • (audience cheering)

  • (intense music)

  • How about this way? Yeah we'll go that way,

  • yeah, here we go, here we go.

  • Alright, we got so much to talk about.

  • There are so many people that are excited

  • to see you here tonight.

  • (audience cheering)

  • Let me begin by you guys have such great on-air chemistry

  • and I think it's because you are, you're terrific actors

  • but you're friends in real life,

  • you guys have been good friends for a long time.

  • Well, as long as the show's been around.

  • Okay.

  • Well okay, Jensen, you said once

  • that you would take a bullet for Jared, did you mean that?

  • Let me clarify, a Nerf bullet.

  • [Conan] A Nerf bullet.

  • (laughs)

  • Or a bullet that was being handed.

  • You would pass it on to him.

  • That's mine, that's mine. Okay, okay.

Please welcome the witch-hunting, demon-slaying


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B1 中級

ジェンセン・アックルズはジャレッド・パダレッキに銃弾を浴びせる - CONAN on TBS (Jensen Ackles Would Take A Bullet For Jared Padalecki - CONAN on TBS)

  • 174 1
    Mankit Yau に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日