字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Many of our viewers have asked us a very serious question: 多くの視聴者が私たちに尋ねてきました Many of our viewers have asked us a very serious question: もし私たちが世界中の爆弾を集め、 What if we made a big pile of bombs それらを一斉に爆発させたら、一体何が起こるのか? What if we made a big pile of bombs 妙なことに、この質問に答えることができる十分な情報源を見つけることはできませんでした and exploded every nuclear weapon in the world all at once? そこで、我々は何が起こるかを計算するために数人の科学者を集めました and exploded every nuclear weapon in the world all at once? そして、この非常に重要な科学的問題に対する答えを見つけるために。 Strangely enough, we couldn't find a good source 現在、地球上には15,000個の核兵器があります。 Strangely enough, we couldn't find a good source アメリカとロシアはどちらもおよそ7000個を持ち、 to answer this question to our satisfaction. フランス、中国、イギリス、 パキスタン、インド、イスラエル、そして北朝鮮は to answer this question to our satisfaction. およそ1,000個を所有しています。 So, we gathered together a few scientists to calculate what would happen. しかし、これらは実際にどれだけの破壊力があるのでしょうか。 So, we gathered together a few scientists to calculate what would happen. これらの数字を視野に入れてみましょう。 And find an answer to this extremely important scientific problem, 地球上には、約4,500の都市または都市部があり、 And find an answer to this extremely important scientific problem, 一つあたり約10万人の住民がいます。 once and for all. 都市によって大きさは変わるので、平均して考えたところ、 once and for all. 1つの都市を完全に一掃するには3つの核爆弾が必要になります。 Currently, there are 15,000 nuclear weapons on Earth. これは、地球上のあらゆる都市を破壊することができるということです。 Currently, there are 15,000 nuclear weapons on Earth. 核兵器を使って The US and Russia both have around 7,000, 瞬時に30億人以上の人々、つまり人類のおよそ半分を殺害してしまいます。 The US and Russia both have around 7,000, これでもまだ、1,500個の核兵器が余るほどです。 while France, China, the UK, Pakistan, India, Israel, and North Korea これこそまさに、"オーバーキル"というものでしょう while France, China, the UK, Pakistan, India, Israel, and North Korea 私たちはとても多くの核兵器を持っていると、自身をもって言えるでしょう own around 1,000 between them. そしてこれらは多くのダメージを与えることができます。 own around 1,000 between them. しかし、15,000発の爆弾をすべて山積みにして引き金を引いたら何が起こるのでしょう。 But, how much destructive power is this really? 私たちの核兵器の山をアマゾンの熱帯雨林の真ん中に落としましょう。 But, how much destructive power is this really? 自然に誰が支配者かを思い知らせるためだけに。 Let's try to put these numbers into perspective. 不器用に積み重ねられたすべてのの弾頭は、小さな倉庫に収まるでしょう。 Let's try to put these numbers into perspective. 典型的な米国の弾頭は、20万トン分のTNTの力を持っています。 On Earth, there are about 4,500 cities or urban areas つまり、1万5千の弾頭はTNTの30億トンに相当します。 On Earth, there are about 4,500 cities or urban areas この量は、マンハッタンの島とすべての建物や高層ビルを with at least 100,000 inhabitants. TNTの山を使用して建設できるほどです。 with at least 100,000 inhabitants. この量のエネルギーと比べることができるものと言えば、火山でしょう Some are bigger than others, so we'll assume that on average, 記録された歴史の中で最も致命的な火山噴火の一つ は1883年に起こった、 Some are bigger than others, so we'll assume that on average, クラカタウ島の大噴火です。 we need three nuclear bombs to completely wipe out one city. 噴火はとても力強く、島の70%と we need three nuclear bombs to completely wipe out one city. 周囲の群島は破壊され、 This means we could destroy every single city on planet Earth, さらには数万もの命を奪いました。 This means we could destroy every single city on planet Earth, その影響は、数日間世界中に響き渡りました。 with our nuclear arsenal, 私たちの核の山は、クラカタウ火山噴火のエネルギー15回分に相当します with our nuclear arsenal, それでは、ボタンを押しましょう。 killing more than three billion people -- roughly half of humanity 3 killing more than three billion people -- roughly half of humanity 2 in an instant. 1 in an instant. 一瞬にして、幅50キロメートルの火の玉が近づくものすべてを蒸発させ And, we'd still have 1,500 nuclear weapons left. そして3,000平方キロメートルの森林を平らにする爆風を作り出します。 And, we'd still have 1,500 nuclear weapons left. 250キロメートル内のすべての生き物は燃え始めます。 Now that's what an expert would call, "overkill." 爆発は文字どおり、世界中で聞こえるでしょう Now that's what an expert would call, "overkill." 圧力波が数週間で数十回地球を周回し、 So, we can say with confidence, that we have a lot of nuclear weapons 何百万トンもの焼かれた物質が大気中に流れ出します。 So, we can say with confidence, that we have a lot of nuclear weapons きのこ雲は成層圏の外側に達して、 and they can do a lot of damage. 宇宙そのものを押し上げます。 and they can do a lot of damage. 物事が落ち着いた後、 But, what if we make a huge pile of all 15,000 bombs and pull the trigger? 幅約10キロメートルの小さなクレーターは1000年間で世界最悪の山火事の中心に残り But, what if we make a huge pile of all 15,000 bombs and pull the trigger? 山火事は南アメリカ中に広がり、森林や都市を全焼させます。 Let's drop our nuclear pile in the middle of the Amazon rainforest; ここからが、最悪な事態の始まりです Let's drop our nuclear pile in the middle of the Amazon rainforest; 非常に放射性の物質は非常に速く生物を殺し just a show nature who's boss. そしてクレーターの周りの数キロメートルの広いエリアは住むことができなくなり just a show nature who's boss. 風下にある何百kmの空間にも同様です。 Our warheads, piled haphazardly, fit into a small warehouse. 大部分の放射性降下物はきのこ雲によって大気中に高く運ばれ Our warheads, piled haphazardly, fit into a small warehouse. そして惑星の周りをおおいつくします A typical US warhead has the power of two hundred thousand tons of TNT. 環境中の放射性物質の量は世界中で2倍になります。 A typical US warhead has the power of two hundred thousand tons of TNT. それでも文明を終わらせるものではありませんが、しばらくの間癌が多く見られるかもしれません。 So, fifteen thousand warheads would be the equivalent of three billion tons of TNT. 粒子の多くは何年もの間地球を太陽光から遮り、 So, fifteen thousand warheads would be the equivalent of three billion tons of TNT. 地球の気温を数年に渡り下げる核の冬を引き起こすでしょう For scale, this is enough to rebuild the whole island of Manhattan 南アメリカや、特にブラジルにいる場合、この爆発はかなり深刻になるでしょう For scale, this is enough to rebuild the whole island of Manhattan アマゾンの熱帯雨林は燃え去ってしまいます with every building and skyscraper using stacks of TNT. しかし、人類は生き続けるでしょう。 with every building and skyscraper using stacks of TNT. それでは、もっと核兵器を爆発させたらどうなるでしょうか。 The closest thing we can compare to the energy gathered here, is a volcano. 人類が地球上のあらゆるウランを採掘することにしたとしましょう。 The closest thing we can compare to the energy gathered here, is a volcano. そしてそれらを使い、できるだけ多くの核爆弾を作ったとします One of the deadliest volcanic eruptions in recorded history took place in 1883, 現在の例では、 One of the deadliest volcanic eruptions in recorded history took place in 1883, 地球の地殻には約3500万トンのウランがあると推定されています。 on the island of Krakatoa. これは、2000年以上にわたって人類の文明を動かすのに十分な量です on the island of Krakatoa. または、何百万もの核弾頭を構築するために使うことも。 The eruption was so powerful, that 70% of the island, 議論のために、我々は100億の広島型爆弾の山を作るとしましょう。 The eruption was so powerful, that 70% of the island, 爆弾の山は3000mの高さに達し and the surrounding archipelago, was destroyed これは6500万年前に恐竜の時代を終えた小惑星の衝撃のエネルギーと同じ程度です and the surrounding archipelago, was destroyed それが核兵器であることを除いて。 killing tens of thousands of people. 3 killing tens of thousands of people. 2 Its effects were felt around the world for days after the event. 1 Its effects were felt around the world for days after the event. 爆弾の山は火の玉の中で爆発し、空高くへ伸びていきます Our nuclear pile contains 15 times the energy of the Krakatoa volcanic eruption. その高さは南アメリカの半分の地域から見えるほどです Our nuclear pile contains 15 times the energy of the Krakatoa volcanic eruption. 地面が水のように波打つほどの力で So, let's finally push the button. 幅100キロメートルのクレーターを形成します。 So, let's finally push the button. 全山脈規模の岩盤は瞬時に気化され、 Three, 数千トンもの物質がもの凄いスピードで飛び散り、 Three, 宇宙に放出されます。 two, 宇宙へ飛び立ちそのままのものもありますが two, そのほとんどは火の雨のようになって地球に降り注ぎ one. 大気を熱し、オーブンのような温度にしてしまいます one. 世界中のほとんどの大型動物を殺害し、火災旋風を引き起こすでしょう In a second, 地球の地殻は鐘のように鳴り響き In a second, 記録された歴史の中で何よりも強い地球規模の地震に見舞わます a fireball 50 kilometers across vaporizes everything in its way, 世界中の都市を滅ぼし、 a fireball 50 kilometers across vaporizes everything in its way, 一方、南アメリカでは爆風の力が木々を巻き上げ and creates a blast wave that flattens 3,000 square kilometers of forest. そして山火事が大陸に広がります。 and creates a blast wave that flattens 3,000 square kilometers of forest. アマゾンを燃え尽くし、大量の炭化水素を灰に変えながら Every living thing within 250 kilometers will start to burn. 大気中を埋め尽くし、空高く舞い上がり Every living thing within 250 kilometers will start to burn. 地上に降り注ぐ日光を遮り The explosion will be heard literally around the world, 世界中の気温を氷点下まで下げます。 The explosion will be heard literally around the world, 地球規模の冬は数十年間続くかもしれません as the pressure wave circles the Earth tens of times over the next few weeks. そして人間を含むすべての大型動物種が絶滅します。 as the pressure wave circles the Earth tens of times over the next few weeks. また、地球の隅々まで放射性降下物で覆われているとも言えますが Millions of tons of incinerated material are catapulted into the atmosphere. しかしこの時点で、そんなこと問題にはならないでしょう Millions of tons of incinerated material are catapulted into the atmosphere. これは人類の終末です。 The mushroom cloud reaches the outer reaches of the stratosphere, 国際宇宙ステーションにいる宇宙飛行士はしばらくの間素晴らしい景色を楽しむことができるでしょうが The mushroom cloud reaches the outer reaches of the stratosphere, 軌道に噴出する岩石の弾幕がステーションを破壊するでしょう pushing up against space itself. 地下シェルターや海面下の潜水艦にいる幸運な人々は、 pushing up against space itself. 最も長く生き残るかもしれません。もちろん、 After things have calmed down, 食料が底をつき外に出なければいけなくなる時まで。 After things have calmed down, 彼らは焦げ、凍った、放射性の荒れ地と化した世界を見ることになるでしょう。 a small crater -- about ten kilometers across 惑星自身はまったく問題にはなりません a small crater -- about ten kilometers across たったの数百万年で爆発の傷は癒され is left in the center of the worst world fires the planet has seen in millennia, そして生命は姿を取り戻すでしょう is left in the center of the worst world fires the planet has seen in millennia, 人間が周りにいたときよりも、もっと豊かに育つかもしれません spreading throughout South America, burning down forests and cities alike. もしも知的生命体が再び現れれば、過去に地球に何が起こったのか解明することができるかもしれません。 spreading throughout South America, burning down forests and cities alike. 彼らが地質学を研究するとき、彼らは奇妙で非常に薄い、 And, now, the unpleasant part begins. ウランのような放射性元素や人間が使用した部室で覆われた岩の層を見つけるでしょう And, now, the unpleasant part begins. さらには金属や、人間が使ったプラスチックなど。 Extremely radioactive material will kill living things very quickly, 彼らはおそらく、非常に混乱するでしょう。 Extremely radioactive material will kill living things very quickly, このような動画は仕上げるのに1200時間以上かかります。 and a large area several kilometers around the crater is now uninhabitable, 長年にわたり私達は研究により多くの努力を注いでいます and a large area several kilometers around the crater is now uninhabitable, 専門家との会話やイラストやアニメーション、 as is everywhere for hundreds of kilometers downwind. サウンドデザインと事実確認なども。 as is everywhere for hundreds of kilometers downwind. このビデオのために、私達はソース文書に多くの力を入れました。 Much of the fallout is carried high into the atmosphere by the mushroom cloud 私たちがどのようにビデオのソースを得たかを読むことができ Much of the fallout is carried high into the atmosphere by the mushroom cloud 我々の専門家がそれについて考えたこと、 and carried around the planet. そして異論を唱えたことなど。 and carried around the planet. 私達がこれらに時間をかけることができるのも、 The amount of radioactive material in the environment doubles worldwide, あなた、視聴者たちのおかげです The amount of radioactive material in the environment doubles worldwide, あなたが私たちのビデオを見て、共有し、私たちのポスターを買い which still isn't civilization-ending, but we may see more cancer for a while. そしてpatreon.comで私たちをサポートしてくれたおかげです。 which still isn't civilization-ending, but we may see more cancer for a while. 私たちがやっていることがもし好きなら、支援者になることもできます A portion of the particles will flow to the edge of space for years あるいは、愛を込めて作った素敵なものを手に入れることも。 A portion of the particles will flow to the edge of space for years ご視聴ありがとうございました! and cause a nuclear winter and cause a nuclear winter that could lower global temperatures by a few degrees for a few years. that could lower global temperatures by a few degrees for a few years. This explosion was pretty bad if you're in South America, and especially Brazil. This explosion was pretty bad if you're in South America, and especially Brazil. The Amazon rainforest is pretty much history, which is not great. The Amazon rainforest is pretty much history, which is not great. But, human life will go on. But, human life will go on. OK, but what if we explode more nuclear weapons? OK, but what if we explode more nuclear weapons? Let's suppose humanity decided to mine every bit of uranium on Earth Let's suppose humanity decided to mine every bit of uranium on Earth and build as many nuclear bombs as possible. and build as many nuclear bombs as possible. At current usage, At current usage, it's estimated that there are around 35 million tons of uranium in Earth's crust; it's estimated that there are around 35 million tons of uranium in Earth's crust; enough to power human civilization for over 2,000 years, enough to power human civilization for over 2,000 years, or to build millions of nuclear warheads. or to build millions of nuclear warheads. For the sake of argument, For the sake of argument, let's say we create a pile with the yield of 10 billion Hiroshima bombs, let's say we create a pile with the yield of 10 billion Hiroshima bombs, which makes up a cube three kilometers high that contains roughly the energy which makes up a cube three kilometers high that contains roughly the energy of the asteroid impact that ended the age of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. of the asteroid impact that ended the age of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Except, it's also nuclear. Except, it's also nuclear. Three, Three, two, two, one. one. Our pile explodes in a fireball stretching so high into the sky Our pile explodes in a fireball stretching so high into the sky that it's visible from half of South America, that it's visible from half of South America, with so much power that the ground just splashes like water with so much power that the ground just splashes like water forming a crater 100 kilometers across. forming a crater 100 kilometers across. Bedrock on the scale of whole mountain ranges is vaporized in an instant, Bedrock on the scale of whole mountain ranges is vaporized in an instant, while thousands of tons of material is catapulted away with such speed, while thousands of tons of material is catapulted away with such speed, that it's ejected into space. that it's ejected into space. Some leaves Earth forever, Some leaves Earth forever, while most of it comes raining down as hot, burning debris while most of it comes raining down as hot, burning debris that heats up the atmosphere to oven-like temperatures, that heats up the atmosphere to oven-like temperatures, killing most big animals and causing fire storms all over the world. killing most big animals and causing fire storms all over the world. The Earth's crust rings like a bell The Earth's crust rings like a bell struck by global earthquakes stronger than anything in recorded history, struck by global earthquakes stronger than anything in recorded history, decimating cities around the world, decimating cities around the world, while hurricane-force winds flatten every single tree in South America, while hurricane-force winds flatten every single tree in South America, and wildfires consume the continent. and wildfires consume the continent. The abundance of hydrocarbons in the Amazon burn to form ash, The abundance of hydrocarbons in the Amazon burn to form ash, are cast into the atmosphere, darting the sky are cast into the atmosphere, darting the sky and keeping sunlight from reaching the surface, and keeping sunlight from reaching the surface, dropping temperatures to near freezing worldwide. dropping temperatures to near freezing worldwide. The ensuing global winter may last for decades, The ensuing global winter may last for decades, and results in the extinction of every large animal species, humans included. and results in the extinction of every large animal species, humans included. We could also mention that every corner of the planet is covered with radioactive fallout, We could also mention that every corner of the planet is covered with radioactive fallout, but at this point, it doesn't matter that much anymore. but at this point, it doesn't matter that much anymore. This is humanity's extinction event. This is humanity's extinction event. The astronauts aboard the International Space Station get to enjoy a great view for a while, The astronauts aboard the International Space Station get to enjoy a great view for a while, but it's not unlikely that the spray of rocks blast into orbit will destroy the Station. but it's not unlikely that the spray of rocks blast into orbit will destroy the Station. Those lucky enough to be in bunkers, or in submarines deep below the ocean surface, Those lucky enough to be in bunkers, or in submarines deep below the ocean surface, may survive the longest before they exhaust their food supplies, may survive the longest before they exhaust their food supplies, and have to venture out for more. and have to venture out for more. They'll find the world a charred, freezing, radioactive wasteland. They'll find the world a charred, freezing, radioactive wasteland. The planet, itself, doesn't care at all. The planet, itself, doesn't care at all. After just a few million years, the wounds of the explosions have healed After just a few million years, the wounds of the explosions have healed and life is thriving, and life is thriving, arguably even more so than when humans were around. arguably even more so than when humans were around. If intelligent life emerges again, it might be able to work out what happened. If intelligent life emerges again, it might be able to work out what happened. When they study geology, they'll find a bizarre and very thin layer of rock When they study geology, they'll find a bizarre and very thin layer of rock covering the entire world, enriched in radioactive elements like uranium, covering the entire world, enriched in radioactive elements like uranium, and the other nasty things it decays to, and the other nasty things it decays to, mixed with rare earth metals and plastics that humans used. mixed with rare earth metals and plastics that humans used. They would probably be very, very confused. They would probably be very, very confused. Videos like this one take well over 1200 hours to finish. Videos like this one take well over 1200 hours to finish. Over the years, we put more and more effort into research, Over the years, we put more and more effort into research, conversations with experts, illustration and animation, conversations with experts, illustration and animation, sound design and fact-checking. sound design and fact-checking. For this video, we put a lot of extra work into our sources document. For this video, we put a lot of extra work into our sources document. You can read how we got to the information in the video, You can read how we got to the information in the video, what our experts thought about it, what our experts thought about it, where they disagreed with each other. where they disagreed with each other. We can take the time to do this, We can take the time to do this, because of you: our viewers. because of you: our viewers. Because you watch and share our videos, buy our posters, Because you watch and share our videos, buy our posters, and support us on patreon.com. and support us on patreon.com. If you like what we're doing, please consider becoming a patron, If you like what we're doing, please consider becoming a patron, or get one of the nice things we made with love. or get one of the nice things we made with love. Thank you for watching! Thank you for watching!
B1 中級 日本語 米 地球 爆弾 弾頭 噴火 都市 爆発 一度に全ての核爆弾を爆発させたらどうなるのか? (What If We Detonated All Nuclear Bombs at Once?) 703 13 Judy Chen に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語