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As night falls on certain beaches around the world, the waves glow with an eerie blue light.
世界中の特定のビーチで夜になると、波は<a href="#post_comment_1"><strong>光っている</strong><i class="icon-star"></i>不気味な青い光を放っています。
Tiny neon dots that make it look as though stars are washing up on the shore.
The phosphorescence only occurs when the microorganisms are agitated, such as when the water crashes onto the shore, or someone steps on the wet sand, or a paddle hits the waves.
燐光が発生するのは、微生物が<a href="#post_comment_2"><strong>agitated</strong><i class="icon-star"></i>のときだけで、例えば、水が岸にぶつかったとき、濡れた砂を誰かが踏んだとき、パドルが波にぶつかったときなどです。
The surreal scene arises not from magic, but from plankton that have evolved to glow in order to startle or distract fish and other potential predators.
<a href="#post_comment_3"><strong>超現実的</strong><i class="icon-star"></i>シーンは魔法ではなく、魚や他の潜在的な捕食者を驚かせたり、気をそらしたりするために進化したプランクトンから生まれました。
Some of the most spectacular photographs have been captured from one location, Vaadhoo Island, Maldives, which has been nicknamed the sea of stars.
The Maldives is a tropical nation in the Indian Ocean, composed of 26 ring-shaped atolls which are made up of more than a thousand coral islands.
The spotting of the sea of stars is dependent on climate and the plankton growth throughout the year.
Visitors to the island have stated they have the most luck seeing the blue glow from about July to February, especially during a new moon since the darkness of the sky helps intensify the light.
The glowing waters are the main reason why Vaadhoo is one of the hottest tourist destinations in the world.
The glowing blue waters are caused by a natural chemical reaction known as bioluminescence.
When microorganisms in the water are disturbed by oxygen, the result is a glittering and sparkling seawater.
水中の微生物が酸素によって乱されると、<a href="#post_comment_4"><strong>キラキラした</strong><i class="icon-star"></i><i</a>とキラキラした海水ができあがります。
As the waves crash on the beach, the water glows in the dark and gives the impression it is acting like a mirror that reflects the sparkling stars above.
The phytoplankton's blue glow.
It's like a defense mechanism which wards off other marine organisms from eating them.
Although this phenomenon of bioluminescence blue glowing water occurs on many islands and locations around the world, it is extraordinarily prominent prominent on the island of Vaadhoo which only has a small population of about 550 people.
この生物発光青く光る水の現象は世界中の多くの島や場所で発生していますが、人口約550人と少ないヴァードゥ島では、<a href="#post_comment_5"><strong>prominent</strong><i class="icon-star"></i><a>と驚くべきことに、この現象が起きています。
Bioluminescent plankton are highly unpredictable even in Maldives.
There is no time through the year that you can guarantee seeing it.
But as stated earlier, people have had the most luck between July and February.
Anyway now send this video! Thanks for watching. We'll see you next time! Bye bye.