字幕表 動画を再生する
Greetings, Captains!
Everyone likes rankings, and our last one was released quite a while ago.
The time has come to make things right.
最後の発表は ずっと以前でした
My name is Alena, and I'm going to tell you about our top ships of 2017.
But first of all, let's take a look at what happened to our old,
once very popular, favorites from last year…
2017年の ランキングを発表します
Time changes everything.
その前に以前 人気だった艦ー
Japanese light cruiser Kuma rolled away from number 10 to number 36.
Tier VI American Independence took a severe beating—
from number 9 to number 97.
日本軽巡洋艦Kumaは 10位から36位へ
But Fuso remains one of the most popular ships.
Tier VIアメリカ空母Independenceは 大幅に後退し
Even though she's at number 10 now, not number 8, but it's still not bad!
Farragut fell from number 7 down to number 64. That's sad.
At the same time, North Carolina rose from number 6 to number 3.
That's a decent step up!
Minekaze, once the most popular destroyer,
sank from number 5 to number 86.
Shokaku set a record for biggest decline in popularity!
North Carolinaは 6位から3位へ
She used to be number 3, but in 2017, she was number 128.
The magnificent St. Louis moved from number 2 to number 15.
一時期最も人気だった 駆逐艦Minekazeは
And finally, Mogami, a leading ship in the past, is now only at number 31.
And now, I'm going to tell you about the top 5 most popular ships of 2017!
With more than 9.5 million battles—battleship Bayern.
Solid armor, a low citadel, and decent anti-torpedo armament
let this Tier VI humble worker take 5th place.
St. Louisは2位から15位へ
Wyoming surprised everyone—she's at number 4!
そしてトップだった Mogamiは31位です
More than 10 million battles— it's not popularity, it's love!
2017年の人気艦艇 トップ5の発表です!
Primary armament, armor, and antiaircraft guns—
that's our veteran's formula for success.
戦艦 Bayern
You're already aware of North Carolina—she's at number 3.
硬い装甲 低い防郭 そして副兵装
But the American lacked both speed and torpedoes
Tier VIの働き者が 5位入賞です
to catch up with Gneisenau at number 2.
サプライズです! Wyomingが4位!
Finally, the winner of 2017!
1千万以上の戦闘数 これは人気ではなく愛です
Tremendous secondary armament, solid armor, and the Hydroacoustic Search
主砲 装甲 そして対空砲ー
assured this warship a gigantic breakaway from the other contestants!
これがベテランの 勝利の方程式です
The magnificent Bismarck is at number 1 with 16 million battles!
お気づきのように North Carolinaが3位
As it turned out, players preferred battleships in 2017.
でも2位になるには 速度と魚雷が欠けています
The most popular aircraft carrier Langley played in only 4.8 million battles,
the stealthy Japanese Akatsuki—7.8 million,
while beloved-by-all cruiser Cleveland,
which participated in 9.3 million battles, is at number 8.
装甲 そして 水中聴音
Everything flows, everything changes, but that's not a reason to feel sad!
これらが競争者を 引き離しました
Watch our next episode on the top-5 warships of 2017
1千6百万戦で Bismarckが1位です!
with the highest average damage.
Subscribe to our channel so you won't miss it.
空母のトップLangleyは たった480万戦
My name is Alena Ermolaeva. See you next time, Captains!