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初紹介: マオリ
Kupe leads the Maori in Civilization VI: Gathering Storm.
According to Maori legend, the navigator Kupe sailed from Hawaiki to the undiscovered land that would become New Zealand,
クペはハワイキより出航し ニュージーランドを発見したとされ
and remains a figure in many Maori myths still shared today.
今尚マオリの神話の中で 人々に語り継がれている
Kupe's leader ability is called 'Kupe's Voyage.”
The initial Maori units begin the game in the Ocean, and receive Science and Culture each turn before Settling.
マオリの初期ユニットは外洋から開始し 都市建設まで毎ターン科学と文化を得る
When you settle your first city, you receive a free Builder and extra Population.
最初の都市を建設すると 無償で労働者を得て人口が加わる
The Palace also receives additional Housing and Amenities.
The Maori's unique building is the Marae.
This replaces the Amphitheater in the Theater Square.
It provides Culture and Faith to all tiles in the city with a passable feature, such as floodplains, and Tourism after researching Flight.
都市の通れるタイルに文化と信仰を加え 航空技術が研究されると観光を加える
The Maori's unique unit is the Toa.
This Classical era melee unit can construct a Pa improvement on hills, which provides a defensive bonus and heals units if they end their turn on its tile.
防御力と回復を提供する「パー」を 建設できる古典時代の近接ユニットだ
Toa also have the Haka War Dance ability, which weakens adjacent enemy units.
トアには「ハカ」を披露して 隣接する敵ユニットを弱める力もある
The Maori's unique ability is “Mana.”
They start with Sailing and Shipbuilding, and Embarked units receive additional Strength and Movement.
帆走術と造船を解除してスタートし 乗船ユニットは戦闘力と移動力を得る
Woods and Rainforests provide additional Production, and Fishing Boats additional Food.
森と熱帯雨林が生産力を加え 漁船は追加で食料を得る
Fishing Boats also acquire surrounding available tiles when completed.
漁船はさらに完成した際に 周囲のタイルを取得する
As the Maori, the world is your oyster, and you will thrive with its blessings.
マオリは周囲の世界から恵みを得て 自然からの祝福によって繁栄する
Use your first turns to scout for a prime coastal location for your Capital city with plenty of Woods, Rainforests, and Ocean resources.
森、熱帯雨林、外洋資源に囲われた 首都に最適な場所を探そう
A series of Pa fortresses will be your key to a strong defense,
allowing you to embark on the victory campaign of your choosing without fear of conquest from another civilization.
別の文明に征服される恐れもなく 好きな相手に攻撃を仕掛けられる
Will your empire flourish with the gifts of the land and sea?
陸と海の恵みにより 帝国を栄えさせることができるか?
How will you lead the Maori in Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Gathering Storm?
『嵐の訪れ』で マオリが君の導きを待っている