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Okay, so, according to Mufasa, there was a lot of seaweed
So that's why eleven chickens kept burping __
Son, sit down.
You gotta get your facts straight -
There's only one chicken
Thanks for the misinformation
Kid, I ought to smack your face
You were supposed to graduate
Now you'll just be the king of American junk people
Hey, I wanted you to be like Miss James
Like a crazy Asian, shamed and lonely
Now that won't happen
Because you're a spoiled kid
And you hate jobs
And I'm like Judge Dredd
If you believe there was a castle
About a five foot castle
And it had two cellars and two Roombas
That's because I asked for it
Okay guys, as a professional, it's very important
for both of you to keep in touch with me
I won't ask for your spleens
But I'm gonna ask for your souls
I'm sweet
Made out of sugar and hormones, but this guy's made out of ice
Oh yeah?
What pretty eyes, what pretty eyes
Baby my heart beats like a small one-handed
stripper's leg one minute after winning a lottery
Ooh, I like that!
You don't even want twin ducks?
Baby ducks?
You sir, are a loser.
Okay I see —
And no one can whisk away those little terriers that we like.
You can has a pinky puff.
Hey man , I appreciate it, but next time I'm not having my eggs in the shower
Oh no he didn't
Don't pretend you didn't give me a divorced
Air Force Supreme Commander with his sick sister and her Irish kid
Why are you such an a**hole?
Please taste like mouthwash...
How can you not?
I know, right?
Sorry, you're just really hot and I think that's why you won't get frozen
Hey, if you fancy this cow, make it now
'Cause he wants for you all to frost his lemonhead
And the lousy stiff hunts and fluffs and stinks like pee
And now he's mayor of a bank!
And all the --
No dude, no, no, look
I'll squish your little flipper
I'm a so nice!
Dammit, who ordered the bacon crusted rolls!
It's like there's someone over there that's making a crack-filled sandwich
Oh yeah, and I like their ground meat on spinach
Ah, it's wonderful, and sometimes I buy their scum brownies
"Did you bake these?"
"No, I'm not Reggie!"
Gotta think about holding the pose and the extra foil
Red shoes.
Listen Amy, poor people can suck it!
Horses? They just want grass to much
Boring! B-b-b-b-b
If the big elf ate half his cheese,
He'll go and throw it up, just like that
Finish please, psycho fudgy pants
I know you're not good at expression
You become a first grader
I have to go and buy a saddle for my night class
Where there's a cutie
I haven't got the chance to show her just how good it is to fight burgers as people
You can't do that
Percy, do you have a present?
Governor Romney tied up a chicken
Then he gave a whipping to a disabled
And it's gonna happen to you
I'm not surprised your gumbo was green
I mean, you know, just -- just peep him
I'm feeling like I might poke him just to see what happens
I gotta spit, I smoked a few, you know?
Now I'm sailing on 15 days worth of anti-depressants
And it's like the whole world's a surfer dude
And they're all chewing pencils
You know, I mean, boy, I'm toast!
Let's haunt this misery stump!
Ooh, there it is!