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Welcome to my masterclass!
I am really excited you are.
I hope you are too.
Because, what you will learn over the next 40 minutes will significantly increase your
chances of passing interviews.
But not just that; you will also learn more about how to create more opportunities, get
more interviews, and position your candidacy a lot more effectively.
So, if you have an interview coming soon, or if you are unemployed or underemployed,
it's your lucky day.
Because things are about to change for you...
So this masterclass is entirely free.
Just by watching this masterclass entirely without skipping, I promise you, I promise
you that you will have a lot better chances in your career.
But I have 1 request from you.
At the end of this video, I will talk about my paid program.
The LIG program.
Which is where I teach you 2 very important things; 1) How to get interviews with these
multinational firms and 2) How to perform signficiantly better in the interviews by
being confident.
Pretty much everything else, you will learn in this masterclass.
OK, let's get started.
Oh by the way, This is not a funny cat video.
I am not a funny person in front of camera and you are not going to be entertained.
But you will learn.
You will learn a lot.
So, set your expectations clearly.
I am not here to entertain you.
GO get a cup of coffee, relax, and then start the masterclass.
Alright, let's start; how to pass HR interviews…
Let's talk about this.
When you reverse engineer getting a job, most people – probably including you go through
these steps; Job
Interview Application
You think it's a simple 3-step process.
To get the interview you need to make an application, to get the job you need to interview.
Here is where most of you make the mistake.
It's not a 3-step journey getting a job.
It's a 4-step journey.
And misunderstanding this is one of the major reasons you fail interviews.
So, let's walk backwards again; Job,
Hiring manager interview HR interview
And Application.
Hiring manager interview and HR interview are so different that no one in their right
mind should group them together.
What works for your HR interview won't work for your Hiring Manager interview and vice
Now I know this seems obvious but it's absolutely crazy how many people make this mistake.
So now let me teach you what works for your HR interview;
Let's lay the ground work first.
Look, you have to be extremely lucky to pass HR interview playing her own game.
Seriously, her game involves Myer's Briggs Character Type Indicators, like oh you have
to be ENTP character to be a management consultant or ENTJ to be a sales person, or you have
to be ISTJ to be an accountant.
You lose your shot even before you know about it.
And then you go around trying to understand why you even failed that interview.
You have no clue.
Yeah, because maybe you didn't demonstrate the indicators of ENTP character or you just
simply didn't give the answers that she thought were the right.
This is a lose-lose game.
You can't beat HR in her own game.
That's why in my LIG course, one of the strategies I teach is just to simply bypass
We don't bother with HR.
As I said, it's a lose-lose game.
But you are not an LIG participant yet, so let me teach you what to do if you happen
to have an interview with HR.
So, then what to do right?
Well, you beat HR in your own game.
I'll get to it in a second.
But I need you to first visualize HR in your mind.
Who is HR?
They are usually anywhere between 22 to 28 years old, they have very little understanding
of the actual work you'll be undertaking.
Their understanding of the subject matter is incredibly low.
Listen to this carefully…
You beat them with your expertise, and confuse the heck out of them with terminologies, methodologies
that they won't even know that exist.
Did you get this?
This is really important.
I want to repeat it.
So, you need to sort of exaggerate your value adds and expertise so much that the HR with
her own little expertise in the topic of – what we do - has no option but to pass you on to
the hiring manager.
To someone who knows what you are talking about.
Unless you screw up in other areas, she's not going to be able to take that risk of
failing an expert.
A hiring manager can fail an expert.
But HR can't take that risk.
Of course as long as you don't screw up in other areas.
For example; if I talk about the 80% recoverability rating we achieved in our last project, will
HR have any idea what that is?
And if I position myself as the primary catalyst for that result because I used chimphosyntrias
and that I am one of the few people in the World who is an expert chimphosyntrian?
By the way, chimphosyntria is an entirely made up word...
But I hope you see my point.
Focus on the problem and how you are the solution to it.
If you are a sales person, talk about the fact that you are one of the few people who
truly mastered driving maximum value through usage of Brian Tracey's 7S method.
If you are a management accountant, talk about how your valuation methods through Discounted
Cash Flow analysis reach minimum 80% confidence intervals.
So, the point is; get as specific and as technical as you can and overwhelm the heck out of them.
That's what you want.
So, now let's talk about the urgency of this.
You must get rid of the HR stages as quickly as you can because every single second you
waste with HR, Hiring Manager is receiving 100s of referrals for that role.
Hiring manager is not going to sit around wait for HR to send resume.
Not gonna happen.
These things work in parallel.
The moment hiring manager is happy with the candidate, the process is over.
It doesn't matter if you are waiting to interview with HR or waiting to interview
with Hiring Manager.
The recruitment process is over once the hiring manager is happy.
It makes no difference whether you are already in the recruitment cycle.
Good bye.
Hopefully this started to make sense to you.
Now, you know how to do better with HR, but the game isn't over yet.
Now, we have to talk about how to pass Hiring Manager interviews.
So, here is a little story for you.
After I graduated from the business school at the age of 30, my first interview was with
Initially with the HR.
Obviously, before going to the interview I have done my homework very well, studied for
the interview and I have done a fine job in the interview as well.
I overwhelmed her with my expertise, and very easily passed the interview.
So, she immediately scheduled the next interview with Hiring Manager.
Great, right?
Hiring Manager's name was Stelvio and he was going to be my direct line manager.
Once again, prior to the interview, I have done my best, I have studied for the interview
and I even studied the Bloomberg terminal.
Anyway, the interview day comes, and once again I have done an excellent job.
I presented their solutions so well, so attractively that I could very clearly see the glamour
in their eyes.
Even before the interview was over, I was already thinking that “I nailed it” and
I am going to work for Bloomberg, make a 6 figure salary, make my family proud, move
out of my studio, and get my dream car.
See, this daydreaming continued for 2 days and then came to a sudden halt.
I wasn't accepted for the role.
So, I requested for a coffee meeting with the HR.
She and I both being expatriates here made it easy for us to develop friendship and this
friendship allowed her to be very honest with me.
The problem was that the hiring manager, Stelvio, he felt intimidated.
He didn't feel intimidated because I was so good.
No. he acknowledged my potential but rather he just didn't feel he could trust me, he
didn't see me as someone who would make HIM look good, and help HIM flourish in his
He felt that I would look after my very own career not my manager's.
And he probably was right to think that way.
So, as expected, when I heard this I was boiling out of my head.
How was that even professional turning down a candidate because he was almost too good?
How is that fair that I have to pay for his own insecurities…
Well, life isn't fair.
Years later, now I am 36, I found out that this is actually very common, even in firms
like PwC my employer, or McKinsey or P&G or Google, it happens all the time.
The fact of the matter is no matter; how professional large multinational corporations are, they
are still run by human beings.
Human beings with insecurities, flaws, imperfections.
This is a fact, and it will not change anytime soon.
We are selfish and self-centered creatures and we look after our own interests.
So, once my anger subsided after a week or so, I looked back and re-lived the entire
What could I have done differently, how could I change the outcome?
Because in the end, for one reason or another, I was the one who lost that opportunity.
I failed.
Ok, so, what could I have done differently?
For me, It was very simple, don't ONLY pay attention to job description.
But, what else?
In my opinion, it goes like this, I am going to call it Bloomberg's Hierarchy of Needs
So, as you see from this graph, your main objective going into that interview is to
make sure the hiring manager gets the feeling of YES you know your job well, you are as
expert as you claim, but also you are a genuine person, you are likeable, and you are trustworthy.
You are going to have to make sure he likes you.
If it calls for praising the guy, so what.
Go complement him for his achievement, tell him you'd love to have the opportunity to
work for leaders like himself.
What do you have to lose?
So, how to create this perception.
Obviously, going around telling people you are genuine, likeable, and trustworthy won't
work for you.
So, you have to insert these perceptions while answering their questions and engaging in
Think of it like the first date.
It wouldn't be very impressive if it was you who only kept talking, right?
Obviously, you are there to be interviewed but that doesn't change the fact that you
can still take advantage of any question to turn it into a conversation.
It's an exchange between two people rather than a one way presentation or worse interrogation.
Your ultimate objective is to make them like you, find you trustworthy and honest, as well
as an expert in the role you are applying to.
And There is no better way, I will repeat; there is no better way to make someone instantly
like you than listening to them.
Not just hearing.
But properly listening.
If your interviewer is speaking as much as you are in the interview, that usually means
you are rocking that interview.
Take my word for it, hiring managers will always pick a candidate whom they feel they
can trust over a candidate who has better experience and skillsets.
Look, in today's job market, finding an expert candidate for a vacancy isn't very
difficult anymore.
I work for world's largest management consulting company in a managerial capacity, I am a very
good management and strategy consultant, I make over 6 figure salary and a very large
bonus, but you know what; I am definitely not one in a million.
There are thousands of management consultants out there who are better than me but unemployed.
There are also thousands of resumes very similar to yours.
Trust me, you are not one in a million either.
So, when it comes to interviewing with hiring manager, these soft skills are the real differentiators
for you.
Your likeability factor, your trustworthiness, that's what makes the cut.
Now, this ties me to the third topic we will cover today.
And it is about differentiating yourself.
Please feel free to take a break.
Go get a cup of coffee so you are on top of your game for this topic.
But before you go, if you are liking the video so far, please leave a comment for me down
It's an important for me.
You see, in today's job market, everyone is the same.
Everyone is analytical, everyone is a great presenter, everyone is blab la bla…
There is this MBA persona,almost clones of same person…
It's so hard to differentiate one candidate from one another.
It's unbelievable really.
I mean I join at least a couple interviews every week at PwC as a hiring manager and
this really has become a phenanmonon in recent years.
Everyone is the same, with similar skills, similar experiences, and even the format of
the CVs are so similar So, here is the punchline for you!
unless you can significantly differentiate yourself from the others, you will be eliminated
by incredibly small things.
This will happen especially by HR.
They are going to say ah your cv has a spelling error, “oh that means you don't pay attention
to details” good bye… oh you only have 3 years of experience in this field whereas
the other candidate has 4 years.
Good bye…
See, my point.
Unless you have strong, very strong differentiators you will be eliminated because of incredibly
stupid things.
You need strong differentiators.
I can't tell you what your differentiators must be.
As you have your own as I have mine.
But I can tell you what mine is, maybe it'll give you some ideas.
and this, this alone makes me easily pass all the initial stages of any interview.
So, when I join an interview, I first give them what they want, here are skills, here
are my experiences, here are the examples from my work history and here are the results,
here is my education…
So, I first tick the box, but then, I give the bonus.
The bonus is I am a champion sailor.
I have been sailing for the past 27 years, and have won 100s of national and international
It is not easy sailing for 27 years and being a champion, representing your country, I have
been getting sponsorships since I was 8 years old.
So, the moment I start talking about my sailing background, all of a sudden I become “The
Sailor Guy”.
I am no longer the exact freaking replica of 100 other candidates.
I am different than them.
So, they remember me…
The sailor guy…
That's what you need.
Of course you don't have to be a sailor, it can be anything, could be chess, could
be anything that leaves the impression that you are one
hell of determined person.
Ok this topic is done.
But before I move on to the next one, I want to quickly talk about something very important.
So, here is another punchline; You have about 3 to 5 months to find a job
before HR starts labeling you as unemployable.
So, if you have been unemployed for about 5 months, you need very strong reasons to
justify that gap in your career.
Hiring managers, like myself, wouldn't really care about this as much but HR will just right
out of the bat will eliminate your resume.
They won't take that risk of hiring someone who potentially failed all previous interviews.
That's what they'll think.
They won't think oh you have been unemployed because you cared for your family, or you
just wanted to travel, no…
In their minds, they make a very simple analogy, if you are unemployed or even underemployed
for more than 3 months, then that means you must have failed all the interviews.
That means there is something wrong with you.
So, they see that in your CV, and they'll just trash it.
So, if you have been unemployed or underemployed for sometime, do your best, increase your
efforts, so you won't get labeled as unemployable by some 21 year old HR person.
Good let's move on!
What I call “unwritten requirements” are the kind of requirements that don't get
mentioned in the job description but they are almost the single biggest reason why most
candidates fail.
We'll talk about it now.
One of the greatest quotes I ever read was from Sun Tzu,
in his book The Art of War he says Every battle is won or lost before it's ever fought.
Think about it for a second.
Your strategy, and preparation is what's going to make you pass or fail that interview.
But, Before I get to my point, I want to give you 2 inputs;
Here is a question for you; Is there any possibility that you can list down in your resume, everything
you have done in a particular employment?
And explain it all In 4 or 5 bullet points?
No way, right?
You have done millions of things at your past employment and it would take a book length
CV to list them all.
Input Number 2; Just like first point, there are many things that you are required to do
but are not clearly written in the job description of the role.
There are various reasons for this; one of them is that It would take them too long to
write everything.
They simply don't have enough space in the job board.
And the other reason is because the person who prepares the job description, most of
the time has no idea what you will be doing.
See, JDs are most often prepared by HR.
Not by the hiring manager.
So, sometimes HR doesn't consult with the hiring manager in developing the job description.
As a result, the job description ends up being very dull.
To give you an example, there is absolutely no way that someone without a proper knowledge
of how to use MS PowerPoint can work in a consulting firm.
But when you look at the job descriptions, you don't see that written there.
So, you need to research and understand what the unwritten requirements are for that particular
Because, they can be the real differentiators for you.
Remember how I talked about the importance of having differentiators earlier?
I hope you still do.
Think about this.
Your competition will prepare CVs or their interview pitch based on what is written in
the JD.
But you are smarter than that.
You will not only include those things in your CV and in your pitch in the interview,
but you will go extra mile and figure out what those unwritten requirements are.
Then, you will gain extra credit just because of them.
Let's look at some examples to make it crystal clear.
if you are applying to a sales role you are most likely to use some sort of a CRM tool,
it's most likely going to be SalesForce, Zoho or similar one.
If it's a project management role, you can almost be guaranteed to use MS projects or
If the role is very analytical, then you will definitely use MS Excel.
Excel, is a tricky one though.
We all know how to use excel but very few of us really know how to write advance formulas,
conditional formatting, advanced charting, VBAs&Macros, or run simulations.
So, make sure you get into details to differentiate yourself from others.
Mention them in your CV, but also mention them in the interview.
These are just some of the examples that I could think of.
But there are essentially thousands of things you can come up with that are very specific
to the role you will be undertaking.
Here is a common question I get; Deniz, I know the company I applied to is using XXXX
software or a certain skill but I don't know how to use it.
What can I do?
My answer is always the same; Think about this, if they invite you for an interview,
they won't schedule it for tomorrow, they will schedule you with at least a week in
advance notice.
That's plenty of time to get a good grasp of any software or tools or a skill if you
put in the effort.
How long can it take you to learn how to carry out Discounted Cash Flow analysis.
I will tell you how long, 20 hours.
How long can it take you to learn VBAs and Macros, I will tell you; 20 hours.
In simple terms, as the old saying goes, in order to get good at something you need around
20 hours of practice.
How difficult can it be for you to put in 20 hours for learning a skillset that you
know will significantly increase your chances of getting that job.
20 hours is just 1 day work.
Sleep less.
That's ok.
Just 1 day to increase your chances of getting a job significantly.
I really don't see how it's a big deal at all.
Good stuff, isn't it?
By the way, going through a long video lecture is a very uninteresting experience.
I am aware of this.
So, please pause the video and take a break, go get a cup of coffee because we still have
so many important things to cover.
And if you have any questions, please put them down in the comments section and I will
be sure to get back to you as soon as I can.
So, yeah relevant experience…
I need you to pay attention to what I am about to say;
At the end of the day, what is important is NOT your overall work experience.
But rather the “Relevant Work Experience”.
It doesn't matter if you have 15 years overall experience.
What matter is how many years of relevant work experience you have.
A 25 year old candidate may be more experienced than a 45 year old candidate.
Ok, now let's talk about how you can advantage of this!!
Very simple, before you send out that resume, make sure you properly reformat the whole
thing, whole resume to give them what they want.
If you have worked for 5 employers in the past, make sure there is something relevant
to the role you are applying to in each of your career records.
By that way, you will have a lot more relevant experience and will beat those candidates
who are not prepared as well as you.
Immediately, right out of the bat.
I am sure if you think hard enough, you can definitely come up with so many relevant tasks
from each of your work experiences.
Let me give you an extreme example here, what does a Librarian know about Operations
management right?
Yeah, but Librarian can very well be highly effective in setting up process flows.
Process flows is fundamental to Operations management.
See, how we just created a relevance here.
There you go, “ability to create process flows” is the bridge that creates relevance
between two roles of Librarian and Operations Manager.
Don't make this too complicated in your mind.
HR are very simple filtering machines.
They look at the CV and start grading it by giving points, for example;
- Relevant experience= 40 points - Relevant skillsets = 30 points
- Character traits = 30 points So, that's it.
Just by strategically crafting your Resume for a particular role, you are already getting
70 points out of 100.
That's an incredible advantage.
Please take advantage of it.
Now, this ties me to the next topic of this masterclass.
{Number 1 tip that will enable you to become a much better performer in the interview}
For this piece of advice, you need a tool.
You need a tool that is very high technology, high in demand, and very hard to get.
It's something that I use almost on a daily basis.
Without it, I can't deliver any presentation what so ever.
My performance would be horrible without it.
To be honest, that's the single best tool that I have which made me a superstar presenter
in front of my clients at PwC.
Can you guess what it is?
You probably can't It is a Mirror!
Yes, a simple mirror.
Bathroom mirror works better but any mirror will do So, this tip I have for you is
practicing in front of mirror.
I am sorry if you are disappointed and was waiting for a….
product made up of quantum technology.
Unfortunately, in this case, it's as simple as a mirror.
But before you get all annoyed with me for recommending something so simple, let me talk
about the importance of it.
I am 36 years old.
I have been presenting very frequently at least once a week to our clients, and even
now I still practice in front of the mirror all the time.
I spend at least half an hour before every presentation in front of the mirror and I
rehearse the whole thing.
I can't tell you how much of a confidence boost it gives me.
I am ready.
Completely ready way before the presentation.
I can just recite the whole thing if I need to.
See, Being so well prepared gives me the flexibility to monitor my audience, look at what they
are most engaged at, give my 100% to their questions, and simply engage with them.
In your case, that's exactly what you need, right?
Engage in conversations with your interviewer.
Remember this, Content needs a flow.
You can just blurt out words.
It needs a logical flow.
So, it's not very easy to do that if you are not prepared well.
I know some people who can but I am just not one of them.
There is a high likelihood that you are not one of them either.
Another issue is that my mind can focus on 1 thing at a time.
I can't focus on delivering a speech while at the same time reading the reactions of
my audience.
This or that!
This is something so important but it's surprising how people don't do it.
It's shocking to me.
I find it very amateur that people go into presentations or job interviews without even
one rehearsal.
Why would you go to an interview without even rehearsing your answers.
Your answers need to come out like a second nature.
Why would you not practice?
You are maybe interviewing for a 6 figure salary, how can you just not put in the work?
Put in the work.
That interview may just be the single best opportunity to change the trajectory of your
Unless you are an LIG participant, you probably don't get so many interviews.
So, make the best of them.
Don't let that opportunity slip through your hands.
And here is the good bit.
If you are not practicing in front of mirror, let me tell you You are not alone.
99% of the people don't.
This is a major opportunity for you.
I can't comprehend why…
But they don't…
Even my colleagues at PwC most of them don't do it.
Let me give you an example, once a year we have advisory university which is when all
the consultants from the wider region get together, and we learn about the recent trends,
different work packages we can deliver, like transformation, corporate strategy, implemention,
and other boring stuff.
Not for me, they are not boring for me.
There is about 1000 attendance… so it's quite large and managers like myself we very
frequently present in these modules.
So, Whenever I know that I am going to present, I print out the slides, go find a mirror or
a shiny glass and practice in front of it.
So, my colleagues come and they make jokes, asking me if I am preparing for my Oscar speech.
And then we laugh.
OK, Mostly they laugh.
But then the presentation time comes, and I become the one who laughs.
Because I am so well prepared that I know when to pick up the excitement of my voice,
what to say, what not to say, where to pause.
I am just ready, bring it on.
But them, who are not prepared, the ones that laughed at me, they get so nervous speaking
in front of 1000s of brilliant consultants, and partners, they studder, their delivery
is horrible, without emotion or any engagement from the audience.
And THAT kills their career.
Because the audience, is the other consultants, directors, but most importantly partners.
The partners who will determine our future career in the firm.
So, in your case, there is a possibility that the next candidate they consider for that
role may be more experienced than you, may have stronger skills, and there is nothing
you can do about it.
But what you CAN do is.
You can outwork that candidate.
That's something within your control.
You can prepare better than him or her.
Because you don't see the other candidates, you don't realize that it's a competition.
It IS a competition between yourself and other candidates.
Just because you don't see them, doesn't mean it's not a competition.
When you fail an interview, you don't actually fail the interview, you failed against other
If we are grading the candidates, we will choose the best one, right?
If the best one is 80.
Then, 80 wins.
But if there is a candidate who gets 90, then that guy gets the job.
See, it's a competition, and there ISSSS something you can do to get a better mark.
Look, In my life, I have never achieved anything because I was smarter than everyone else.
I am smart.
But the reason why I was able to turn my life completely around is because I outworked everyone.
I graduated from one of the crappiest colleges in the world, I couldn't speak a word of
English 12 years ago, I couldn't find a job and had to move back in with my family,
who at that tme kicked me out of home to live on the streets.
I lived homeless for 4 months with no money no opportunities.
This was 13 years ago.
Now, I am fairly wealthy, have pretty large savings, great job, six figure salary, large
bonus, and large investments.
The point is this; I achieved all of these because I outworked everyone.
From absolutely 0 English, to this level within 12 months.
Go match that if you can.
Then people ask me but how about the accent, I mean you must have grown up in the U.S.
to have accent like that.
No, I just dumped my own accent.
I realized my thick accent at the time blocked many opportunities, so I just dumped it.
I said ok, I'll just change my accent.
I mean actors can do it right?
Actors can speak in many accents.
If they can do it, why couldn't I?
So, I did.
The point is simple, you can outwork anyone.
If you are determined enough, you can outwork anyone.
That's what I suggest you do too.
All you need is just 20 hours of practice.
3 hours everyday, and within a week you are an expert presenter.
And when the time comes for your job interview, you will shine like a diamond.
Alright, this topic is over.
Let's move on to the next.
Again, please feel free to take a break and leave a comment down below.
let's now talk about a mathematical impossibility; Your online applications do not matter.
It won't matter.
It won't be seen, it won't evaluated nor will it be considered.
All that time you spent preparing your CV, cover letter, 99.9% of the time it was just
a waste of time.
Before, you get annoyed with me, let me give you 2 inputs; ok?
Input Number 1; Firms like PwC Consulting, in Dubai only,
which is where I currently work, receive sometimes up to 2,000 applications a day.
PwC London or PwC New York receive up to 10 times of this figure per day.
That's an unfathomable number.
Input Number 2; Analyzing a CV properly, can take up to 5 minutes.
This includes; looking for related experience, and then separating the good ones from the
bad ones, identifying BS, and then categorizing and archiving the whole thing.
It's about 5 minutes.
Inputs are over.
Now, let's look at the analysis; There are 480 minutes of work available per
So, that means 1 person can analyze Maximum of 96 CVs per day if they do nothing else.
This means, we would need 21 DEDICATED HR members to analyze 2,000 applications per
So far so good?
The math is very clear on this.
So, I have a question for you now, can you guess how many dedicated recruitment guys
we have?
I mean based on the math, it's gotta be at least 21 right?
But maybe 30?
Or 50?
Well, we only have four!
Not 21 only 4.
Then I checked with our New York office and it was also an incredibly low number.
And these people also conduct prescreening interviews, and they do staff planning, so
their time isn't even entirely dedicated on sorting out the resumes.
So, If all of them, all of them, were working on processing and evaluating the resumes,
then it would take them 1 whole week to read through 1 day's worth of applications.
This is the definition of a mathematical impossibility.
But, I can hear you saying “there is a computer software for this purpose which will go through
CVs based on certain keywords”.
I can assure you that we don't rely on that sort of software, Nooo and I know for a fact
that most other big firms don't either.
That kind of software is primarily used by job boards like Monster.com but not by employers.
Or maybe you are now thinking that it must be just PwC Consulting
In preparation for this masterclass, I called everyone, I called all the major retail firms,
commercial banks, investment banks, large multinational beverage firms through my close
friends who are in senior roles, and it's exactly the same situation.
They don't have sufficient personnel to handle the incoming resumes.
So, the resumes are not even read.
Now you know for a fact that if you apply at company websites or mass recruitment sites
like Monster.com and its derivatives, the most likely outcome is that you will never
hear from the hiring manager.
So, don't you go about complaining that you got a rejection
on your online job application.
Instead, you should be complaining about the fact that you even tried online job boards…
To make matters worse, there is also whole thing about the fake jobs that I don't want
to get in to now.
So, now you know that you are not to be wasting your time with online applciations;
But then, what to do?
If I shouldn't apply to online job boards, or employers' own websites, what do I do?
How do I get a job?
YOU join LIG…
Ah, this was soo cheesy.
But, we have concluded the masterclass, I
have delivered on my promise, and hopefully you learned something new.
Now, it's your turn to deliver on your promise, and listen to me just for 5 minutes so I can
present you LIG and show you how YOU CAN get the job you deserve.
Cool Now, this ties me to the final topic of this
Which is my LIG Course.
I am not saying because it's my program, but LIG is awesome.
It's already on its 6th version.
The program just overdelivers.
It simply works.
As long as you are willing to take action, then the exclusive strategies you learn at
LIG will definitely work and will get you those interviews with multinational companies.
It just works.
So the core training takes you through literally everything you need to know to get interviews
with multinational companies from A to Z.
I'll show the strategies to position yourself strategically in front of hiring managers
who are at that time looking for talents like you in their teams, I'll show the importance
of supply of roles and how that can either kill your application or increase your chances
dramatically, I'll show which tools to use and how to make your approach.
I will share with you examples and sample letters that you can just copy paste.
Basically, this training is a complete turnkey solution to get those jobs with multinational
So, as a result, when you take action in the right direction, it won't take you too long
to start getting interviews with multinational companies.
It will work for you.
And when you do, you will perform significantly better in those interviews because you will
not be nervous.
On the contrary, you will be very confident interviews because of what you learn in my
special module called Interview Confidence Mastery.
Look, I really hate pitching how great my course is.
I really do.
I believe a good product or service sells itself.
In fact, out of 1000 plus LIG participants so far, over 200 of them actually came from
referrals of previous students who referred the program to their friends and family.
That alone should tell you the power of my course in changing people's lives.
Those people who joined LIG for the price of a nice dinner are now making 6 figure salaries
and working for the greatest companies in the world, such as; Google, McKinsey, PwC,
Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, Philipps.
So, it will work for you whether you are looking to open more doors, get more interviews with
hiring managers, or simply want to learn how to be confident in the interviews.
It will work for you whether you are 22 years old or 52 years old.
It will work for you whether you are an accountant or a chemist.
So, when you come to think of it; LIG is a miniscule investment compared to what you
get in return.
It's ridicoulous that I am giving it away at this price.
It's the cost of a nice dinner.
I could have easily charged USD 2,000 for the course because that's how much its worth,
but then if I do that, I wouldn't really be reaching out to all of you..
In fact, when we launched LIG last year, the pricing was very high.
It was in 4 figures.
Thousand plus.
And from a business perspective, it was incredibly profitable at that price point.
It was the best time for me from a financial stand point.
I was rich!
But then after 6 months at that high price, selling maybe 30 copies a month, I really
didn't enjoy the fact that my reach was very limited.
I couldn't help more people.
So, I did something very radical reduced the cost down to a totally ridicolous level.
But having said this, I am still evaluating various price points like 499, or maybe back
up to 1,200 by the second half of this year.
Forget about the price, But look at the value… that if you can find your 6 figure job within
1 month instead of 4 months because of the methodology you received in my course, or
pass that interview because you are no longer nervous and that you are confident, what would
be the value of it?
Wouldn't it be worth as much as 3 months salary?
A median salary of USD 5,000 per month, wouldn't it be worth of USD 15,000 value?
It would.
And that's how much LIG is worth.
I am only giving it away at this price because I want to reach each and everyone of you and
create a large following of people.
So, that opportunity cost that I create by giving it away at this low price is an investment
for my branding for future.
So, let me just talk about the process, once you click the ENROLL button below you will
be directed to the registration page.
And in there, just click the registration button and then the payment processor ClickBank
will take your payment details in a secure page.
Once the payment is completed, then you will register to LIG with your email address.
Once you are done with the registration, you will have direct access to the course page
where there is over 1000 participants in there, going through the exact same material, and
progressing towards getting the jobs they deserve.
Do not procrastinate on this.
There is a penalty for procrastination.
The penalty is the loss of your hopes and dreams.
Every minute you waste being unemployed or underemployed, you get closer to becoming
unemployable and somebody else snatches that vacancy out of your hands.
So, do something about it.
I'll see you inside;