字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント - Good morning, good life, everyone. It is so nice to talk to you here in my office. It's been a little while since we've done something like this, so it feels great, especially during my favorite time of year, which is the New Year. Out with the old, in with the new. Love an arbitrary date on the calendar for a fresh start, are you with me? I think so. Since we talk a lot about productivity, efficiency, and beautiful mornings, we are going to discuss, today, some ideas for your morning routine going into the New Year. (gentle rhythmic music) OK, I'm not gonna lie, this is a little bit weird for me. I'm definitely in a great mood. I'm so excited to be sitting down with you, especially on a Sunday. I know Sunday videos have been greatly missed, especially by me, as well, and so, I just feel like this is the perfect video for us to chat today. I don't know the state of me at the moment. This is not my normal setup, I know it kinda looks similar, but I'm using a new camera, I'm using a new microphone. I don't know that I fully completed my hairstyle, but I just was so anxious to chat with you. So, let's get into it. First, I wanna do something a little bit different, and I'm hoping to do this again in the future, so let me know what you think. But I love everyone who hangs out with me here on the YouTube channel, but also those who hang out with me on my other social networks, mainly Twitter and Instagram. And so, I thought, today, I would start something called the Twitter shout-out. Very, very scientific name, Amy, very good job. Shout-out to my friend, Laurie Burkett, for retweeting my last video, I appreciate your support so much. And if you would like a shout-out in the next video, make sure you follow me on Twitter, and be sure to retweet my video when it comes out. Alright, on to your New Year morning routine. First thing's first, let your phone sleep in. I can now tell you with the greatest of life experience that there is a chance that someone will need to reach you while you are sleeping, by phone, and if you have do not disturb on and have it tucked away in another room, so that you can sleep soundly, you may not get this call. However, because of technology and emergency situations breaking through do not disturb, it is very likely that you will still be able to be contacted, and/or even if you get that call, you may not be able to do anything about it. Because the worst of the worst of this has happened to me, I can now say that every night, you need your sleep. You're going to need to wake up the next day and proceed with life at your highest productivity and capability. So, for the most part, it is very wise and important for you to leave your phone asleep in another room. And then when the alarm goes off and you have to wake up and turn it off and all that fun stuff, let that phone stay tucked in, in its special little home, for a little while. Waking up in the morning and starting the scroll process is a terrible idea. It's a complete waste of any waking up early things if you plan to do something like that, or even when you wake up at all, it's your time. So, don't spend it trying to figure out is there something I should have checked, especially if it's Twitter or Instagram. That can absolutely wait. So, how can you prepare for letting your phone sleep in? Choose that special place that is not next to your bed where your phone will get tucked in every night when you go to sleep, so that is has a place to stay while you're doing your morning routine. Keep do not disturb on for a little bit, until it's time to get back on your phone, so that you can go about your routine without distractions. Knowing that the phone is right over there and will just ding you whenever it feels like is not the same thing as letting it sleep in. Do not disturb is sleep-in mode for the phone, so leverage that. The second idea is to get your water drinking on. If you start your day with water, then you're much more likely to continue the theme of drinking water throughout the day. I can tell you this because I do not like drinking water. But when I start with it, I am much more likely to have a lot more of it, especially if I have some other things encouraging it. There have been a lot of myths and misconceptions about the benefits of water for us. I would like to say that water will clear your skin right up, but that's not always true. Skin care does its job on that front. But your body does need to be hydrated, if for nothing else, flushing out the toxins that you know you welcomed into your body over the holidays, OK? So, how do you prepare yourself to drink more water throughout the day? I recommend buying a dope water bottle that you know you're going to like. For me, it has to have a straw attached or I will not drink it. If it's one of those big water bottles and you have to guzzle it, I'm not into that. Whether I have makeup on or not, I'm not into guzzling water, it just doesn't sound like fun to me. I need a straw when I'm at the gym, I need a straw in the morning, I need a straw throughout the day. It causes me do drink a lot more. So, my water bottle is equipped with that, and it's also very big, it's at least 32 ounces, so I know I've got a solid amount of water intake just from one water bottle. And my next tip to prepare would be to start with something else other than just basic water. Now, I'm typically thirsty for just straight-up water, but I like to start my day with lemon water, so I have a really great little lemon squeezer. I was using a different one, and then my mom gave me this little gadget, and it's my favorite lemon squeezer I have ever used. It really gets a lot of the juice outta there. And that adds so much flavor to your first water in the morning that it makes it a little bit more interesting than just your basic H2O. My next idea for your morning routine is to read 10 pages. If you're the type of person that wants to read more, and we will definitely be reading more on this channel as we talk about book club throughout the year, I know that I'm even trying to read on a more regular basis. I tend to wait 'til before bed, which, I think, is so bad, because when I'm in bed, I am ready for bed, and that book just puts me to sleep. So, I ultimately end up reading for only about 15 minutes, and that is not enough, 'cause I can't read as fast as I would like. So, I'm not reading as much as I would if I was doing it when I was wide awake. So, reading 10 pages a day and trying to lead off with that in the morning will give you that intention of getting in your reading time every day and knocking it out before the rest of the world comes in and takes over. How do you prepare for this? I would choose your reading spot. So, I have one specific place on the couch that I love to just curl up, make sure I've got my lemon water or my coffee, and start to read. If I don't have that spot, I'll just be like, oh, I'll just read in bed, and then I fall asleep; or I'll just sit in my office and read or something. No, I'm not gonna sit here and read. That's not what I do here, that's not my mode. So, find your place where it is reading mode. Another thing I recommend, and I do both, I like to read out of a book, but I also like audio books. And if you're an audio book person because you're like, uh, I hate to read, but everybody tells me I should, do the audiobook thing. It's fantastic, especially if the author read the audiobook theirself, (laughs) like someone I know. Hint, hint, get yourself a copy. My advice for the audiobook thing