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  • For some reason everybody thinks butterflies are better than moths.

  • We make children's books about butterflies,

  • We use them as metaphors of change,

  • You might be an ugly caterpillar now,

  • But soon you'll grow into a beautiful butterfly.

  • We go into fields and frolic around trying to catch them and some people even have a collection of them.

  • Granted the people who do collect them do so by impaling the butterflies.

  • But whatever, it's still a compliment.

  • How many other insects can say that they get this much affection?

  • Maybe praying mantises

  • Where I come from every time you see a praying mantis you have to point out like,


  • And then you just,

  • Look at it. O_O

  • Anyway back to the point.

  • Moths on the other hand are like the WHITE TRASH versions of butterflies.

  • Even though moths and butterflies are practically the same creature,

  • For some reason we give moths a bad rep.

  • We laugh at them for flying in into light bulbs,

  • ( Butterflies would do that too if they weren't asleep at night...)

  • Moths are so attracted to bright light that they'll follow it even if it KILLS THEM

  • You might think that this sort of behavior makes them stupid,

  • But I like to think that this just shows how dedicated they can be.

  • We also get mad at moths for eating our clothes.

  • But if butterflies liked the taste of our clothing,

  • They wouldn't hesitate to chomp down on our laundry.

  • Actually butterflies probably think that they're too good for your clothing.

  • They only eat the fine things in life,

  • Like FLOOERS.

  • You hear that?

  • Butterflies think they're too good for your t-shirts!

  • In Arizona we have your normal run-of-the-mill moths.

  • You know the type. Small, gray,

  • They look like a paper airplane made by someone who didn't know how to make a paper airplane.

  • But we also have a moth called the white lion Sphinx moth.

  • And these moths are like the godzilla of the moth world.

  • Which actually, I'm pretty sure there is a giant moth in the Godzilla world,

  • Mothra.

  • This again just shows how much we don't like moths.

  • We turn them into city destroying monsters

  • When will the hate end?

  • I'm sure when they filmed the Mothra's scenes in the Godzilla movie, they didn't even use any special effects

  • They just used a normal white lion Sphinx moth,

  • They just used a normal white-lined Sphinx moth.

  • Those things could beat up hummingbirds if they wanted.

  • One night when I was 5 years old, one of these big boys was hanging around at our porch light.

  • 'Cause you know moths,

  • They just love themselves some GLOWING BALLS OF HEAT.

  • And then when someone opened the door the moth saw all the other light inside and just flew straight in.

  • "More light?!


  • It's fate was sealed as soon as it crossed over the threshold.

  • I don't know what the moth did once he was inside our house,

  • But whatever it was it sure tired him out,

  • Because the next morning,

  • My sister and I, found him on the kitchen window sill, just lying there,

  • Doing absolutely nothing.

  • He was probably thinking about the outside world,

  • And being with his moth brethren.

  • But, he'd pretty much given up trying to escape.

  • Because me and my sister just scooped him up and put him into a jar.

  • And he became our new pet.

  • My sister decided to name him Harry.

  • Now, some moths are actually quite hairy,

  • But this moth wasn't hairy at all,

  • So that name didn't make any sense.

  • But we were FIVE, so it didn't have to.


  • We poked holes in the lid,

  • We put leaves and sticks in his jar,

  • Which might have been a good idea if he was still a caterpillar,

  • But I don't think moths eat leafs,

  • Do they eat leafs?

  • We probably should have just put in a t-shirt.

  • We thought we were taking good care of him!

  • My mom apparently didn't like Harry.

  • She said,

  • "I have a good idea!

  • "Why don't you take Harry to your kindergarten class tomorrow?

  • And I don't know, maybe he can be the class pet there.".

  • This is back when I thought my mom had good ideas,

  • So we decided to take Harry to school.

  • Because think of how cool you would be as a five-year-old showing all your classmates the giant moth you captured.

  • Looking back at the situation,

  • Having a class pet whose lifespan,

  • That won't make it to the end of the school year,

  • Isn't a smart idea.

  • The teacher probably didn't want to have to come to school one day and explain to a room full of five year olds,

  • Why the class pet was lying on its back and not moving.

  • So the teacher suggested,

  • "What if we release Harry at recess?"

  • Now a lot of kids' movies that have animals in them,

  • The animals usually don't like being captured.

  • The animals want to be free and live out in the wild.

  • Think Finding Nemo, Spirit, Happy Feet, Free Willy.

  • It was common knowledge to every five year old,

  • That all the creatures walking on this green Earth wanted to live in the wild.

  • So we were more than happy to put Harry back in his home.

  • When it came time for recess,

  • We all walked outside and we're excited to be part of the newly instituted catch and release moth program.

  • We were like those people who put beached whales back in the ocean,

  • Except in this metaphor,

  • The whale was already in the ocean,

  • Minding its own business

  • and then two dumb kindergartners put it in a plastic baggie,

  • And then moved it miles away from it's home.

  • It was supposed to be a happy moment seeing Harry get rehabilitated into moth society.

  • But what actually happened was a lot darker.

  • We gathered around the teacher.

  • She opened the jar,

  • But Harry didn't fly out,

  • So then she had to shake Harry out of the jar.

  • We've already established that Harry isn't that smart.

  • Eventually he finally understood that he was free.

  • The whole sky was waiting above him.

  • He flew upward, wings fluttering, ready to reclaim his moth life.

  • Weeeeeeellllllllll. Turns out there's a good reason giant moths only come out at night,

  • and that's mostly because of camouflage and the fact that their predators are asleep.

  • Harry had neither of those advantages at our playground in the middle of the day.

  • Not ten seconds had gone by when a bird from a nearby tree,

  • Swooped down and grabbed Harry in its beak.

  • Harry was a free moth for a good 10 seconds before his painful, INEVITABLE,


  • Immediately the entire kindergarten class began screaming,

  • My sister RAN after the bird demanding that he released Harry.

  • Unfortunately..... birds don't listen to those sorts of demands.

  • Amirite, Jaiden?

  • Jaiden: Ari, sit!

  • Ari, roll over.


  • Ari, stay.

  • No. *laughing*

  • Speak....

  • REHVBJVHIEGIVF ( Close enough to speaking JAIDENN)

  • So then the teacher had to give us the talk about how nature is a lot scarier than it is in the movies.

  • Basically the circle of life involves a lot of death.

  • But on the bright side, we totally made that bird's day.

  • He was just sitting a tree probably wishing Arizona had more worms,

  • and then, BOOM! FREE MEAL!

  • "I wonder what I'm going to eat."

  • WACK.

  • For all we know that could have been the bird's first time eating a moth.

  • I'm sure that bird told all of his bird friends, and they totally didn't believe him.

  • "Dude, I just caught a moth, like one of the big ones.

  • Yeah, I know they're nocturnal, but it was just flying around in the middle of the day. No,



  • I don't remember what happened for the rest of the day during school.

  • But I'm pretty sure we didn't get much done.

  • When we got home me and my sister tearfully told my mom about how Harry had met his doom.

  • My mom said that she was trying not to cry, but I think she was lying.

  • But I don't think she was as emotionally attached to Harry as we were.

  • Harry was only a part of our lives for a couple of hours, but years have passed and me and my sister still talk about Harry.

  • Just randomly in conversation one of us will ask,

  • "Hey, do you remember Harry?"

  • *depressed sigh*, Yeah

  • And now a random moth that died 15 years ago will be remembered forever, in our hearts.

  • If only Harry was alive to see what he would have become.

  • I want to share with you some pictures I've saved in Harry's scrapbook,

  • Here are Harry's baby pictures.

  • Here's Harry's first apartment.

  • And here's the last thing Harry ever saw.

  • (James attempting to sing) I will remember yooooooooooooooooou.

  • *Sad Music*

  • Will you remember me?

  • doo doo doo doo. I don't know the rest of the song so i'm just gonna stop right now.

  • Hey, what's going on fellow teens?

  • I'm doing something a little different for this end card,

  • I'm doing this face cam video because I want you to get used to my face and what I look like.

  • Why am I doing that?

  • Because I'm going to VIDCON BABEEEE. I'm a featured creator. So if you're going to Vidcon then be on the lookout for this,

  • Also, I changed my channel name recently, I used to be TheOdd1sOut Comic.

  • Now I'm not.

  • Since I changed my name the plaques that Youtube sent me are wrong now.

  • So I fixed them.

  • I still haven't hung them up yet.

  • Anyway. That's all I wanted to say. Thanks for watching and wear your,

  • *whispers* There's no seatbelt.

  • Jaiden: What a rascal.

  • Oh *snickers* What are you doing? *laughing*


For some reason everybody thinks butterflies are better than moths.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

蛾のハリー (Harry the Moth)

  • 42 2
    danny に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日