Placeholder Image

字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Welcome back to the OpenVINO Channel

  • This is another interesting demo you can use to see how

  • -We use multiple models running in parallel in the system

  • -And of course you can run them on different devices..

  • One on CPU, one on GPU and so on..

  • -We have here face detection, action detection as you have seen in previous demos

  • -But in this demo you could also see how we do face recognition..

  • We give the system a face image and look for this specific face..

  • Let's Initialize OpenVINO I'm building a sample directory,

  • And building here the smart-classroom sample..

  • define $models as a pointer to the Intel provided pre-trained models.

  • .. Running the sample is easy.. -m_act is a model for the action detection

  • -m_fd is the face detection model -m_lm is the face landmarks model

  • -m_reid is the re-identification model..

  • And you can see that we detect the faces and the full person

  • We also detect if they are standing, sitting or raising their hands..

  • A quick look at the code, you can open the main.cpp in the sample directory..

  • Scroll down to line 280 And see how each of the CNN models is being

  • initialized.

  • And configured..

  • The action detector, the dace detector and so on..

  • You can see here how the faces are extracted from each frame..

  • And the list of actions..

  • And you see how the face region-of-interest is handed to the landmark detection model

  • who extract the specific features for this face..

  • And how the features, are used to align the face and for re-identifying people in the

  • frame..

  • In order to perform face recognition, we need to create a face gallery..

  • I'll put a bunch of cropped small face images in a face-gallery directory..

  • Each image should be called name.number.png

  • For example guy.0.png is my first image I could add guy.1.png guy.2.png etc to improve

  • the recognition accuracy..

  • I will call this guy ALEX..

  • Now we need to run a python script to create a JSON list..

  • You can see that the .json file was created..

  • And now we run the sample again..

  • With -fg directing to our face gallery JSON file..

  • And you can see that ALEX is detected..

  • It's pretty slow, 12 frames per seconds As all of these models are running on my CPU

  • As always you can change the target device, Here I will try to run the landmark detection

  • and the re-identification models on the GPU And we improved from 12 to 19 frames-per-seconds..

  • And the CPU is free

  • This sample could be a good start if you need a simple face detection and recognition, action

  • detection and tracking..

  • Use it..

  • Thank you

Welcome back to the OpenVINO Channel


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B1 中級

(39) OpenVINOツールキット -- Smart Classroomデモ(日本語 ((39) OpenVINO toolkit -- Smart Classroom demo (English))

  • 52 1
    alex に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日