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  • Hi this is David from MinuteEarth.

    Hi, 私はMinuteEarthのDavid

  • And these are my fingerprints.


  • Each one has a particular pattern on it: a whorl, a loop, an arch, or in the case of

    それぞれの指に特定のパターンがある。 輪、ループ、アーチ、そしてこれが

  • my left thumb, a somewhat rarer double loop whorl.

    私の左親指、やや珍しく、二重ループ の渦巻き。

  • But even if your left thumbprint has one of the boring patterns, your print is unique


  • to you.


  • In fact, there's no one in the world - past, present, or future - who has a fingerprint

    実際、世界中のどこにも、 過去・現在そして未来を通しても、あなたのものと

  • that matches any one of yours.


  • To understand why, we first need to know how they form.


  • Early on in fetal development, lumps of stem cell tissues - called volar pads - grow under

    胎児が発育する早い段階で、塊状の幹細胞組織 - "Volar pads"と呼ばれる -が

  • the skin on each finger.


  • Whether the volar pad is small or big or off to the side or grows unevenly determines the

    Volar padsが小さいか大きいか、それとも、片側にできるか、不均一に成長するか、これらは

  • main pattern of the fingerprint - an arch, whorl, loop, or even a very interesting and

    指紋の概形を決定する。 アーチ、うねり、ループ、 あるいは非常に興味深く

  • exciting double loop whorl.


  • Because your volar pad size and orientation is somewhat genetic, many relatives, and most

    Volar padの大きさや向きは多少遺伝するため、多くの親戚や

  • identical twins, have the same main patterns on each finger, and so DNA alone isn't where


  • the uniqueness of fingerprints comes from.


  • Instead, it comes from the chaotic way in which the fingerprints grow.


  • On top of the volar pads, the embryonic skin has several layers of cells, all growing at

    Volar padの上部、胚の表面はいくつかの細胞層を有しており、すべてが

  • different rates.


  • And as the inner layer grows, the middle layer buckles, causing ridges to form in the upper

    そして内層が成長するにつれて、中間層 がゆがみ、上層に隆起を形成させる

  • layer.

    00:01:07,540 --> 00:01:11,320 隆線は初め、成長する指へのストレスが最も加わる三か所に、それぞれ形成される。

  • The ridges first form parallel to the three areas of greatest stress on a growing finger:

    爪の近く、しわの近く、 最初の関節、そしてvolar padの先端。

  • near the fingernail, near the crease at the first joint, and on top of the volar pads.


  • As the ridge lines grow, they sometimes run into one another, resulting in either a block


  • or a split.

    隆線同士がどこで出くわし、 またそれらが停止または分岐するか、詳細は

  • The details of precisely where on the finger those ridge lines meet up and whether each


  • one get turned into a dead end or a fork is determined by a bunch of different factors,


  • like how nerves and capillaries grow in the layer below the skin, fluid pressure changes


  • in the womb, and even which direction the finger is oriented relative to gravity.

    そして、これらはカオスであり、予測不能であるために 隆線が行き止まりとなるか

  • And because there are chaotic and unpredictable differences in each of these, whether a given

    分岐するかは基本的にランダムである。 もし、赤ちゃんが

  • ridge becomes a dead-end or a fork is essentially random, even for babies that develop in the


  • same womb.


  • The average person has around 50 forks or dead ends at different places on each fingerprint.


  • Even if you oversimplify things - ignoring position and so on - and just think of each


  • of these points as an independent coinflip between fork and dead end, there are more


  • than a quadrillion different possibilities for fingerprints.


  • To get a sense of how many possibilities that is, there are 80 billion fingerprints in the


  • world, which are represented by this black dot.


  • A quadrillion is 10,000 times larger.


  • And, remember, this is a simplification, because the number of potential unique fingerprints


  • gets way, way bigger when you take into account the relative positions of these points.

    だから私の左拇印、私のすべての指紋、 そしてすべてのあなたの指紋、 それぞれが可愛らしく、

  • So my left thumbprint - and all my fingerprints and all your fingerprints - are each pretty

    数学的に一意であることが保証されています。 - 世界中で唯一の渦巻き。

  • much mathematically guaranteed to be unique - to be the only ones in the whorl.

    あなたの各指紋は一種のものです、 そしてあなたのパスワードのそれぞれもそうであるべきです。

  • Each of your fingerprints is one of a kind, and each of your passwords should be, too.

    【以下は自動翻訳】 それが私がスポンサーとなったDashlaneを使う理由です このビデオ。

  • That's why I use Dashlane, who sponsored this video.

    Dashlaneはランダムにユニークな強さを生み出します 新しいアカウントにサインアップするたびにパスワード

  • Dashlane randomly generates a unique strong password whenever I sign up for a new account,

    帰ってきたらすぐにログインし直す サイトへ

  • and instantly logs me back in whenever I return to the site.

    また、私の個人情報を安全に自動入力します。 オンラインフォームに記入する必要があるときはいつでも

  • It also securely autofills my personal information whenever I need to fill out online forms and

    データ侵害があったかどうか私に知らせます 私の通常のお化けのいずれかで。

  • lets me know if there's been a data breach at any of my regular haunts.

    基本的なサービスは無料ですが、Dashlaneがあります プレミアムすべてのデバイスでDashlaneにアクセスできる

  • The basic service is free, but with Dashlane Premium I can access Dashlane on all my devices


  • and store unlimited passwords.


  • And you know the best part?

    自分のユニークな指紋を使って開くことができます 私の電話で私のDashlaneパスワードボールト!

  • I can use my own unique fingerprint to open my Dashlane password vault on my phone!

    の30日間無料トライアルをダウンロードするには Dashlane Premium、にアクセスしてください。

  • To download your own free 30-day trial of Dashlane Premium, go to

    最初の200人の視聴者も10%割引 年間Dashlane Premiumメンバーシップ

  • The first 200 viewers can also get 10% off a yearly Dashlane Premium membership using


  • the code MINUTEEARTH at checkout.

Hi this is David from MinuteEarth.

Hi, 私はMinuteEarthのDavid


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