字幕表 動画を再生する
Improvement Pill here. I'm sure all of us at one point or another have told ourselves, promised ourselves that we get something done.
Improvement Pill です。何かをしようと自分に言って自分自身と約束することがあると思います。
Maybe we told ourselves that we'd finish that essay by the end of the week.
Maybe we told ourselves that we'd start hitting the gym this summer or maybe we even told ourselves that we'd finish that book some YouTubers suggested we read.
But often times we find ourselves not doing the things that we set out to do, and that's not good.
It's never good when you say something and you contradict it. It hurts your self-esteem.
So today we're gonna be talking about exactly how to actually do what you say that you're going to do, and the best way for me to do so is by referring to a study that was published in the British Journal of health psychology.
なので、今日はどうやって自分でやると決めたことを実行するのかということを主題として紹介します。『British Journal of Health Psychology』を参照することは一番いい方法だと思います。
This study looked at a group of 250 people who were separated into three different groups.
この研究は 3 つのグループに振り分けられた 250 人を対象にしました。
The first group was told to follow an exercise routine for the next two weeks.
1 番目のグループは次の 2 週間で運動習慣を身につけるよう言われました。
The second group was told the same thing as the first group, but they were also shown videos and clips about the benefits of exercise.
2 番目のグループは同じことをするよう言われましたが、彼らに運動のメリットについての動画も見せました。
This group was called the motivated group and these videos served as the motivation.
The third and final group was told the same thing as the first group.
3 番目で最後のグループは 1 番目のグループと同じことをするよう言われました。
They were also shown the same exact videos as group number two, but on top of all of that they filled out the following sentence, I will partake in at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise at blank place at blank time.
そして、彼らにも 2 番目のグループと同じ動画を見せました。ですが、加えて、彼らは次の文を記入するように言われました。「私は暇な時間に誰もいない場所で最低 20 分激しい運動をします。」
This concept is called implementation intention. Basically when you write down the conditions of completing a task.
この概念は「実行意図」と呼ばれ、基本的に 1 つの課題の進み具合を記入するときに使われます。
So let's take a look at the results of this experiment.
Out of the first group, 38 percent of the people exercised at least once a week for the next two weeks.
1 番目のグループでは、38 % の人はその2週間に、最低週 1 回運動をしました。
Out of the second group, which was the group that was shown motivational videos, only 35 percent of them exercised at least once a week for the next two weeks.
2 番目のグループでは、動機づけの動画を見させられたグループとして、 35 % の人だけがその2 週間に最低週 1 回運動しました。
So it seems motivational videos don't really do much, and might actually be counterproductive.
And finally the third group, the group that used implementation intention had a whopping 91 percent of their participants hitting the gym at least once a week for the next two weeks.
最後は 3 番目のグループです。実行意図という概念が使われたグループとして、91 %もの参加者たちが次の 2 週間に最低週 1 回ジムに通いました。
That is significantly higher than the other two groups, and it goes to show just how effective implementation intent is.
この数字は他の 2 つのグループより著しく高く、実行意図の効果が確実に示されました。
Now, there have been hundreds of studies looking at the effectiveness of implementation intention.
There have been studies on dieting, studies on making reading into a habit, studies on working and all of them point to the fact that implementation intention is extremely effective in terms of getting you to do the things you say you're going to do.
Now the question remains why.
Why does writing down a short little sentence which takes no more than a minute do so much.
どうしてわずか 1 分さえもかからずに書けるような短かい文だけで、そこまで効果があるのでしょうか?
Well, think of it this way. Let's say for example, you're someone who wants to start a new exercise habit.
You'll often find that you'll wait around for the right moment, the perfect opportunity where you're filled with motivation to go and hit the gym.
And more often than not, that moment never comes.
The majority of people are simply not filled with motivation all of the time.
However, when you write down exactly when and where you will exercise, it changes everything.
You no longer have to wait for motivation because you've already set an appointment.
See studies have actually found that in terms of willpower, it actually takes more willpower to make the decision of going to the gym than the actual workout itself.
It takes more willpower to put on your shoes and step out of your door than the actual workout.
So if you make the decision beforehand, you save yourself from having to spend willpower on the day of, and this makes the process of hitting the gym much easier, especially after a long day of work where your levels of willpower are already low.
ですので、もし事前に運動することを決めたら、運動当日に意志を保つことができ、ジムに行くことも楽になれます。特に 1 日中仕事をしているので、意志はもう弱くなるときはなおさらです。
So for those of you that want to stick to a habit or get something done, I suggest you take advantage of this trick.
So what I like for you to do in the comments below is to write out your own implementation intention.
Let me know what it is that you'd like to accomplish, and when and where you're going to do it.
Something important to note is that you should make your implementation intention as reasonable as possible.
If you have a big task like an essay that needs to be done, break it down.
So instead of saying I'll complete my essay at the library tomorrow at 5 p.m., it's more effective to say I'll write the first two paragraphs of my essay at the library tomorrow starting at 5 p.m..
「私は明日の午後 5 時に図書館でエッセイを完成する」というより、むしろ「私は明日の午後 5 時に図書館でエッセイの第 1 、 2 段落を完成する」という方が効果があります。
The simpler the task, the less of a chance you'll avoid it.
This episode is brought to you with the help of AvaTrade.
このエピソードは AvaTrade の提供でお送りしています。
Avatrade is a cryptocurrency trading platform, and for those of you that don't know what cryptocurrencies are, they are a new form of currency that operates independent of a central bank.
AvaTrade とは暗号通貨取引のプラットフォームです。また、暗号通貨とは新たに発行された通貨で、中央銀行からは独立しています。
That means no country or bank has control over it.
Some of the popular cryptocurrencies right now are Bitcoin, etherium and litecoin, all of which I've invested heavily in.
I personally believe that eventually humanity will operate on a global currency, and cryptocurrencies seem like a reasonable candidate.
私は、結局世界は 1 つのグローバル通貨だけが流通するようになることを信じており、暗号通貨はその有力な候補です。
However, it's hard to say exactly which cryptocurrency will have a place in the future of mankind, so it's something I'd suggest you look into further in your own time.
AvaTrade is a reputable platform for any of you that are interested in getting in on some of this action.
AvaTrade は有名なプラットフォームとして知られていますので、興味がある方はぜひ参照してください。
One of the good things about trading cryptocurrencies is that there are no fees and with AvaTrade, you can start off with as little as $100.
暗号通貨で取引をするメリットの 1 つは、手数料が要らないことです。そして、 AvaTrade では、最低 100 ドルから取引を始めることができます。
And just to be clear, when you trade on AvaTrade, you are not buying coins you are trading on the price of these coins.
AvaTrade で取引をするとき、コインの価格で取引しているコインを買うわけではありません。
So for those of you that are interested in cryptocurrencies, I suggest you head on over to AvaTrade by clicking on the link in the description below.
なので、暗号通貨に興味があるなら、下の説明欄で AvaTrade のホームページへのリンクをクリックしてください。
Stay tuned, guys.