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This is the very first image of a black hole.
8 radio telescopes around the world pooled data to create a picture of a gigantic black hole.
世界中 8 台の電波望遠鏡のデータを集め、巨大なブラックホールの写真を完成しました。
6 billion times more massive than our sun, which is 53 million light years away, at the center of galaxy M87.
銀河「M87」の中心にあり、距離 5300 万光年離れた、太陽よりも 60 億倍もの大きさです。
We have seen what we thought was unseeable.
We have seen and taken a picture of a black hole.
You can't see inside a black hole.
Because no light or electromagnetic radiation can escape its overwhelming gravitational pull.
Instead, the international team has imaged the outer edge, the so-called event horizon, of black hole M87.
It shows a bright ring of photons, light particles that would normally travel in a straight line.
Bent instead into a circular path by extreme gravity before they fall into the hole.
Inside the ring, we see the shadow of the hole itself.
This would not have been possible with any individual observatory.
But over the past two years, the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration has processed radio waves detected by the eight participating telescopes.
しかし、2 年をかけ、「事象の地平面望遠鏡」プロジェクトが 8 台の電波望遠鏡で検波した電波を処理し、
Which focused on M87 during one week.
1 週間をかけて、「M87」に重点的に取り組みました。
Combining their data created what is, in effect, an Earth-sized telescope.