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  • When you're searching for the light

  • And you see no hope in sight

  • Be sure and have no doubt

  • He's always close to you

  • He's the one who knows you best

  • He knows what's in your heart

  • You'll find your peace at last

  • If you just have faith in Him

  • (Allah) You're always in my heart and mind

  • Your name is mentioned every day

  • I'll follow you no matter what

  • My biggest wish is to see you one day

  • Coz I believe... I believe... I believe

  • Do you believe, oh do you believe?

  • Coz I believe

  • In a man who used to be

  • So full of love and harmony

  • He fought for peace and liberty

  • And never would he hurt anything

  • He was a mercy for mankind

  • A teacher till the end of time

  • No creature could be compared with him

  • So full of light and blessings (Muhammad)

  • You're always in my heart and mind

  • Your name is mentioned every day

  • I'll follow you no matter what

  • If God wills we'll meet one day

  • Coz I believe... I believe... I believe

  • Do you believe, oh do you believe?

  • If you lose your way

  • Believe in a better day

  • Trials will come

  • But surely they will fade away

  • If you just believe

  • What is plain to see

  • Just open your heart

  • And let His love flow through

  • I believe I believe, I believe I believe

  • And now I feel my heart is at peace

  • I believe... I believe... I believe

  • Do you believe, oh do you believe?

  • I believe I believe, I believe I believe

When you're searching for the light


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

Irfan Makki feat.マハー・ザイン - I Believe (Irfan Makki feat. Maher Zain - I Believe)

  • 2975 245
    VoiceTube に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日