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All rise
Case number 23 Hopsin versus Mr. Funk Volume the honorable Dusky dozens presiding
All right, everybody sit down
This is really getting on my nerves you guys are taking up too much of my time Marcus Hopsin please come to the stand
Nigga what the fuck? (what the fuck?)
おいなんだよこれ? (なんだよこれ?)
Homie I made you rich, paid your rent (damn right)
俺がお前を金持ちにしたし、お前の家賃も払った(damn right)
Biting the hand that was feeding you This shit don't make any sense
飼い犬に噛まれるってこういうことかよ 割に合わねえだろ
Nigga what the fuck? (what the fuck?)
おいなんだよこれ? (なんだよこれ?)
You know this is that real shit How you gon' forget who built this, huh?
これが本当の厄介事だな どうやってあいつを忘れろっていうんだよ なぁ?
I'm the one who made the company all the millions Now you got problems to deal with
Man, this is tough luck, see a couple weeks ago we was buds
And the crew that was killing shit was us Till you turned on me homie, that's fucked up
I ain't keeping this shit on the hush, hush On my chest I just carry too much stuff
I done had it, enough is enough bruh Plus I needed something to get my buzz up
You done fucked with the wrong dude Ain't no telling what Hopsin is gon' do, creepin' up on you
Quit your sleeping, I told you
"This is a mutha'fuckin' journey we finna go through" If I ain't have so much to lose
"これが俺らの最悪最低な道のりだ" こんなに失う物がなければの話だけどな
I swear to God I probably beat up and choke you
神に誓うよ きっと俺はお前の首を絞めて終わらせる
Nigga this that raw shit That organic flow you probably see up in Whole Foods
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Shiver me timbers
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something's fishy 'bout you Mr. D Ritter
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When I told you that I wanted new management
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Why the fuck you throw a fit and seem bitter?
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Why you catch an attitude whenever I question you about all my fuckin' percentages?
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I know why (why?), you've been bending it in your benefit Your honor, I'm innocent!
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This nigga crazy, I'm telling all of my people (you tell 'em) He taking all of my C-Notes (it's true)
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See he has a gambling issue He takes the cash and blows it all at casinos
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Uh-oh, when I bring up my royalties You start avoiding me, that's some disloyalty
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You woke up the evil boy in me, your ass is poisoning Tell me why you would destroy FV?
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This was a fucking vision that I had created with your brother
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But you too infatuated with the money
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You killed it and ran it straight into the gutter Now I think why'd I make D-A-M-E the boss?
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You keep pissing a whole lot of people off Our whole label came out with a weak result
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You on that same bullshit Tomica brought
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Nigga I don't know what you thought You think I can't see on the blood on the walls?
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Blood on the walls, that ain't going down nigga I don't know what you thought
00:02:23,500 --> 00:02:27,700 私は明らかに壁に血を見ることができます ダチを下って行くされていない壁に血
I can clearly see the blood on the wall Blood on the walls, that ain't going down nigga
Ain't got time for your bullshit, everybody knows you be on it
Ain't got time for your bullshit
アップホールド、ホールドアップ 私はよ、言いたいことがいくつかのより多くのたわごとを得ました
Hold up, hold up I got some more shit to say, yo
ファンク音量がそれではないことになっていますか? それはすべてのビジネスの上に、音楽だと思いました
It's supposed to be Funk Volume isn't it? Thought it was music, above all the business
しかし、あなたはちょうどすべてのあなたのniggas性交言いました あなたはブランドを傷つけ
But you just said fuck all you niggas You tarnished the brand
そして、あなたはファンクボリュームフィットネスを始めましたか? 今、本当に考えて、是非
And you started a Funk Volume Fitness? Come on now really think
私たちは何かを描いてしまった私たちは本当にではありません 私たちは病気になるはず方法
Got us portraying something we really ain't How we supposed to be ill
いつShakeweightと当社のウェブサイト上で trynaのビリー・ブランクス、ダチのおかげであること
When you on our website with a Shakeweight Tryna be Billy Blanks, nigga thanks
フールは、リフトの重みtrynaの誰もいないではありません 私達はちょうどたいスタジオとちょうどラップを打つとショーを行います
Fool ain't nobody tryna lift weights We just wanna hit up the studio and just rap and do shows
しかし、あなたは、ヒップホップの文化を理解していません あなたはラメお尻ダチルダムは、半分の乗組員が知っています
But you don't understand the culture of hip-hop You a lame ass nigga Dame, half the crew knows
新しい時代ジェリー・ヘラー、怖いやつ 私はあなたのクソの名前を嫌い、すべての文字
New age Jerry Heller, a scary fella I hate your fucking name, every letter
私は非常にうんざりしている、あなたは普通のheffaような演技します I'maは、遺体安置所のドレスアップにあなたを取ります
I'm very fed up, you acting like an ordinary heffa I'ma take you to the mortuary dress-up
私たちはあなたたちの信頼を与え、あなたは私たちを追い詰めていました あなたは私たちにワーナーとのくだらないラベルの契約を得ました
We gave you our trust then you had us cornered You got us a shitty label deal with Warner
そして、私はそれについてあなたに立ち向かう場合 あなたは、私がカウンセリングを必要とする私に言うと、私は障害を持って
And if I confront you about it You tell me I need counselling and I got a disorder
あなたはツアーで私を送った、それはホラーです くだらないホテル、ない食品と無睡眠を注文します
You sent me on tour and it's horror Shitty hotels, no sleep with no food to order
会うと毎日挨拶し、それは拷問です どのようにA1のパフォーマーを期待しますか?
Meet and greets every single day, it's torture How you expecting an A1 performer?
何かが間違っているたびに、それは同じことです 何とか-何とか-何とか-何とか、あなただけ(いまいましい)私を責め
Every time something's wrong it's the same thing Blah-blah-blah-blah, you just blame me (damn)
その後、ブルックリンとJammie(気を)伝えます 私はクレイジーだ今、彼らは両方の考え方(いまいましいです)
Then you tell Brooklyn and Jammie (damn) Now they both thinking I'm crazy (damn)
私は毎日(気)でこれに対処 私のキャリアは、精神的に(いまいましい)私を強姦します
I deal with this on the daily (damn) My career mentally rapes me (damn)
私は、このダチが私を破ることはできません ディジー・ライト祈っ彼は怪しげな、私を置き換える坤されます
I won't let this nigga break me He praying Dizzy Wright is gon' replace me, shady
あなたのクソ動機ルダムは何ですか?では、それについて話しましょう あなたは私たちのマネージャー、私たちのレーベルオーナーで、私たちの会計士です
What are your fucking motives Dame? Let's talk about it You're our manager, our label-owner, our accountant
それはちょっとトリッキーですが、何かが怪しいです、それは危険です 私達はちょうどさえ知りません
That's kinda tricky, something is fishy, that's risky We just don't even know
あなたがボートをrowinながら、私たちは流れに行きます あなたは私たちの心シンプルに保ちます
We go with the flow while you rowin' the boat You keeping us simple minded
Cause you knowin' our only concern is just hopin' we blow
So when all the money come in from our album and tours
あなたはそこに座って、生地につかります ときに我々はこれまでに総額について尋ねたのですか?
You sit there and soak in the dough When did we ever ask about the gross?
とき、私たちはこれまでネットについて尋ねたのですか? あなたは私たちのショーから私たちにお金を渡します
When did we ever ask about the net? You would just hand us money from our shows
あなたは私たちがチェックを問うていなかった知っていた原因 ダチ私は私の人生であなたを信頼できます
Cause you knew we wasn't questioning the checks Nigga I trusted you with my life
私はあまり作っているので、あなたの割合を引き上げましたか? あなたの雌犬ファック、あなたは何の尊敬を得るん
You upped your percentage so I'm making less? Fuck you bitch, you get no respect
This is why Hop is coming for your neck (Bless)
あなたが気にすべてがお金を作っています あなたはしかしクソ魂を気にしません
All you care about is making money You don't care about a fucking soul though
You just fluctuate our dollars up and down at your convenience like a fucking pogo
You been screwin' everybody on the label on the low and they don't even know though
So good luck Jarren, Dizzy, Hoppa, SwizZz, I'm going solo
ダチ私はあなたが考えているかわかりません あなたは、私が壁に血の上に見ることができないと思いますか?
Nigga I don't know what you thought You think I can't see on the blood on the walls?
ダチを下って行くされていない壁に血 私はあなたが考えているかわかりません
Blood on the walls, that ain't going down nigga I don't know what you thought
私は明らかに壁に血を見ることができます ダチを下って行くされていない壁、上の血
I can clearly see the blood on the walls Blood on the wall, that ain't going down nigga
Ain't got time for your bullshit, everybody knows you be on it
Change is one of the most difficult things that we face, but change is inevitable.
One reason we don't like change is we get comfortable where we are.
We get used to our friends, our job, the place we live, and even if it's not perfect we accept it because it's familiar.
What happens is because we're not willing to change, we get stuck in what God used to do instead of moving forward into what God is about to do.
Just because God's blessed you where you are doesn't mean you can just sit back and settle there.
You have to stay open to what God is doing now.
What worked five years ago may not work today.
If you're going to be successful you have to be willing to change.
Every blessing is not supposed to be permanent. Every provision is not supposed to last forever.
We should constantly evaluate our friendships.
Who's speaking into your life? Who are you depending on?
Make sure they're not dragging you down, limiting you from blossoming.
Everybody is not supposed to be in our life forever.
If you don't get rid of the wrong friends you will never meet the right friends