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  • Hey there!

  • Welcome to Life Noggin!

  • Oh, you're planting a little seed?

  • I can't wait to see what it grows into!

  • Plants are pretty amazing.

  • They are the longest living organisms on Earth, with some species dating back over 250 million years,

  • and plants can live in all kinds of environments, from underwater, to without soil, and inside the human body.

  • No, really!

  • It's incredibly rare, but it's happened.

  • There have been reports of a pea plant growing inside a man in Massachusetts.

  • He experienced serious medical issues like a collapsed lung, and extreme chest pain.

  • During surgery doctors were extremely surprised to find a plant had sprouted in the lungs of their patient.

  • So, how is that possible?

  • Well, let's start at the beginning.

  • To grow a plant inside your body, you first need to get a seed or seedling in there.

  • We can rule ingestion out.

  • Despite what your friends told you when you were a kid, a swallowed watermelon seed will not grow into a watermelon in your stomach.

  • Your stomach contains enzymes and acids that would break down most seeds or plants.

  • While seeds with protective coatings that are built to survive being swallowed like raspberry or blackberry seeds, will simply pass through your body.

  • Even if the seed isn't digested or passed, plants typically need their soil's pH to be between 4.5 and 8,

  • but stomach acid has a much lower pH, ranging from 1.5 to 3.

  • That pretty much leaves inhalation, which is most likely what happened to the guy I mentioned before.

  • But this doesn't happen easily.

  • Your body has ways to prevent you from inhaling objects.

  • These include your epiglottis, which is a flap over your trachea that closes when you are eating,

  • your larynx or vocal cords, which try to push intruders back up your trachea, cilia, which sweep particles out and away from your lungs,

  • and your cough reflex, which attempts to prevent particles from descending any further.

  • So, if a lucky seed does make it through all those defense mechanisms, could it sprout?

  • Well, plants require water, carbon-dioxide, and sunlight in order to make nutrients through photosynthesis and grow.

  • Without sunlight, how could they grow then?

  • Well, to germinate, seeds only need oxygen, warmth, and moisture,

  • which is pretty easy to find in the lungs of a human body that is around 60 percent water and whose temperature is a steady 37 degrees Celsius.

  • But, don't break out the dust masks just yet.

  • Even though most seeds contain their own nutrients, which is needed to sprout, after they use them up they require sunlight to grow any further.

  • That could by why the pea plant only reached 1.25 centimeters.

  • So, while it is possible, that little seed needs to defy a lot of odds in order to grow inside your body.

  • I think it's safe to say that you don't have to fear the outdoors, or at least not for that reason.

  • So are there any other bodily oddities that you want us to talk about next?

  • Let me know in the comment section below!

  • Curious to know what happens to your body when you get bit by a poisonous snake?

  • Check out this video.

  • Venomous snakes can choose whether or not to actually release their venom, but if they do,

  • those fangs of theirs are going to release different toxins into your body

  • that have varying effects depending on what type of snake bit you.

  • As always, my name is Blocko, this has been Life Noggin, don't forget to keep on thinking!

Hey there!


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B1 中級

植物はあなたの中で育つのでしょうか? (Could A Plant Grow Inside You?)

  • 207 13
    Jerry Liu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日