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Meet German battleships in World of Warships Blitz!
World of Warships Blitzに ドイツの戦艦が登場
They are large and in charge.
They are true masters of the seas,
with the thickest armor, strongest secondary guns,
分厚い装甲 強力な副砲
and some of the fastest firing main guns a battleship can have.
戦艦の中では最高の 発射速度を誇る主砲
With the introduction of the new ships,
a new mechanic will be implemented in the game.
新メカニズムが ゲームに実装されます
Secondary auto guns are additional secondary guns
追加の副砲は 至近の敵艦に
that fire automatically at nearby ships.
German battleships of Tier VI and above will have secondary auto guns.
Tier VI以上のドイツ艦は 自動砲を搭載
These battleships are designed to make short work of anyone
これらの戦艦に 不用意に接近すると
who dares to come too close.
However, while they are German engineered, they are not perfect.
しかしドイツの設計にも 欠点があります
Like all battleships,
the German battleships are slow and easy to detect.
ドイツ戦艦は 低速で目立ちます
German Battleships are typically characterized
ドイツ戦艦は 長射程での
by low accuracy at long ranges and poor AA gun performance.
命中精度に劣り 対空火器も貧弱
Despite their typical disadvantages,
all the German battleships have their strong points.
全ドイツ戦艦には 長所があります
Let us quickly go over the eight ships in this branch.
8隻の特徴を 見てみましょう
The first German Battleship is Nassau at Tier III.
最初に紹介するのは 戦艦ナッサウです
She features six main caliber turrets with two guns in each turret.
2門の砲を装備した 砲塔を6基搭載
Her gun arrangement is similar to that of Japanese Kawachi,
砲配置は河内に類似 ただし装甲厚で
but she has better armor.
Nassau really embodies the German Battleship design doctrine
ナッサウはドイツ戦艦の 設計を体現し
with strong armor, reduced reload times, and increased secondary gun damage.
重装甲で装填が早く 副砲が強力です
Nassau sports an impressive twelve secondary guns.
ナッサウの副砲は 全部で12門です
Kaiser is at Tier IV.
She boasts the best armor protection among the other battleships in her tier.
同型戦艦の中で 最も重装甲なため
This allows her to feel confident in any attack.
堂々と戦うことが できるでしょう
With five main armament turrets and fourteen secondary armament turrets,
5基の主砲塔と 14門の副砲砲塔で
she packs a mean punch in any close quarters brawl.
近接戦闘で 活躍できるでしょう
Tier V battleship König inherits the good armor from her predecessors.
戦艦ケーニヒは前型より 装甲を強化されています
Thanks to her effective turret arrangement,
her broadside is able to fire a devastating 10-main-gun salvo.
側面に向けて 10門の斉射が可能
The beautiful Bayern can be found at Tier VI.
美人艦バイエルンは Tier VIの艦です
In addition to her highly effective armor, she is full of surprises.
分厚い装甲を持ち 性能も良好
The main trick is in her secondary armament.
主な特徴は 副砲です
First, it may appear that there are ten secondary guns,
一見すると 10門の副砲は
but, in fact, there are sixteen!
She is the first German Battleship to feature automatic secondary guns.
ドイツ艦史上初の 自動砲搭載艦です
They will fire at an enemy ship automatically
敵艦が 射線上にいる限り
as long as it is in their line of fire.
Tier VII Gneisenau shares this feature with her lower tier sister.
戦艦グナイゼナウは 他艦と同様
She boasts automatic guns, great armor,
rapid-fire secondary armament, and increased armor-piercing shell damage.
高速副砲と 強力な徹甲弾を装備
This battleship features all the best a German ship has to offer.
ドイツ艦の優れた特徴を 全て持ち合わせます
She is even equipped with torpedo tubes!
She is pretty unique among the German battleships.
ドイツ戦艦の中でも 特にユニークな艦です
At Tier VIII comes Bismarck—
this legendary battleship with four twin-gun turrets
伝説の戦艦ビスマルク 強力な主砲は
literally broke a ship in half with her mighty guns.
文字通り敵艦を 真っ二つにします
In addition to her powerful guns,
she features strong armor, which helps her survive in every situation.
重装甲を備え 生存性も抜群です
Friedrich Der Grosse is a true successor to the legendary Bismarck.
フリードリヒは真の意味で ビスマルクの後継艦です
Stronger armor, larger caliber guns, and higher damage per minute.
装甲と主砲が強化され 攻撃力も絶大です
Exactly what you would expect from a Tier IX battleship.
Tier IX戦艦ならではの 高性能艦です
Großer Kurfürst is a worthy opponent for the mighty Yamato.
大和の好敵手である グローサー・クルフュルスト
She is bigger and more robust.
Unmatched in health, sporting strong armor,
she is equipped with eight main caliber guns
主な兵装は 8門の主砲と
and numerous secondary guns.
In close-quarters, this battleship
will make short work of any ship that dares to approach her.
この艦に挑むのは 無謀と言えます
The German battleships are born to get close up and thrive in the heat of battle.
ドイツ戦艦の真骨頂は 敵艦との近接戦闘です
They possess all the necessary characteristics for this:
そのための特徴が 備わっています
effective armor, high health, and rapid-fire small caliber guns,
装甲と生存性に優れ 一部の速射小口径砲は
some of which fire automatically.
Unlock German Battleships and take the helm of these German beasts!
ドイツ艦をアンロックして 海の怪物達を自在に操艦
Victory awaits you in World of Warships Blitz!
World of Warships Blitzで 勝利を体感しましょう