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Hi, welcome back to Joel and Lia, so today we're out and about and we're gonna give you our top tips for travelling on trains in the UK.
Trains are really popular method of travel here in the UK so we thought you guys might want to know about it if you visit London or if you're moving here.
Yeah, so these are just our top tips for travel and they're so useful so enjoy!
And it's not just London it's like the UK everywhere.
So tip number one is buying tickets so as soon as you know you're going to travel, I recommend booking in advance so if you know you're going to travel in three weeks, get online and get that date in and find the cheapest tickets.
1 つ目の耳より情報ですが、それは旅行が決まったらできるだけ早くチケットを買うことです。3週間前になったら事前に予約して、オンラインで日にちを決め、最安値のチケットの購入をオススメします。
The website that I use is Virgin Trains and you can also use the Trainline.com; however, do be aware that there's a £1.50 booking fee, or £1, so be prepared to pay that.
And if you don't know you're gonna be travelling in advance you could always just buy tickets at the ticket office at the station either on their machine or in person, but be prepared to pay a little bit more for this.
So the next tip is to consider splitting your fare if you're traveling over a long distance; so it might actually work out cheaper if you book two tickets instead of one. So if you're going from Southampton to London it might be cheaper to book a ticket from Southampton to Basingstoke and then Basingstoke to London.
Some websites, there are quite a few actually that do this for you so for example Rail Easy is a really good website that'll do it for you and calculate whether or not it'd be cheaper; and don't worry this is completely within the terms of use from these rail companies, you're not breaking any rules.
いくつかのウェブサイトにこのような買い方をできるケースは限られており、例えばRail Easyはそれが可能なサイトです。ウェブではその購入方法が安いかどうかを計算してくれますが、全て鉄道の規則に則った正規の購入方法であるため、違法行為に手を染めてしまう心配はありません。
Oh, it's so cold!
Okay so the next tip is that there is a rail card out there for nearly everyone, for example me and Lia today have used a two-together rail card which means that if you've got someone you travel with a lot, you get reduced price tickets If you travel together.
よし、それでは次の情報ですが、レールカードがどこにでもあるということです。例えば私とリアは 2 人で 1 つのレールカードを今日持っています。これがあればたくさん誰かと移動する場合でも、2 人だと安く乗ることができるというものです。
You have to travel together you can't not be with them or you can't be with someone who looks like them, you know it doesn't work. I've tried it.
利用は必ずその 2 人である必要があり、その他の人とでは使用できません。そっくりさんもダメです、私は試したことがありますがダメでした。
And for instance, when I travel alone I use my under 25 rail card which will probably run out this year!
そして例えば、1 人で移動する際には 25 歳以下向けのレールカードを使います。僕のは今年で使えなくなってしまいますが。
Then you'll have to do what I just did and get a network rail card basically, if you want more information go to national rail and they list all the different rail cards on there; so it's definitely worth it if you live here or if you're coming on holiday here for a few months.
私がしたように要するにネットワークレールカードを手に入れるか、もしさらなる情報が欲しければ、国鉄へ行けばあらゆる種類のレールカードをリスト化しているので便利です。イギリスへ住んだり、数ヶ月間休みで滞在するという場合に、レールカードは間違いなく価値のある 1 枚となります。
Yeah so worth it, there's nearly one for everyone.
そう、価値のあるものになります。一人一人にあった 1 枚です。
If like me you're coming from outside of London into London you need to go straight down to the underground and sort out your underground travel.
Now TfL is completely separate to national rail, so you can use your oyster card or if you've got contactless that's just a simple easy way you just use your bank card tap it on the thing and walk straight through.
現在 TfL (ロンドン交通局) は国鉄と分離しているため、オイスターカードを利用するか、非接触カードを持っている場合はとても簡単で、銀行のカードを使ってタップし、通り抜けるだけです。
And don't forget this isn't just limited to trains or underground you can use your contactless on buses, too.
そして忘れてはいけないのが、地下鉄だけでなくこのカードはバスの IC カードとしても利用できるということです。
One more tip guys if you're on trains and you're planning to do a little bit of work on your laptop make sure you check that it's okay to plug your laptop in.
もう 1 つ紹介したい情報が、もしあなたが列車に乗ってラップトップで旅の予定を立てる場合、ラップトップを電源に接続して良いか確認しておきましょう。
Because there's some plug sockets on trains that you absolutely cannot use, and the train companies go mental if you plug your laptop or your phone in.
Usually it's fine but you will have warning signs like for the cleaners only so just be extra careful when doing that.
I once got told off for plugging my hair straighteners in girl's gotta do what girls gotta do!
So we hope you've enjoyed this video guys and that it's been informative for you and helpful.
Yeah, we use trains all the time and we know that lots of you do when you come to the UK so we thought it might be helpful.
And last tip, if you're gonna eat on the train make sure you don't pick anything smelly, we love eating Popchips and dipping them in something nice so highly recommend those!
Anyway we'll see you soon, Bye!