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  • It's AumSum Time

  • Hi guys.

  • Can you guess the title of my next video Hurry up.

  • Write your guess in the comments section below.

  • Why are some people left-handed?

  • Because their left hand is much beautiful than their right.

  • You are unbelievable.

  • Actually.

  • Till now it is not fully understood why some people are left-handed while others are right-handed.

  • A theory suggests that genetics might play a role in determining the hand dominance.

  • As per the theory, when a baby is developing in the womb.

  • There are two forms of genes known as D and C, which the baby can inherit from its parents.

  • If the baby inherits D gene from both the parents, then the baby will surely be right-handed.

  • If the baby inherits D gene from one parent and C gene from the other.

  • Then the chances of baby being right-handed are much higher.

  • However, if the baby inherits C gene from both the parents.

  • Then the baby will either be right-handed or left-handed.

  • The chances are 50-50.

  • How do nails grow?

  • A nail consists of many different parts.

  • The visible part of the nail is called nail plate.

  • Nail plate lies on the nail bed.

  • Can I sleep on that bed?

  • Just listen.

  • Matrix is the area where nail growth originates.

  • It lies below the skin.

  • Matrix has specialized cells which keep dividing and creating nail cells.

  • The nail cells grow and produce a hard protein called keratin.

  • Then, these keratin filled cells are pushed forward as more new cells are formed behind them.

  • Eventually, the keratin filled cells die and flatten to form the nail plate.

  • The hard keratin in these dead cells gives strength to the nail and makes it hard.

  • But what is the use of these nails?

  • Nails protect our finger tips.

  • Moreover, by observing the condition of our nails, doctors can get clues about our overall health.

  • How does an owl fly so silently?

  • Because of a soundproof jacket.

  • No.

  • Usually, when birds fly, they make sound.

  • This is because when they flap their wings, the wings create violent, unsteady movements in air.

  • This is called turbulence.

  • Turbulence produces sound.

  • However, an owl's wings have some special features that help it to fly silently.

  • What features?

  • The leading edge of an owl's wing has feathers that are serrated like a comb.

  • When an owl flies, these serrations break air into smaller streams.

  • Then as the smaller streams of air move towards the trailing edge.

  • The soft fringe on the trailing edge breaks up the smaller streams even more.

  • This causes very less turbulence, thus creating very little sound.

  • However, even this little sound produced by turbulence is absorbed by the velvety feathers.

  • Present on an owl's wings and legs, thus helping owls to fly silently.

  • Topic: Water purification.

  • Why is alum added to water?

  • Because water does not like to be alone.

  • It wants somebody's company.

  • No.

  • Alum is added to purify water.

  • Alum is aluminium sulfate.

  • It acts as a coagulant.

  • A coagulant attracts and binds with extremely fine and small particles to form a large particle.

  • I won't use it.

  • But why?

  • Because it will attract all small insects and make a large insect.

  • You are just unbelievable.

  • When a solution of alum is added to impure water, it attracts and binds with contaminants.

  • Fine suspended particles of mud, dirt, etc. to form large particles.

  • Being large, these particles can be removed by filtration or when they settle down due to gravity.

  • They can be removed through decantation, giving us pure water.

  • Topic: Ear.

  • How do ears help with balancing?

  • They really do.

  • You don't believe me.

  • Okay.

  • Can you play a guitar and walk at the same time?

  • How do you think you are able to maintain your balance?

  • Do you know why you can't balance yourself anymore?

  • Wait, I will tell you.

  • This happens because there is a connection between our ears and body balance.

  • Our ear consists of 3 parts, outer ear, middle ear and inner ear.

  • Our inner ear works in sync with our eyes and muscles, helping us maintain balance.

  • While we are doing various activities.

  • The inner ear consists of three semicircular canals called superior semicircular canal.

  • Posterior semicircular canal and lateral semicircular canal.

  • The three semicircular canals are arranged in three different positions.

  • Each of these canals has a fluid called endolymph and hair cells called cilia at the base.

  • Whenever we move our head, the fluid moves, resulting in the movement of the cilia as well.

  • When the cilia moves.

  • It sends signals to the brain informing which direction our head has just moved in.

  • Each canal has different functions as per the movement of our head.

  • When we move our head up and down.

  • The superior semicircular canal helps our brain to understand the yes motion.

  • When we tilt our head towards our shoulders.

  • The posterior semicircular canal helps our brain to understand the tilting motion.

  • When we move our head from side to side.

  • The lateral semicircular canal helps our brain to understand the no motion.

  • It was too complicated, right?

  • Okay.

  • Don't worry about it.

  • Relax.

  • Why don't you go on a merry go round ride?

  • Hey.

  • Why were you not able to maintain your balance?

  • This is because when you sat in the merry go round and started rotating.

  • The fluid in the semicircular canals also started to move.

  • After a while, it was moving at the same rate at which you were moving.

  • However, when the ride stopped and you got down from the ride.

  • The fluid was still in motion due to inertia.

  • Hence, even though you were not moving.

  • The moving fluid gave your brain a false information telling that you are still in motion.

  • Thus, you were not able to maintain your balance.

It's AumSum Time


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B1 中級

なぜ左利きの人がいるのか?| 左利きの人はなぜ左利きなのか? (Why are some people Left Handed? | #aumsum)

  • 55 4
    AumSum に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日