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Hi everyone welcome to Tooth Talk TV! I'm here with my extra special friend Miss Tiffany!
She's a dental hygienist. Oh whatcha you got there Miss Tiffany? I have a giant mouth and
a giant toothbrush. Today I'm going to show you guys how to brush your teeth. Oh AMAZING
I love brushing my teeth. Hey you guys want to join us? Come on lets go. Come on. How
do we do it? Okay, first we want to make sure we have the right about of toothpaste on our
toothbrush. It's about the size of a pea. Remember, we don't want to swallow it, we
want to spit it out. Oh ya that would be yucky. Next we're going to wet our toothbrush. Remember
to shut off the faucet, we don't want to waste any water. Next we're going to start our two minute timer.
Every body open up wide!
Start Brushing.
We're going to start up here on the top. Big circles.
Brush in between the cheek and the teeth. Remember to brush behind our back teeth too.
Now we're going to work on the other side. Big circles. BT, you getting all this? Uh
huh. Good job. Next we're going to go to the bottom. Brushing all the way down to the bottom
of the teeth. All the way to the back teeth. And the other side. We're going to start at
the front and work our way all the way to the back. Ok, I got it. Good job. Okay, next
we're going to open really wide. Ahhhh. We're going to brush the front teeth. Make sure
you brush out. Now we're going to make big circles on the inside. Are you tickling the
roof of your mouth? Hehe I am. Now the other side. Good job. Everyone's doing great. Now
we're going to work on our bottom teeth okay? Okay. At the front we want to make sure we
brush out again. Brush like that. Good job. Big circles. Move that tongue out of the way
okay. Uh huh. All the way to the back. Okay and now the other side. Now we're going to
do the chewing surfaces of our teeth. We're going to start from the top again and go back
and forth. Back and forth. Good job! And the other side. All the way to the back. Now the
bottom. Good job. Looking good. One more side. Back and forth, back and forth. [Ding Sound]
Patooie. But don't forget, before we finish we have to brush our tongue. Oh ya, okay.
That tickled. BT, your teeth look so shiny, you did such a great job. Remember everybody,
we want to brush at least twice a day for two minutes. Oh, and don't forget to floss.
Bye everybody. Bye!